Hey Pufer
Posted 11 June 2009 - 01:47 AM
One where I get paid a lot to do nothing in particular. Few hundred thousand a year to only show up when I want to, research ridiculous bullcrap with no deadlines, surf the web, and talk to people. Basically, senior partner emeritus at a big law firm.
If I had a billion dollar trust fund or something, I'd probably open a used bookstore that keeps irregular business hours, maybe teach a couple classes in philosophical ethics at the local college.
I don't see what's stopping you.
He's a guy who, apparently, someone who is applying for a job with darwinian's good lady knows. He's also a member of these here boards.

This post has been edited by Pufer: 11 June 2009 - 01:47 AM
Posted 16 June 2009 - 02:59 AM
Respectively: EV Nova; it depends, I probably post more here these days, but I still consider myself a dual-citizen; yes.
Posted 17 June 2009 - 02:49 AM
1. Doctor Who
2. Jericho
3. Star Trek: Voyager
Posted 17 June 2009 - 02:53 AM
SENSES: Foolish intellect! Do you seek to overthrow us, while it is from us that you take your evidence?
Posted 17 June 2009 - 01:13 PM
Jacques Derrida, "Signature Event Context"
Posted 17 June 2009 - 01:49 PM
Oh yes, naturally, I meant all-time.
What do you want done with your remains after you die?
Please don't write out of the space.
EV Banter and Brawl Director of Waste Management
Posted 18 June 2009 - 01:41 AM
I'm probably not going to give away personal identifying info about me or others (social security numbers, others' last names, etc.), and I can't answer too many questions about my current job (confidentiality and privilege concerns) or my last job (national security concerns). Anything beyond that, I'll call them like I see them.
She didn't even show up until the fourth season. That said, her arrival did substantially improve the show.
If I drop dead in the next few years, I want to be disposed of in the cheapest manner possible. Cremate me in a big sack or something and dump my ashes someplace nice.
If I have some money to completely offset the cost of my own disposal, I'd probably prefer a big funeral pyre or something like that. Maybe being dipped in liquid nitrogen and dropped from a helicopter to shatter down below someplace.
Posted 19 June 2009 - 09:55 AM
Posted 21 June 2009 - 02:49 AM
How's your love life?
Not setting the world on fire, at the moment. I got a few things working against me.
1. This isn't my town and I know nothing but law students. This is fine during the school year when none of us have any time and are drunk and sleeping around whenever we do have time, but summer comes and everyone is either off someplace else working, or is starving to death and unable to do or go anywhere. As such, I don't know anyone to go out with, and nobody is really doing anything whereby I could run into anyone to go out with.
2. I could meet women at work, but I work in downtown Denver, which is an hour's bus ride away. Any women I meet generally live even farther away. Logistics.
3. I take express commuter busses, which are coaches (so you're not facing anyone), and are expensive (nobody can afford them but middle-aged commuters). Nobody to meet on the bus.
4. I generally dislike going out to loud bars and picking up stupid women (mainly because I dislike both loud bars and stupid women). Boulder is a town full of loud bars and stupid women (or quiet bars full of guys). Denver is too far away, and I don't know where I'd go anyway to not end up at a loud bar. Louisville is full of nothing but upper-management types at tech companies and their young kids.
5. There are nowhere near enough lovely young PhD candidates with incredible bodies and full-sleeve tattoos who don't wear makeup or want to worry too much about shaving their legs (which is the demographic I'm aiming at, which also happens to be a demographic that is disproportionately interested in bearded law students who have nice apartments and giant beds, and also don't care if they don't shave their legs or wear makeup).
6. I only ever really end up involved with women through very strange avenues anyway, so none of the above are necessarily much of a detriment. I apparently just haven't been cruising strange enough avenues lately.
I don't give a s### about the environmental impact, I'm all about ease of setup and how fast one can get cooking. Nothing simpler than turning a knob and pushing a button on a propane grill. If you need your grill to add flavor to your food, you suck at properly marinating and/or otherwise seasoning it.
Posted 21 June 2009 - 07:03 AM
This just made my day. Thank you.
On a second thought, I thought the first thing girls/women (as in ones you'd like) look for in a guy is a sense of humour confidence...
Now you come across as a well spoken/confident person with a good sense of humour, surely women should be falling in your lap (especially if you trip them)...
What I'm asking is do I have a chance with you if I get a sex change and keep not shaving?

Posted 22 June 2009 - 01:32 AM

If they want to get some Pufer, transsexuals will probably have to shave. That said, if you were reasonably good looking, I'd probably do you just to be able to say that I'd had sex with a woman who'd had a sex change operation.
I should probably clarify as well. I don't have any type of fuzzy woman fetish; all else being equal, I'd probably prefer a woman who is devoid of fur. That said, my only actual requirement as far as that goes is probably a lack of facial hair. If I'm into you, you probably don't have to go through excessive amounts of preening to either get or keep me. Shower regularly + brush teeth = all I generally require from a woman I'm with. If she feels comfortable shuffling around town looking some way, that's all I'm particularly interested in. I've never felt any particular need to keep up appearances.
Indeed, if a woman looks like she's wearing what she's wearing because it's comfy instead of particularly stylish and is good looking yet looks like she didn't put any particular effort into getting ready to go out beyond making sure she's clean, that's the woman I'm probably introducing myself to. Here's an example:

That's Katherine Heigl from one of those "celebrities without makeup" lineups. That was a rather poorly timed shot (hence why it's in those varieties of lineups), but I'm still inclined to think she's more attractive in the picture to the left. If she's looking like that while wearing a t-shirt and comfy jeans, I'm probably going to go talk to her if I see her. Indeed, if a friend and I were walking towards two Katherine Heigls, one looking like the picture to the left up above, and the other looking like this:

I'm calling the one without the makeup 100% of the time.
Posted 22 June 2009 - 11:04 AM
Wait... all those three are the same person?
Who the hell do you brag to about doing a sex-change person?
This is on the basis that if the person you told was:
Small minded: "you f'ed a guy you fag!"
Open minded: "So you've screwed another woman... and?"
Actually I wouldn't know how I'd respond to someone telling me they've had a sex change (in or out of a relationship).
Like Applelove for example. She looks very attractive, yet she used to be a guy (and still fancies girls). I find the whole thing erm fascinating (without meaning to sound patronising). If I've gone out with a girl(/guy) and I like her(/him) and they told me about their operation, I really don't know what I'd do.
I'd like to say it wouldn't matter and I'm open minded to accept who ever I fall for for who they are, looks and body come second.
I'd like to say that, but I'll never know until I'm in that situation.
So, another question: Is there anyone you couldn't fall in love with?
Posted 22 June 2009 - 11:39 AM
Posted 22 June 2009 - 12:33 PM
I know I could go to some website, but I'd like your spin on it