J.Ace21 sat up from the table he was at. He stretched his arms, put on his cloak and went outside to get some fresh air. The night was dark and the stars glittered in the night sky. J.Ace21 thought that he saw his friend Rogar in the form of a falcon but realized that he'd be off with ferazel looking for the Crolna. J.Ace21 sighed as he thought of the days that he had been off adventuring. 'If only I were an elf like Rogar' J.Ace21 thought to himself with a smile.
J.Ace21 went out of the city toward the mouth of the river, supposedly where the founders of Cademia started the now great city. Suddenly he saw a blur as a figure jump up temporarily obscuring the moonlight. Suddenly the figure bolted back down to the earth and before he knew it J.Ace21 felt a blade on his throat and the stench of poison filled his senses. 'err.. I'm getting too old!'
"Who are you?" J.Ace21 asked as he fingered his powerful dagger inside of his cloak.
"omaaewa darae!?[oh ma e wa da re - Who are you!?]" said the stranger.
J.Ace21 stood still, not understanding anything and realizing that this stranger could not understand him either. As a sign of piece J.Ace21 threw down his dagger. 'If he makes a move I'll just use my cloak and get back to the tavern for help' thought J.Ace21.
The stranger stared at the dagger and pulled down his weapon.
J.Ace21 picked his dagger off the ground and looked at the stranger. He was a medium sized man, about the same height as J.Ace21. He could see that the stranger didn't seem to be wearing any armor, none that reflected the moonlight like steel anyway. He saw a long narrow sheath sticking out behind of the stranger. But the thing that caught J.Ace21's eye was the weapon that he had felt so near his throat. A blade attached to the strangers wrist was glowing a pale green. 'the poison' J.Ace21 thought to himself.
"omaaewa Shinokensai" said the stranger, "Shinokensai" the stranger said once more very slowly while pointing to himself.
"oh," said J.Ace21 realizing that the stranger warrior, Shinokensai, was introducing himself and did said, "J.Ace21," in the same fashion.
J.Ace21 thought hard to himself and decided to take back this warrior to the tavern.
On entering the tavern alot of the people greeted the newcomer as they usually would until J.Ace21 explained that he could not understand their language.
"Here, I don't know you very well but I think you might be able to help this man. I think he says that his name is Shinokensai. I can't understand a thing he's saying but maybe you can," said J.Ace21 approaching theScribe.
"I am more fluent in writing, but yes, I will try," replied theScribe and the two sat down and theScribe attempted to translate what Shinokensai was saying.
theScribe obviously had not met one of Shinokensai's people because he seemed to not understand. He made a few comments that some of the words were similar to one of the ancient languages he knew but also said that the language was so old the meaning would probably be completely different in the newcomer's language.
Amidst all this chaos Shinokensai sat up, obviously with a new idea. He started to do a few incantations which made a few people go for their weapons and a few more start for the door but the chant ended quickly and a set of sparkling dots appeared in the sky. The dots came together to form a picture. It showed the head's of two people and two arrows pointing to the other from their heads.
At this time Avatara came to the group and he stared at Shinokensai and Shinokensai stared back. They stood like that for quite a long time and a few people lost interest and went back to their tables. But J.Ace21 and theScribe stayed and watched intently. After awhile Avatara and Shinokensai fell to their chairs looking exhausted.
"What did you do?" asked theScribe.
"Well I," started Avatara.
"He and I talked through mind," said Shinokensai to the surprise of many.
"He means that we communicated through mind-talk," said Avatara, "I tried to teach him as much as possible since mind-talk is alot quicker than conventional speech, but it is also very tiring and I must get some rest. To summarize about our new friend here, it seems that his people were somehow.. banished to Cythera as the original Cytherans were. He says he will take us to his people and their leader, Miromashi I believe, tomorrow. Until then why don't you guys talk with Shinokensai here. He could use some practice with his newly learned language and I think he'll be staying here for quite a long time."
Info on Shinokensai and some general ideas are in the Character Info thread. They are a kind of Japanese style people, because I'm trying to teach myself Japanese right now. They are the Higurashi and I have a few more characters in the making. Until they are finished Shinokensai will be the only person known to us all.
Some speculation on how the Higurashi got here is in the Character Info profile for Shinokensai which I believe is on the third page and is the latest entry.
Current Characters :
J.Ace21, Rogar, Shinokensa!
[This message has been edited by J.Ace21 (edited 01-27-2002).]