A New Story
Posted 29 December 2000 - 07:45 PM
<font color="gold">Bronze: the other gold metal.</font>
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evo&category=guides&display=date&file=ChroniclesByJake101.sit.hqx"]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url], [url="http://"http://users.erols.com/alkrauss/Once_Again.html"]Once Again: on the web.[/url]
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evo&category=guides&display=date&file=ChroniclesByJake101.sit.hqx"]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].
Posted 29 December 2000 - 09:01 PM
"Hey guys. It's getting dark and we still don't have any provisions or shelter. Crysothemis would it be okay if we stayed here for the night? Since you won't have much we can help by hunting and fishing for food. And some of us know how to bake..."
The group split up into different groups and went out into the woods to hunt for food. Not knowing what they would find...
a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.
Posted 30 December 2000 - 12:24 PM
"Fish?! We don't know how to fish!" Moonshadow yelled at Rogan as soon as Chrysothemus entered the house."
"Come on" he responded, "How hard can it be?..."
Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!
Posted 30 December 2000 - 05:09 PM
Ferazel Rocks!
Cythera's 'Team Stories' Rock!
[This message has been edited by ferazel_09 (edited 12-30-2000).]
Posted 31 December 2000 - 08:23 AM
I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.
Posted 31 December 2000 - 09:00 AM
<font color="gold">Bronze: the other gold metal.</font> - - 2B| |!2B - More heartfelt C.
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evo&category=guides&display=date&file=ChroniclesByJake101.sit.hqx"]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url], [url="http://"http://users.erols.com/alkrauss/Once_Again.html"]Once Again: on the web.[/url]
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evo&category=guides&display=date&file=ChroniclesByJake101.sit.hqx"]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].
Posted 31 December 2000 - 04:49 PM
"Three?!" MacMan half shouted "In two days, only three fish?"
"Why else do you think I've been here two days?"
"Oh, boy" Moonshadow said under her breath.
"Rogan" J.Ace said, "why, exactly, did you say we knew how to fish? We have no clue how, and now Chrysothemis is expecting us to be able to catch them. What are we going to do?"
"Don't worry" he responded "I'm sure we'll think of something."
Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!
Posted 01 January 2001 - 05:00 AM

The others agreed and they walked along the shore for some time. On the way, Moonshadow told Ferazel what they had discovered.. "And now we're here, trying to catch fish for Chrysothemis" she finished and gave Rogan a sour look. "Well, I already have three fish, so if we catch a few more, we should have enough."
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them,
one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
J.R.R. Tolkien
Posted 01 January 2001 - 04:07 PM
"Look at all those fish!" J.Ace said.
"Yeah. Well Rogan," MacMan said, "it looks like you got yourself out of this one."
They then took out their poles and started fishing. After a short ammount of time, they had caught a large number of fish. As they were about to leave, however, a man came up to them. "You aren't from around here, are you?" he said.
Rogan responded, "Well, no. Why?"
"If you were, you would know that those fish feed of the poisonous seaweed just off the coast," the man responded.
"What's the significance of that?" MacMan asked.
"Ever heard the term, 'you are what you eat'?" he responded.
"Oh." MacMan said. "So what are ALL these fish good for?" he held up a string of several hundred small fish.
"Trash," he said. "unless of course you got one of those special potions from the mages. Creepy people, they are."
"What kind of special potion?" Moonshadow asked.
"You know, those purple ones in those little flasks. The ones only they can make. I still don't know how they do it." he replied
Rogan looked in his pouch for a second, and pulled out an antidote potion. "You mean one of these?" he asked.
"Yeah!" the man exclaimed. "Hey, you ain't one of them screwey mages are you?" he looked the whole party over. "You are! You are them damn mages!" He started running away from the party and the shore, inland.
"What was his problem?" MacMan asked.
"You must remember what year it is, MacMan. Mages weren't very welcome back then. But why would he be so afraid of us?"
Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!
