Okay, this is my idea of the ending for the TS. Things can be changed to add some more detail. I mostly stuck with Radik, Shanadar, and Wizard, because I know them best and know generally how they'd react to some things. The end of the post seems kinda weak and critique of this entire thing would be welcome.
This isn't how the TS has to end, merely a suggestion. But the flow of the TS seems like it should end in about one or two posts, otherwise it'll have the feeling of dragging on too long, at least from my point of view.
Edit: I realize that this doesn't address the guy following Shanadar, or how the group gets home, as far as that goes, i'd suggest whoever would post next, (which probably would be Selax or Wizard as tradition shows) would wrap those loose ends up in a way that'd be better than me.
So, without further ado, I give to you, Cytheran citizens, my humble suggestion:
Radik noticed that his left leg was starting to cramp from the constant running, and noticed not only his pace slowing, but the groups as well. This time, it wasn't due to any one person slower than the whole, but of fatigue. The fact that the party had been running for this long without anyone tripping, fainting or just collapsing was a testament to the will of the adventures.
He started glancing at Wizard more and more, as the old fellow was running out of physical strength. While Radik was watching Wizard, his right foot landed on a group of small loose rocks and his right leg slid forward. Quickly, Radik shifted Chyrothemis's weight onto his right arm, and pushed off the wall with his left hand. Using his forward momentum and the wall, he was able to lean forward and bring his right leg back down, and continue in stride.
For some reason, Radik blocked everything out and listened to the rocks bounce down the tunnel ahead. Click.... Click.... Click... Splash... It took Radik a few moments to make the connection of the watery termination to the bouncing rock. Splash... Wait... Water, Oh Crap! Well the wall was warm, and not cold... so we're getting very close to the lava so.. the water that is a head is likely a small pool, nothing more...
With Chrysothemis's weight still mostly on his right arm, Radik winced as his right leg hit the ground again, and he knew he had pulled some muscle in his leg. He guessed he'd be able to keep up with the group's pace for about another 30 seconds before the pain would spread and he'd be forced to limp. Since no one else had either noticed or mentioned anything about the splash, he reached behind him, to his belt where a wooden bottle hung.
He unhooked the bottle, brought it around to his face where he popped the cork out with his teeth, and took a whiff. He shook his head as his nose burned from deeply inhaling the smell of Ale. Wizard noticed what Radik was generally doing and proceeded to ask him...
W: What are you trying to do? Drink at a time like this?
R: There is some water ahead, I don't know how big. I can't keep running after that slip. I can buy you some time to get to the lava, It should be close by, The walls are getting very warm. Wizard confirmed this when his foot touched the ground and some of the heat from the floor transfered through his shoe onto his foot. Keep running, don't stop till you get to the lava, and then throw him in there.
As Wizard begun to protest, Radik turned, tossed Chrysothemis a little bit into the air, and she fell into Rapierian's arms. The two were suprised and before either could complain about the sudden arrangement, Radik stopped and said as the group started to slow down, "Keep running, follow Wizard's lead. We don't have time to argue!"
-- A few minutes earlier... --
Shanadar came running into the Time cavern to discover Silver hanging upside down (like usual), Yomu and Cyrus. Yomu stood up to greet Shanadar and held up the crown in a triumphant 'Look what I found!'. After a very (very) short talk between the four, Shanadar grabbed the crown and ran down a side tunnel as Yomu and Silver helped Cyrus out of sight from Shanadar's pursuer.
-- A few minutes ahead of previous events... --
Shanadar quickly darted from one tunnel branch into another and slowed down before he fell off the end of his tunnel into another one. He quickly turned around, lowered himself and dropped silently and painlessly a few feet into this new tunnel and took off towards the warmer end.
As he was running, he saw a bright burst of light and two figures came into view. One, being the wielder of the object causing the light, and the second was semi-transparent...
--Just before that... --
Radik pulled out his claymore, close his eyes, then poured his ale over his blade. Rapierian, per Radik's instructions from Wizard, tossed a potion towards Radik. Radik caught it and heard a faint comment that the necromancer simply couldn't resist. He smiled as the words, "Greek fire, at least I think it is..." drifted down the tunnel to Radik. We hope it is, Radik corrected..
He turned to face the Undine's assassin, who slowed a little bit. Radik struck his claymore against the wall, and the ale lit instantly. The assassin, being caught off guard by this, attempted to stop running, but Radik stepped forward and swung out, halving the being of water.
The assassin reconnected itself as the blade cut through it, but some water turned to steam as the flame ripped through him. While still not yet fully recovered from the flaming claymore surprise, Radik stepped forward again, bring his sword down, cutting the elemental from it's right 'shoulder' to the left edge of its 'waist'.
