A New Story
Posted 02 December 2001 - 02:53 AM
"This is... unexpected! I suppose you'd better come with us, until we can sort this out."
Katerei nodded. "Better than staying here!"
The group moved back across the corridor, to the cell containing Alaric and his mother.
Kane stood in front of the door, and breathed deeply for a few moments. He drew his right arm back in a sweeping motion then, giving a loud cry, forcefully struck the plate of the lock.
There was a ringing, metallic cracking noise as the bolt broke cleanly in two, and the door swung gently open.
Rogan rushed into the cell. "Quickly, come with us!" he said to Crysothemis. The three of them moved quickly out into the corridor. Quinn quickly began to lead them down the corridor, hopefully towards an exit.
Katerei held Natasha back, until the others were almost out of earshot. "I'd like to know how you know me; I don't recognise you at all!"
Natasha looked up at her consideringly. "You may have noticed that you're not now in the same time period that you were. You're bound to see many things that appear on the surface to be paradoxical - this is one of them. I know you, but you, as yet, do not know who I am. Rest assured, that time will come."
Katerei nodded, and they hurried to catch up to the others.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 05 December 2001 - 06:06 PM
Quinn stopped short, peering around the corner. "There are perhaps twenty guards stationed at this exit, but it should still be the least guarded of them all." He turned to Moonshadow, with a twinkle in his eye. "Rather than fighting through them, why don't you sing them to sleep?"
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 05 December 2001 - 10:39 PM
"Don't forget, we have less than two hours..." Avatara grunted and headed back the direction they came. Rounding a corner, so as to avoid an audiance, he checked to make sure nobody was in sight, then cast the spell that would take him to the general area of the portal home.
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
[This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 12-05-2001).]
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
#104 Guest_Lindor_*
Posted 06 December 2001 - 03:21 PM
Snapping out of his trance, he glanced around at the questioning stares from the group. He looked towards Moonshadow in awe. "You can sing people to sleep? Not even my Elders had accomplished that. Would you care to now? We haven't the time for all these skirmishes."
Posted 06 December 2001 - 03:57 PM
Quinn smiled, but that didn't calm her at all. She shooed him away with a wave of her hand, steadying her breathing. If this was supposed to work, she'd have to be calm. She unstraped her harp from her back and played a few notes, already so entranced in what she was doing that she barely heard Lindor. Then she began to sing...
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
Posted 06 December 2001 - 09:09 PM
[Out of context ]
Ok, cache, I think I might have something. Water and communicating with animals are Katerei's strenghts, so what abut this: they get out of the castle, and they're taking Alaric and Crysothemis somewhere (don't know where?). They get stopped by an animal of sorts and it won't let them past. Katerei gets them past somehow or other, and they take Alaric and his mother to wherever they're going. Either that or they have to cross a river or something- I don't know.
Just some ideas, since Katerei has to do something. *shrugs*
[Back in context]
Vera avadon isma philandraon equinus. Alama quira opaliu tyvanon Elemeniya. Likiyre svanre tyu'aka. Likiyre tyu'aka.
But make your own path- and your footsteps will be recognized forever.
Posted 08 December 2001 - 01:21 AM
Quinn peered around the corner. Showing the utmost confidence, he stepped out into the open. "It's all clear. Come on!"
The group tentatively edged around the corner, each surprised at the sight of the slumbering sentries.
"One of these men must have the keys," Quinn commented.
They swiftly searched the sleeping forms. "Here they are," Ferazel said, jingling them in the air. He stepped over to the door and worked through the bunch, until the lock gave a satisfying 'click'. He pushed the door open, revealing the green of the jungle outside. Ferazel waved the group past, then turned to follow as the last one ran by.
He never saw the guard step round the corner behind him, and fire his crossbow.
Some distance away, the group finally stopped to rest. Sven arrived a couple of minutes later; he was carrying Ferazel's inert form in his arms; he ran up to Cassandra and laid Ferazel down.
"What happened?" Quinn exclaimed, as Cassandra bent to examine the bloody wound in Ferazel's back.
"Guard shot him," Sven replied. "Sven hit guard, brought Ferazel."
"Oh no," Cassandra exclaimed. "It's too late - I can't heal him!" The group looked at her in shocked silence.
"Then we've lost," Quinn said in a small voice. "If he doesn't go through the portal alive, then the energy drain will be too small. Cythera is finished!"
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 12-08-2001).]
Posted 08 December 2001 - 04:13 PM
She bent down next to him. Blood was seeping out onto the grass under him.
Warm tears tingled in her eyes. Memories were flooding back...Zrenner...her parents...the fire, oh, the fire was terrible, that was one of the worst parts...
