This is the basis for this thread:
The challenge given is essentially to write in your own way (and perhaps with some restrictions) about either a very specific event, perhaps a general idea, or perhaps just to use certain characters. Responses may vary in size from one post to a story. This is probably a poor explanation but I hope that I may improve by giving responses to specific questions; for now, I shall give two examples.
As those of you who have been watching the other thread are aware, I thought of the possibility of doing something with cache22's organizations: the Blade and the Dragon; cache has kindly given his consent to this idea. Since they are his groups, I think it best that everyone follow whatever rules that he gives concerning this challenge—the main requirement is that both groups must remain secret at the end of each challenge. This is the information on those two groups, and it might be helpful to read the chronicle "Dark Legacy." (I can give a link to this if you wish.)
Answers to this challenge must be posted on the Cythera Chronicles Board, although links to them may be posted here.
Write a short story (preferably at least 200 words although I won't be counting so it wouldn't matter) concerning the manipulations of either the Blade or the Dragon (or both) in Cythera.
Both groups must remain secret and their identities unknown at the end of the chron.
There must be at least one mage from the Cythera game involved or mentioned somewhere in the story.
These words must be used in the story: balance, elements, Alaric
Set at least 20 to 25 years after 'Ruffian Encampment', following the events of 'Dark Legacy'
The Dragon must be remain more secret and unknown than the Blade—the Blade itself must know almost nothing about the Dragon.
This was typed up in something of a hurry, so if anyone has any questions or something is unclear please feel free to ask me and I will do my best to answer or explain.
This post has been edited by Selax: 18 December 2006 - 05:21 PM