The elemental finally recovered from the turn of events, and 'drew' its own weapon and parried Radik's next swing. As the elemental drew its other sword, Radik was forced to turn his swings into defensive ones. Radik smiled, because he now had (hopefully) bought the party enough time to reach the lava before the Assassin would be able to catch up. As he was being pushed backwards more and more with the swings hitting harder, his foot splashed into the puddle of water.
Radik chanced a glance to see how big the water was, and discovered that it was just that, a pool of water. It was roughly have the width of the tunnel and only ran on for a few feet. With the lightning conditions and not being able to look for too long, Radik was unable to see just how deep. The assassin smiled now, and pushed Radik back harder. Radik stumbled, but forced his defensive swing to push the elemental into the water and him out of it.
The Elemental regained its former strength from the aid of the pool, and its next attack sent Radik stumbling backwards, but this time he wasn't able to say on his feet. His claymore lay at his side, and the assassin stabbed Radik in the right leg before he could grab his sword and counter. He let out a brief scream of pain, and looked directly into the elementals eyes, or at least where they were supposed to be.
Radik dropped the claymore, agreeing to this fate. He was exhausted, most of his reserve energy had been used, and now wounded. The elemental withdrew its blade from his leg and lifted its arm back to pierce Radik's chest to end this distraction quickly.
As the weapon moved forward, a bolt went ripping through the elemental's torso. The elemental looked back down the tunnel to see Shanadar come running forward and disconnect its legs with a swipe of his staff. As the Elemental regrouped, Shanadar pulled Radik up, and started to help him limp down the tunnel after the party.
Radik pulled out the potion Rapierian had tossed him, and threw it at the feet of the Elemental. A small explosion spread out, catching the bottom of the elemental on fire, and igniting the previously undisturbed layer of ale that had been on the pond. The elemental screamed in pain as the greek fire proceeded to ignite the ale that it had absorbed as well.
Radik continued to hop after Shanadar, "You just had to make a dramatic entrance, didn't you?" The two enjoyed a quick chuckle as Shanadar helped Radik almost run down the tunnel. "You wouldn't happen to have any ale, would you?" Shanadar gave him a look of, 'I got better, but at a time like this?' and Radik returned with a look of 'I just got stabbed in the leg, now give me some alcohol'.
He quickly gave Radik a small container, and watched as Radik chugged it, shook a little violent, and had to stop moving as he regained control. When Radik looked up, he saw the enforcer give him a look of, 'Told ya', and to the 44 year olds surprise, got up and started running down the tunnel. Shanadar caught up to him a few moments later, and as they rounded a curve in the lava tube, they saw light.
Radik was grinning as they saw the party near the source of it, and felt an immense amount of temperature difference. The party had made it to the lava, Radik's plan worked. A scream of rage and fading pain echoed down the tunnel after the two and Radik forced his very badly injured, but mostly numb leg to run faster...
The party, now reunited, minus Yomu, Cyrus, and Silver, slowed down as they exited the tunnel and onto a ledge before a vast opening. The ledge spread out, and towered above the lava. Shanadar and Wizard had a quick mental discussion about a plan. The two nodded and Wizard motioned for the group to follow him. They moved at fast, but not running pace along the wall of the vast opening.
Radik ripped part of his, already, ripped shirt and tied it over the gash in his leg. He limped close to the edge, looking down into the churning pit. He turned around as the elemental came running out of the tunnel. It locked eyes with Radik and drew its weapon, charging the injured-slightly drunk- human. Radik countered the blow, and fought such that the elemental's back was towards the end of the ledge.
Radik was quickly over powered and fell to his knee. The elemental, forgetting its target, wanted revenge for the pain the human had caused him and punched Radik, who then fell backwards and rolled some distance away. The assassin gave a triumphant yell, as Radik got onto his hands and knees and spat out blood.
The elemental took one step, then stopped. It couldn't move. It looked towards the concentrating Wizard and was about to break the spell, but a golden crown came whirling from Shanadar's hand and pierced the elemental. The assassin became less transparent and looked in horror as Wizard sent one of Shanadar's explosives hurling to a few feet in front of him.
Radik stood up and made a rude gesture towards the assassin right before the explosion went off. The edge of the ledge split off from the shock wave and went crumbling down into the churning lava. Radik, and the party shielded their eyes from the debris. The party moved back to the ledge, and Radik collapsed.
Wizard and Rapierian walked to the end of the shattered rock ledge and looked down and watched the edge and the elemental disappear below the surface of the lava. No steam rose, and Wizard smiled. The party regrouped with Yomu, Cyrus, and Silver back in the time cavern and discussed their options on how to return home, while Cyrus and Radik remained unconscious, but with their wounds healing with the aid of good old magic.
This post has been edited by Dark Jet: 15 November 2008 - 04:04 PM