Katerei shut her eyes. Her parents were dead, now Ferazel was too? Tears started flooding down her cheeks and she rested her head on Ferazel's chest. He couldn't die, she wasn't going to believe he was already dead. He couldn't be!
Then suddenly she sat up, completely unaware that everyone else was watching her. she was remembering something else. A long time ago, just after they had met...Ferazel was telling her about pheonixes. He had been studying some magical animals and their properties, and the pheonix was one of them.
Ferazel had mentioned something about them...oh, what was it? Their tears, something about their tears...
Yes! That was it! Pheonix tears had healing powers! Everything was coming back to her now. She had once seen a shaman summon a pheonix to heal a dying warrior. But how had he done it? It was a spell, in the language of the birds. How did it go again... "Rtereya, a'lina shkimia, rtereya a'lina," and then there was another line, and then the last one- "Quirniine, rtereya a'lina, Vakrlene! Rtereya!" Rtereya was the word for pheonix, she knew that for sure. The second line, something about the wind, "alka'liene, tyessia'aki'rean" and another word...was it rtereya or Vakrlene? No, it was both!
Katerei stood up and turned her face up to the sky. She lifted her hands, touched her left arm, then right, and her forehead- the sign of the pheonix. she shut her eyes and stood perfectly still for a moment, and then opened her eyes and shouted to the sky. 'Rtereya, a'lina shkimia, rtereya a'lina, alka'liene, tyessia'aki'rean rtereya Vakrlene, Quirniine, rtereya a'lina, Vakrlene! Rtereya!"
For a few seconds, nothing happened. Katerei stared at up at the sky, then back down at Ferazel, and up at the sky again. Had she said it wrong? Was it the wrong spell? Her breath caught in her throat.
Then a rushing sound filled their ears. Wind swirled around them, and a golden-red mist formed. It blocked their vision for a split second before it cleared, and a huge bird stood there. It had golden-red feathers, wickedly sharp talons, and black eyes.
The rest of the group took a step backwards. It was a rather fearsome sight, and of course they hadn't been expecting it, so Katerei really couldn't blame them.
The pheonix stood there gazing at the group solemnly. It showed no sign of surprise; rather, it seemed like it knew exactly why it was there. Yet it did nothing.
Katerei stepped forwards and repeated the sign of the pheonix, touching both her arms and then her forehead. The huge bird bowed its head, never taking its eyes off her. She stared back at it for a moment, and then began speaking rapidly in a language which nobody else could understand.
"Shikiya, amrae'takaya. Locusi a'rapi, philinia un'micia oreli?" she paused for a moment as the pheonix nodded its head, then she began speaking again. "Ay ciniso, ayta mexolana." Katerei gestured to Ferazel. "Un Ferazel, shimniya ilaya. Vevrune kithayas. Un'aca, zweshor?"
The pheonix turned to face Ferazel's limp body. His eyes were shining, and the others quickly realized that he was crying. The great bird fluttered oer next to Ferazel, and bowed his head. A single tear fell onto Ferazel.
The pheonix used his beak to nudge Ferazel over onto his back. More tears dripped onto the wound.
Katerei bit her lip. She had done what she could, but she was still worried.
Then, very slowly, so slow that you wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't been watching, the blood disappeared. The wound was healing. But was it too late? Nobody could tell yet.
Seconds passed. They only had so much time before the portal was going to close...
And then Ferazel rolled over. His eyes flickered open, and he stared up at the sky. Then he sat up, and stared at the group. "What on earth..." he muttered, and turned to Katerei. "What's wrong?" he said. For Katerei had started crying again.
She ran over to him, weeping. "Oh, you're still alive!" she exclaimed. "I thought it was going to be too late, but you're okay, you're still alive..." and she flung herself on him, sobbing.
Ferazel looked at everyone else over Katerei's shoulder. "What on earth is she talking about?" he asked, completely bemused.
A smile flickered across Quinn's face. "Don't ask," he replied. "Just one thing- you might have some trouble calming Katerei down."
And, even in the seriousness of the moment, the whole group burst out laughing at the irony of it all.
Vera avadon isma philandraon equinus. Alama quira opaliu tyvanon Elemeniya. Likiyre svanre tyu'aka. Likiyre tyu'aka.
But make your own path- and your footsteps will be recognized forever.
Posted 09 December 2001 - 03:08 AM
"Right," Slayer replied. "We still need to find somewhere that Crysothemis and Alaric will be safe from the Tyrant; anyone have any ideas?"
Ferazel looked up from trying to comfort Katerei. "What about Pnyx? The mages there managed to hide themselves through the whole era of the Tyrants."
