A lot of games don't run that well in Classic, Cythera among them. News on Cythera X has been silent for some time now, and with the transition to Classic-less Intel Macs, one begins to wonder how we're going to play Cythera at all in the near future. Don't get me wrong, I'm still hoping for Cythera X as much as everyone else, but until its release, it'd be nice to have at least a workable solution for playing Cythera now.
So Selax and I looked into a couple of emulators. We decided to try Sheepshaver based on this topic on Ferazel's boards.
In our case, we installed Mac OS 8.5, and I am very pleased to announce that it runs Cythera brilliantly! At least on our PPC Mac. I have not personally tried it on an Intel Mac, but reports from cache_22 indicate that it works well on Intel!
Note: There are a couple of crashes that we experienced, particularly in dialogue, but they don't seem to occur if you don't let the game switch to 256 colors. I have no idea why, but after telling the game to "Run slower," we have experienced no more problems.
The Directions:
All right. So you're wondering: "Sounds fun, but how do I make this whole 'Sheepshaver' thing work? I hope I get a foreign language credit for doing this. . ." Well, don't panic; it's actually not that hard.
I want to give a huge, major thanks to Sinclair44 for his original directions!!!! They provided the inspiration for this topic. You can see his topic here
For setting up SheepShaver, I'm now going to link to this Emaculation guide. Emaculation keeps the most up-to-date steps for configuring SheepShaver, as well as additional guides for Windows and Linux users.
After completing the process of configuring SheepShaver, getting Cythera set up is easy.
- For those with a CD containing Cythera, you can use the CD to install it into SheepShaver. In this case, you don't need to follow any of the other steps.
- Otherwise, download the Cythera Installer from Cythera's page.
- If you followed the Emaculation steps for setting up SheepShaver, you should have a Shared folder (identified as "Unix" in SheepShaver) which allows file transfer between Mac OS X and SheepShaver. Place the installer there.
- From inside SheepShaver, copy the installer to your main hard disk; installers do not always run from the Unix volume, although some might.
- Run the installer, and that's it!
- Alternatively, if you set up your SheepShaver for internet connectivity, then you could have downloaded the installer directly in SheepShaver and run it from there.
I'd also like to reiterate the above note that Cythera works best when told to switch to 256 colors!
Well, there you have it. If you have a specific question or are stuck on a specific number, just ask.
And, thanks to Avatara, here's a screenshot of Cythera in action:
Mage_End.png (315.48K)
Number of downloads: 197
This post has been edited by The Wizard: 31 March 2012 - 04:23 PM