A rustling in the darkest corner of the tavern made people realize that there was still someone there. The cloaked man who'd walked in quite a while ago had all but disappeared into his surroundings. In a low voice, he swore. His arm, covered in a black sleeve, slid across the table, clearing it of an unconscious patron who had fallen onto his table. With a soft "whump" the body fell to the floor, and the mysterious man signalled the bartender for a drink. Just as when he had entered, the collective attention of the tavern fell on the stranger, who casually ignored the stares, and sunk back into the darkness.
The bartender indicated the ale was ready, and the stranger stepped out of the shadows. The patrons of the tavern finally got a good look at the mysterious figure. Yes, the person was still cloaked. Odd, yes, but the tavern had seen a few other passers-by who had the same clothing preference. A particularly hawk-eyed drunk even noted that the cloak was a bit scruffy. It was simply not the black clothing - but everything about the stranger emanated darkness. It seemed that even when walking in the light, the shadows followed him. Although his face was still unseen, some details emerged – “his” gender was still unclear, though many assumed it was a man. He was of average height, and he wore a hooded cape – not a cloak, as people initially had thought. It was worn well – so well that it was impossible to tell precisely what kind of footwear he was wearing, though it seemed to black leather boots of some sort. Indeed, this only added to the aura of mystery surrounding the stranger, as he made absolutely no sound as he walked. None. Upon reaching the bar, he stretched out his arm for the wooden glass, again revealing the black sleeve. Curious patrons also noted a fingerless leather glove, and the absence of any rings on the fingers. Upon taking the drink, the cloaked figure retreated back to the dark corner of the tavern, whose shadows eagerly swallowed him.
"Brevity is the soul of wit"...(yeah, right)
[This message has been edited by Light (edited 05-31-2002).]