"Of course, perfect!" Slayer exclaimed. "But how can we get them there in under ninety minutes?"
"Leave that to me," Ferazel replied. He stood up and helped Katerei to her feet, then moved to an open area. He spoke a few words, mad a small gesture, and a portal opened in front of him.
"There," he said, "that should do it."
"That leads to Pnyx?" Lindor asked, incredulously.
"It should," Ferazel replied. "It's a refinement I've been working on - being able to open a portal to any place you can visualise."
"I'm impressed!" Lindor said.
Quinn sidled surreptitiously over to Kline. "Did he get it right?" he murmured in Kline's ear.
"Seemed to," Kline replied quietly.
"OK, we'll just have to chance it."
Ferazel stepped through the portal, followed by Katerei.
"I really don't understand any of this," Crysothemis said, in a worried tone.
"You just have to trust us," Moonshadow said, moving closer and putting an arm around her shoulders. "We're going to take you somewhere that you'll both be safe."
Crysothemis nodded, although she still looked worried. Moonshadow guided her and Alaric to the portal.
One by one, the rest of the twenty-one people in the group stepped through the glowing disk.
The headmaster at Pnyx was reading quietly in his study, when a young mage burst through the door. "Sir, come quickly! Something odd is going on in the front hall!" Without waiting for a reply, the young man ran back out.
"Well, I suppose I'd better go and see what all the fuss is about," the elderly mage muttered as he levered himself up out of his chair.
He arrived at the scene just in time to see the last two people step out of the portal, and the glowing disk fade away behind them.
He shook his head in consternation. "My, my, my, what have we here?"
Slayer approached him and led him aside. "Headmaster, we need your help."
"We have a little under sixty minutes," Quinn said as the group regathered. "Lindor, it's time to use the disc."
Lindor nodded. Pulling the runed stone from his pocket, he began to activate the spell. "Everybody get closer, the spell has a limited range!"
As the group crowded toward Lindor, Quinn nodded slightly toward Kline, who nodded back. Quinn took hold of Moonshadow's arm, and spoke into her ear. "Wait," he said simply, holding her back.
Moonshadow looked at him in surprise, then back to her friends in shock, as the spell took hold, and they disappeared. Quinn and Moonshadow had been left behind.
Avatara looked up as a glow appeared near the runed rock; it grew larger, then faded, revealing the band of adventurers. Avatara was mildly surprised that nothing seemed to have gone wrong.
Kline quickly looked around, getting his bearings, then moved a small distance away and opened a portal; he stepped through and disappeared. Everyone but the figures in grey whirled around, as the portal closed behind him; it wasn't until that moment that they realised anyone was missing.
Moonshadow looked up at Quinn, anger showing in her expression. "So, the others were right! You betrayed us!"
Quinn smiled at her - but it was a warm smile, not the gloating of a victor. "I'm sorry we had to do things this way, but it's dangerous for you to know too much. We'll have you at the portal before it closes; but you in particular have one more task to perform, before you leave this time."
The anger faded from her eyes, to be replaced by a look of curiosity. "What task?"
"I'm not entirely certain," Quinn replied, frowning. "I only know I have to accompany you to to a particular place before you leave."
"Why is it you seem to know so much - yet know so little?"
Quinn grinned again. "Simple - I only know what I was told."
"Told by whom?"
"That, I'm afraid, I also can't tell you."
At that moment, a portal opened and Kline stepped out. "Ready to go?" he queried. Quinn nodded. Kline opened yet another portal, and the three finally disappeared from Pnyx.
"That was all very strange," the Headmaster commented. He turned to the Woman and her son. "I don't understand this at all, but you'll be safe as long as you stay here."
Crysothemis nodded, looking wistfully at the spot where the strange people had disappeared. "They didn't even say goodbye..."
The three stepped out of the portal. Moonshadow looked around, and realised she was standing at the northern base of Landsend Volcano.
"Why here?" she asked.
"There's no time for explanations," Quinn replied. "Please, follow me."
He set off westward; Moonshadow stared after him for a moment, then hurried to catch up.
Quinn seemed to be looking for something, and his face finally broke into a smile of relief. "Here we are," he exclaimed, ducking through a low opening into a small cave. Moonshadow followed suit.
She looked around in amazement. Every spare nook and cranny in the small cave seemed to be filled, with all manner of strange items. There was silver, gold and precious gems glinting on everything, but most of them appeared functional, rather than decorative. She noticed Quinn running a hand gently along the blade of a crystal sword, as if it was something familiar.
