I've read some of the others, and decided to use the same sort of format

. BTW, thanks alot for bumping this topic Cache, I appreciate it.
Name: Dusk
Status: Currently living on Roughs Point.
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Race: Unknown, human in appearance though
Occupation: Clearing land for his house, but soldier in his past life
Phsyical Appearance: Dusk is a tallish man, appearing to be in his early to mid thirties. He has reasonbly short dark hair with a mind of it's own, tending to stick up in odd places no matter how much combing or washing Dusk does. Dusk is generally unshaven, leaving a darkish stubble and sometimes small beard about his mouth and chin. He is muscular, but not overly so, being of fairly slender build.
Equipment: Dusk has alot of equipment from his past life, which he carried with him through the Rift. I will describe them in detail.
Bio-Blade- Dusks sword is a relic from a great war fought in his other life. The sword is nothing but a hilt to start off with, plain in colour, a sort of gray, with a dullish red patch to one side. When fingers are placed on this patch, and Dusk thinks or says the name of his sword (Dusk) the blade springs to life with an odd tearing noise. The blade itself is black, yet slightly translucent. Its surface seems to crawl with tiny insects, as if a rough sea danced across it. The blade is not straight, like that of a broad sword, but more bent, like a scimatar. The blade is not only resharpened every time it is activated, but it also bears sevral nasty bacteria, that, when in contact with something, spring to life, leaving a pusy, festering wound that will slowly sap life out of the victim. Even the smallest nick from a bio-blade is usually fatal, unless medical help is found in the way of herb or potions. Healing magic often cures it also.
Kevlar Shrapnel Helmet Mark 4- The helmet that Dusk wears is also from the great war. It is (in look) a lot like the modern combat helmets of today. The helmet is comprised out of a super strong, but light aloy. The Kevlar that coats it can deflect most blows, or turn a usually deadly strike into a merely damaging glancing blow.
The helmet also (like all Dusk's equipment) has the ability to seal any minor cuts and cracks within about a week. This gives the illusion that the helmet itself is fairly new. It is also capable of changing its colour somewhat, like that of a chameoleon. This gives the apearance, from a distance, of dark shadows or slightly moving leaves.
Trench Coat- This strange peice of clothing is revolutionary new item for the combat field. Its materiel provides elemental proctection, and never shows wear or tear. It too, has the strange ability to deflect blows somewhat. Although not providing nearly as much protection as a regular armour peice, the coat is a lot lighter and also posses the same chameoleonic quailty as Dusks helmet.
Standard issue Combat boots- These boots are nothing speicial, water proof, fire retardent, almost indestructable. Without feet you can't fight. Without feet you can't run, but who'd want to run anyway? Or so says the motto on the bottom.
Platinum ring- This ring is worn more as a heirloom, then for any particly functional reason. The platinum/titanium aloy makes this ring both immensly strong, as well as quite pretty. The ring itsef is stuck on Dusks hand due to being crushed in a hydraulic door. Dusks ring held the door open long enough to slip a small explosive charge out, destroying the hydraulics before the door could crush his finger completly. The ring bears a series of 16 numbers. This is to identify Dusk, and he had the numbers engraved upon joing the great war. During his first visit to the Land King, Alaric imbued the ring with the ability to transport Dusk to the Conjurers Triangle in the Land King hall, the ring has one charge of this spell, which can be recharged by King Alaric.
Identifing Scroll-This enchanted peice of parchement was given to Dusk by King Alaric. The scrolls purpose is to help Dusk identify items in the land of Cythera, as he is still new. To use the scroll, simply place the item in question on the bottom half of the parchment, and in a flowing, regal hand (probably Alari'cs himself) appears the name and a description of the item.
Well, that's all of Dusks equipment, well, all of it that's worth describing. Now for the history!
History: Dusks history is quite unique. He started his life as a pilot in the Army. He was eagerly training to become a commercial pilot when the Third World War broke out (this is on Earth). The Army already had a large supply of pilots, as it was considered the safest of all professions, so Dusk was shifted to the ground troops, where he served in the 12 year long campaign in Iraq.
The fighting was intense, and due to the U.N. weapons regulations 20 years before, all nuclear armaments and means to make them had long been destroyed. So nuclear combat was out of the question. Instead the war raged with biological agents taking the new role of weapons of mass destruction. All soldiers were issued with various gases and other weapons to aid in the attack, the bio-blade amoung them.
For 12 hard years the war stormed on. Trenches were no longer something you made, it was a strong hold, the safest place on the battle field. Commanders were instructed to compare trenches no matter what the cost. In the second great push (a large amount of troops moving up to capture new trenches) over 10,000 soldiers were killed in the capture of one trench.
The conflict was bloody, both sides pooring billions into defence funding. On the eve of christmas, in the 9th war year, the enemy made their own great push, capturing over 200 trneches in one night, from then on the battle went downhill for the U.N. The enemy bombed every major city ruthlessly, capturing only soldiers and world leaders.
At the end of the great war, the enemy arose victorious, leaving all others in ruins.
After they recovered from the war effort, Iraq and its allies began to discover odd properties in some items. One small nation managed to harness this power, and in doing so created the Rift.
As curious as they were, the allies did not send their own troops through the rift, instead, use to millions of P.O.W.'s that were held scattered thorugh out the world. Dusk was one of these men sent through the Rift, but the only one to arrive in Cythera. Due to the Rifts amazing properties, when Dusk arrived in Cythera, a past echo of himself also arrived, teaching him all the skills needed for survival in the strange new land. Soon after this echo dissapeared, leaving Dusk on his own, without memory of his previous life, and bearing only what he came with.
Well, I think that's it. If you've got any questions, please ask me. I had a lota fun writting all this.
I am but a shadow
[This message has been edited by dusk (edited 07-10-2003).]
“Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth..."