Posted 02 January 2001 - 04:29 PM
I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.
Posted 03 January 2001 - 08:34 PM
"We out number them so we shouldn't have any problem" shouted J.Ace
but to the surprise of the group the small group of guards seemed to multiply until they filled their vision and said....
[This message has been edited by J.Ace21 (edited 01-22-2001).]
#40 Guest_Lindor_*
Posted 04 January 2001 - 01:34 PM
Lindor lead out a small group to find some wild animals. They silently slipped through the shady forest trees, and useing their bows, had managed to fell a few squirels. As they came into one clearing, though, a huge titan reared it's head up from the grasses. Lindor plugged an arrow into its side, but that only seemed to enrage the beast more.
Of course! This must be the time before titans and unicorns became so tame. Back in the regular time, no one had ever quite figured out why the animals weren't as nasty as various old writings had suggested they were.
As those thoughts wheeled through the group's heads, the titan started to charge full speed at them. And, apon hearing a fellow titan's anger, many others fell into stride beside it. It was a titan stampede!
Posted 05 January 2001 - 12:53 AM
"How did they do that!?" MacMan said confused and in panic.
"I...I don't know!" J.Ace responded.
"You're coming with us," one of the guards said.
Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!
Posted 05 January 2001 - 10:07 AM
Had those guards really managed to "replicated" themselves, or was it just a trick? "Better not count on it" she said. Unfortunatly, the guards mistook that for their answer ...
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them,
one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
J.R.R. Tolkien
Posted 06 January 2001 - 12:31 PM
Posted 06 January 2001 - 06:23 PM
how'd you know which ones were the originals???
----------Out of Character-----------
If we had been caught it would have been similar to the other story...
a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.
Posted 06 January 2001 - 07:12 PM
They say it's mostly vanity that writes the plays we act--
They tell me thats what everybody knows.
There's no such thing as sanity, and thats the sanest fact--
Thats the way the story goes...
Posted 07 January 2001 - 07:39 AM
Fanatic charged up a fire ball and Talos charged at incredible speed. J.Ace21 had his daggers buzzing around the titans like bees and Moonshadow started firing lightning bolts. Lindor was also firing various spells at the beasts but they still kept coming. The front line was now but 15 meters from them and the group was tiring fast.
"J.Ace21!" cried Moonshadow. "Remember back in the other dimension? The guards?"
As if he understood J.Ace started to charge a new spell... though with obvious discomfort at having to attempt such a dangerous spell(check [url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/ubb/postdisplay.cgi?forum=Forum5&topic=000604"]here[/url]).
The spell oblivion reached its peak and exploded. Ash was thrown everywhere. Sparks flied out like fireworks and the titans as well as the group were thrown up into the air. The titans were charred as soon as the spell had exploded but the group were okay.. until they would land on the ground. Suddenly the group stopped rising and started to fall. The ground came rushing up to greet them like a hammer fast... too fast. Talos suddenly pulled out a scroll from his pouch and quickly recited it. The group stopped for a second in the air about 2 feet above the ground and dropped.
As J.Ace got up brushing dirt off of himself he said
"Now what do we do? We burned all the game

[This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 01-08-2001).]
Posted 07 January 2001 - 10:25 AM
I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.
Posted 07 January 2001 - 04:14 PM
The rest of the group practically shuddered at this idea, remembering how they had had to live off of that spell. J.Ace replied to Talos, "How do we know Crysothemis isn't also hostile toward mages? There's no way to tell."
<font color="gold">Bronze: the other gold metal.</font> - - 2B| |!2B - More heartfelt C.
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evo&category=guides&display=date&file=ChroniclesByJake101.sit.hqx"]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url], [url="http://"http://users.erols.com/alkrauss/Once_Again.html"]Once Again: on the web.[/url]
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evo&category=guides&display=date&file=ChroniclesByJake101.sit.hqx"]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].
Posted 08 January 2001 - 03:04 PM
I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.