"Ah, at last you have come!" The voice, resonating from the back of the cave, startled them both. They looked toward the back of the cave, seeing a very old, grey bearded man, leaning on an ancient wooden staff. Quinn noted that at this time, the back of the cave was solid, and showed no openings.
"You were expecting us?" Quinn queried.
"It was foretold in a prophecy, long ago! I have laboured long, preparing these things, and waited longer for you to come to claim them!"
"Uh, who are you?" Moonshadow asked. She was both surprised, and a little pleased, to find something more about which Quinn didn't have all the answers.
"Oh, forgive me, I've been alone so long I forgot my manners! My name is Temrel; I'm a tinkerer, and a constructor of magical things. It has been my task to prepare this cave, and everything in it, for those who would come - and here you are! However, I know the time hasn't come for you to claim these thngs as your own, so I've prepared some protection for them."
Temrel muttered a short spell, and waved a hand in the direction of the entrance. "I've activated a barrier that I prepared long ago; it was awaiting only the activation spell to come into being. It doesn't prevent passage outward, but only someone who has passed through it before can pass through it inwardly. You will pass though it when you leave, so you will be able to return at the right time."
Moonshadow looked confused, but Quinn nodded in understanding.
"I wish we could stay longer, Temrel, but we have a tight schedule to keep."
"I understand; your lives are not easy ones. Hopefully, in the future, some of the trinkets and toys I've prepared will make things easier for you."
Quinn and Moonshadow walked back to the cave entrance. Quinn turned back a moment, as Moonshadow went through.
"I doubt I'll ever see you again - and I wanted to thank you for all of this," he said to the old mage.
"Your gratitude is welcome, young man. Farewell!"
Quinn left the cave, and followed Moonshadow back to where Kline was waiting.
Ten of the remaining adventurers faced off against the five in grey. "What have you done with Moonshadow?" Slayer demanded.
Even faced with naked weapons, the five refused to show any open hostility.
"She'll be returned soon," Natasha replied. "She has one more task to perform here before leaving, that's all."
"Not good enough!" Avatara cried. "Take us to her, now!"
"We couldn't, even if we wanted to," Robert replied calmly. "Kline is the only one of us that knows the telport spell. Just be patient - they'll be back shortly."
Katerei looked from one group to the other, totally bewildered. Since she was the only one there not focusing her gaze in one direction, she was the first to see the telltale glow of a portal about to appear. "Look!" she called, pointing.
Everyone looked in the direction she indicated, just in time to see Moonshadow, Quinn and Kline step through.
Moonshadow's friends crowded around her, voicing their concern for her well-being. "I'm all right, really!" she replied to their insistant questions.
"Where did they take you? What did you have to do?" someone asked.
Moonshadow glanced over at Quinn, who shook his head slightly. "I'm sorry, I can't say - it was all very strange, but nothing bad happened!"
"Time is growing short," Robert interrupted. "You have only a few minutes to get through before the portal closes!"
The adventurers began to step through the rift in time. Slayer and Avatara approached the grey-cloaked group. "I still don't know what to make of you, but I feel I ought to thank you for your help," Slayer said, shaking each of their hands in turn. Avatara followed suit.
They turned and stepped through the rift.
Moonshadow was the last to go. She turned, and for a moment her eyes locked with Quinn's; the expression she saw was very strange, and for some reason made her heart beat faster - then the image faded, as the rift took her.
As the rift closed behind Moonshadow, Katerei looked around at the seven grey-clad people - all that were left besides herself. Her eyes widened in shock, as she saw a white glow fading from their faces, revealing totally changed appearances.
"You!" she gasped, staring at the seven Ronin.
Sasha looked at her, and smiled. "I'm sorry we had to deceive you, Katerei. We had no choice but to conceal our identities from the others, since they haven't met us yet."
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 12-09-2001).]
Posted 09 December 2001 - 02:58 PM
Well done, cache! Congratulations on an exceptionally good (and exceptionally long

Katerei shook her head. "That's ok. I just didn't expect it to be you..." she shuddered. "Actually, I'm just glad it's over. Ferazel came far too close to dying back there."
"That was something I've been meaning to ask you," Flynn commented. "How did you summon that pheonix, why did it listen to you, and how did you know that it would help Ferazel?"
Katerei turned pink. "Oh, umm...well, you see...I met Ferazel a long time ago, while he was still learning magic. He had been studying magical animals and their properties. He happened to mention to me that pheonix tears have special healing powers- if the pheonix is strong enough, it can even bring somebody back to life."
