Posted 15 February 2004 - 12:55 PM
Of course, in my case there are different situations. There are those of the teenage heart, and there are those of the family heart.
My teenage heart hadn't even grown into a full blown teenage heart yet. I was in sixth grade. A little young to know if you're in love, but I was. I asked my mom how you know you really love a person, enough to marry them, and be with them forever. How do you know if they are seriously in love with you back? Well, she said about 4 times minimum. And I know that means that love where you would die for a person, do anything for them, share every moment with them you could possibly spend. Well, there was a boy, and our faimilies were/are very close friends. We met at a private school, my first year there, and I was scared, but he sat next to me, spent all of recess with me, every day. We wo7uld talk about country music, and videogames. I of course, being the girl that I am. Came to have a crush on the boy. He did too, so in the 2nd month I'd say, he asked me out. I was on cloud 9. You know how that is. We ended up going out for two years. Incredible. I loved that boy so much. We did everything together. Movies, casino arcades heh, parks, golf, everything. I thought I was going to marry him. But, in seventh grade, he out of nowhere broke up with me. I couldn't understand why. We were so happy. My mom teaches violin, and teaches his sister. So his sister came over, and started talking to my mom about his new girlfriend. I overheard, and the one thing that I overheard that I shouldn't was that it was my best friend that he "left me" for. I being only in 7th grade, ripped out my bike, rode around the neighborhood, barely missing fences and trees due to the uncannily teary eyes. I cried myself to sleep too many night. And I had a crush on him 2 more years after that. And, then at my new high school, everything changed. And I met a new boy. This boy I loved just as much. He made me think that he liked me too, complements all around, flirting all over the place. I now realize he was probably just being nice. But when I finally got the nerve up to ask him out, all the love I had for him was shut down. Just like the California blackouts. Shut down. I cried and cried and cried. So, so far I have had my heart broken twice. and I don't want to wait around to have it broken 3 more times before I can find that right person who will love me, and show it in the same way I will.
It's hard to explain what you think is love, but I know some of you have been there, and truly know what I'm talking about.
My Grandma was born blind, so was my dad, so was my sister, and so was I. We all have/had congenital cateracts. Medicine has come so far that from the time my grandma got diagnosed, there was nothing, and now at my time there was plenty to be done. When they did my 17 surgeries, everything went well. But in the case of my sister, she was born 2 months premature, so when she was born with it, there was nothing they could do. My parents had to sit there and watch her eyesight fly away. And never come back. We've thought of having more surgeries, eye, none of that will ever work. Her brain would reject anything. Now, her retina's become detatched. And she had surgery on that, all of the scar tissue built up from her first surgeries interfered with the newest one. The doctor was only able to save 25% of her retina. Her iris is stuck open, so she's always squinting. They can't give her anything for it, can't do surgery. She won't be able to drive. She has been the everlasting source of ridicule and entertainment for the kids at school. She's not respected, she a "freak". She has a few church friends, but no true friends. She has one, that she thinks is. But she's not. I know she was right in there making fun of her with everyone else. I can't express how important it is to not ridicule people because they're different. It causes so much pain. In incredible amounts. She's threatened to kill herself before. Because the kids were so cruel to her. Live and learn I suppose.
Fathers be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
Whatever happens..happens.