She continued on. "A long time ago, when I still lived in Vera- that's a different story- I used to spend a lot of time around the healers and shamans of my city. I once saw a shaman summon a pheonix to heal a warrior who had been injured in battle, and I wanted to learn how to do it. So the shamans taught me the spell."
"However, I never needed to use it before now- so it was very difficult to remember the exact spell." She shook her head sorrowfully. "If only I could have summoned one when Zrenerr-" she broke off suddenly, and they had a feeling she was remembering her parents' death.
"Don't think about that," Leandra said gently. "Anyways, I'm still wondering- why did that pheonix listen to you? Most magical animals back then never listened to humans.'
"I really don't know why," Katerei admitted. "But I think it has something to do with my race, and the fact that I grew up around magical animals. I've always had special connections with them."
Trinias nodded. "It makes sense. But for now, we have other things to worry about. We got the others through the time rift, but now we have to get back to our time."
"Well, Kronos got us here, so he's going to have to be the one that sends us back," Flynn reasoned. "Until he shows up, there's not much we can do."
Sasha turned to face them. "Don't worry. We don't have to wait much longer."
The others turned to see what Sasha had been looking at. Kronos had arrived.
Oops! Sorry, my fault- I wasn't paying close attention when I was reading your post.

[This message has been edited by Katerei (edited 12-09-2001).]
[This message has been edited by Katerei (edited 12-10-2001).]
But make your own path- and your footsteps will be recognized forever.
Posted 10 December 2001 - 02:21 PM
I am no one, and I am everyone. But most importantly, I am
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~
- Magic: the Gathering, "Temper"
The One And Only
~Theo Nean Donly~
Posted 12 December 2001 - 03:42 AM
Nice recovery, Katerei!

I can probably post a bit longer in this thread than the others, tonight, because I've been thinking about it longer.
*** BiC ***
Katerei and the seven Ronin turned to look, seeing a golden glow forming off to one side.
Once more, they heard the deeply resonant voice speak from the heart of the glow. "You have done well, children, as I knew you would."
"I'm glad it all worked out, Kronos," Flynn said. "Now, can you tell us what it was all about, and why Katerei was sent back?"
"Of course," Kronos replied. "If the others had been allowed to continue without your help, they would still have succeeded in saving Alaric - and themselves - in their own fashion; but the cost would have been great. The future you know would never have come to pass."
"I see," Sasha put in. "So we were sent back to guide them on a less interfering path. But what about Katerei?"
"Altering events in the timeline is not easy, even for me," Kronos replied. "By sending the seven of you here, things were changed - but the cost was the life of the one known as Ferazel, and hence the destruction of all of Cythera. It became necessary to find someone with the skill to save him, and the motivation to use that skill. Regrettably I could not warn you of her arrival, but I believed you would take it in stride."
"I see; so we succeeded, then?" Wolmark asked.
"Yes, child, all is as it should be. Now it is time for me to send you home."
The golden glow expanded to encompass the them all, and their surroundings faded away.
Moonshadow saw Sasha enter the Ronin's barracks, and decided to pay them a visit. She walked over to the door and knocked.
"That's strange," she thought to herself, hearing no answer. "Sasha only just went in, she must have heard me."
Moonshadow opened the door and stepped inside. "Hello?" she called, still receiving no answer. She spent a few minutes searching, even checking the roof - still nothing.
She stood in the middle of the main room, staring around in perplexity. "I wonder if Wolmark took them somewhere, through a portal?" It was the only explanation she could think of.
She sighed. There were things she could be doing - but her curiosity was aroused. She sat down to await the Ronin's return.
Moonshadow had only been sitting there for a few minutes, when she heard a sound from one of the other rooms. She looked up as a crowd of people emerged, chatting amongst themselves.
Moonshadow looked at the eight familiar faces - the seven Ronin and Katerei - then stared at the Ronin's grey cassocks, and unusual weapons.
"It was you! You were there, that time in the past!" she exclaimed.
Flynn grinned. "Yes; Kronos sent us back to help out."
Moonshadow stared at him with a wry smile, her eyes sparkling. "All of you, sit down and tell me all about it."
Trinias groaned. "This is going to be a long night!"
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 12 December 2001 - 01:06 PM
"What year is it?" he asked.
MacMan slapped Rogan in the back of the head.
"What are you people? Foriegners?" was the reply.
Then Rogan caught sight of the Tavern. "Nope, we're, er, just getting back after a long trip is all. It's great to be back." Everyone agreed.
I am no one, and I am everyone. But most importantly, I am
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~
- Magic: the Gathering, "Temper"
The One And Only
~Theo Nean Donly~
Posted 15 December 2001 - 04:23 PM
Slayer's guide to Cythera: