*Would you believe it? My browser crashed when I was almost finished this chapter, the first time round. That'll teach me to compose on the fly; from now on I'll use a text editor first! Anyway, with Magpie attacking, I've got to rush a few things through - so here goes.

Trinias had been thinking. Something in what he'd been told of the Voice's message had struck a deep chord of lost memory, and he'd been trying to bring it to the surface.
"Flynn, do you remember what the Seldane used to call themselves? Something like 'the Heart of the Earth', wasn't it?"
"Of course!" Flynn enthused. "You've got it!"
Flynn turned to the group at large. "Excuse me, where can we find the Seldane?" he asked.
"The Seldane?" replied Ferazel in surprise, "I think you'll find their city under Landking Hall."
"We need to be able to get there and back, fast," Wolmark said, thinking quickly. "Can you teach me that teleport spell, and then send us there?"
"Well... all right."
Wolmark was a quick study, and soon had the spell memorised.
"Right," said Wolmark, satisfied; "now we just need to wait for -"
Just then, everyone heard the sound of the warning trumpets, followed quickly by the clamour of full scale war.
"We can't leave now -" Flynn began to shout.
"You must!" Moonshadow interrupted. "You have to complete your quest! I only hope you find the rest of your friends, on the outside!"
"I can't spare the power to send you all the way there," Ferazel said, "I'll need all too much here, soon enough. I'll do what I can!"
Ferazel opened a portal and, one by one, the Ronin leaped through; then only Flynn was left.
Moonshadow grasped his arm. "Hurry back," she said; "or there may be all too few of us left when you return." She gave him a gentle shove him toward the portal, and turned back to the others.
Flynn stepped through the glowing circle.
At first, Flynn thought that Ferazel had made a mistake and sent them into the heart of the battle; but as he quickly grew accustomed to his surroundings, he saw that they were in the middle of a forest, on a well-travelled path.
The sounds of battle he could hear were coming from a skirmish ahead of them; a single warrior - a woman, with long black hair, wearing armour much like his own, with a shield on her left arm, and wielding a sword that could have been the Ruby Fang's twin, except that it glowed blue - was beset by no less than eight bandits.
Three bandits were down and unmoving, before one of the remaining five slipped past the woman's guard and struck a mortal blow.
"Sasha! No!" Flynn screamed, amid similar despairing cries from the rest of the Ronin.
That was the first the bandits knew of their presence; they looked up in surprise.
"Five of 'em, only one in armour; easy pickin's," the bandit chief thought to himself; "besides, there's the giant." He looked back into the forest and gave a peculiar whistle, before turning back to the Ronin and saying "So, ya wanna take us on, do ya?"
The bandits grinned to each other as they heard the sound of something crashing through the undergrowth; suddenly, before the Ronin had recovered from the shock of Sasha's fate, a giant figure burst onto the track and, with a roar, rushed straight at Flynn.
He was huge, standing at least 8 1/2 feet tall, and large for his height. The hulking giant caught Flynn up in a crushing bear hug.
"Ulf! put me down, before you break something!" Flynn gasped out, before anyone could react. The giant gently put him down, then stood there looking sheepish.
Flynn gulped a couple of deep breaths, then suddenly remembered the bandits; in an instant, the red sword flashed out in an arc of crimson flame - and the bandit leader's head went bouncing along the path.
At that, the bandits broke and ran. Wolmark pointed one arm at the fleeing bandits; there was a sound like a small explosion, and a projectile struck one of the bandits down. Wolmark beat out the flames burning through the sleeve of his tunic. "Blast", he thought, "that gadget needs some work."
Trinias drew his bow - which could now be seen to glow in an ever changing pattern of colours, like a fluid opal - and loosed off a swift barrage of arrows; as each arrow left the string, it burst into incandescent flame. Trinias was a good shot, and every arrow sped true; no man struck by one of those shafts would ever move again.
One bandit, shrieking in terror, ran in the opposite direction
past the Ronin; Kwon calmly stepped into his path and slammed him to the ground, where he and Wolmark held him.
Leandra ran forward to Sasha's body. "Look at this!" she exclaimed in amazement.
Trinias held the captive under the threat of his bow; the others gathered around Sasha, and were just as amazed as Leandra on seeing that the ugly wound in her side was rapidly healing, before their very eyes.
"Must be one of those 'other effects' the Voice mentioned," said Wolmark in a subdued tone. "Still, we don't have time to wait; Leandra, you'd better use the magic that Lindus taught you."
Flynn walked over to the captive, with Ulf tagging along.
"Why'd ya turn on us, ya big dumb ox?" the bandit spat at Ulf.
Flynn glanced up at Ulf; Ulf looked confused, then smiled and said: "Flynn Ulf's friend; Ulf
help Flynn."
"I don't expect you to understand this," Flynn said to the captive, "but we've been friends since before you were born. We don't have time to waste with you just now, and we don't kill in cold blood; so you're free to leave."
The bandit looked uncertainly at the bow Trinias was still pointing at him; Trinias motioned up the path - that was all the encouragement the bandit needed; he scrambled up and ran back down the trail.
"I'm glad to see you, my friends, and thank you," Sasha said as they rejoined the group. "Leandra and Wolmark have told me of recent events; we have no more time to waste."
The Ronin, now seven, resumed their journey North through the forest, toward Landking Hall and the city of the Seldane.
Back in Cademia, things weren't going well. Without the support of offensive magic, the warriors of Cythera were finding the battle hard going. They'd taken a greater toll on the enemy than the enemy had on them, but the sheer weight of numbers was threatening to overwhelm them. The healers were doing their best to keep up, but their supply of mana and potions was beginning to run low.
"We need more help, and we need it quickly!" Moonshadow sighed to herself. "Oh, where are Avatara and the Ronin?"
At that very moment, a portal rent the air not far from her; the Ronin rushed through, along with two new figures she'd not seen before. They looked around, taking in the situation and prepared, each in their own way, to fight.
Flynn drew his swords - "Swords?" Moonshadow thought; "where'd he get that one?" The Ruby Fang she already knew; the other sword glowed with a white radiance of the utmost purity.
Trinias, Leandra and Wolmark climbed up onto roofs and battlements where they could get the best view of the battle below. Leandra and Wolmark began casting healing spells, wherever they could see the need. Trinias began raining arrows down on the Undead. His first few arrows were each charged with different magic - one fire, one ice, and so on - until his eagle-eyes showed him they were having no effect; ordinary arrows did some damage, but he quickly discovered that he could be most effective by shooting at their weapons - an undead warrior with a broken sword is a far less potent threat than it would otherwise have been.
Flynn and Sasha pushed their way to the front line, and began to wreak havoc among their foes. Ulf went wherever Flynn did, to keep the pesky skeletons off his back; when Ulf brought his fist down on a skull, there wasn't much left but dust. Kwon did the same for Sasha; he seemed to have a never-ending supply of shuriken and other throwing weapons, and he could hurl them with uncanny accuracy; in his own fashion, he took care of more foes than Ulf did.
Sasha drove straight on into the ranks of the enemy, sapphire sword flashing; it's magic had little effect, but it was nevertheless a worthy weapon; and Sasha was a master. No enemy, once struck, continued to fight; and no attack, however strong, ever got past her defenses. The shield she wore wasn't the same one she'd used against the bandits; this one glowed a pale gold, and showed no sign of damage, regardless of the strength of the attacks it fended off.
Flynn seemed to be everywhere; his swords were moving so fast that they seemed to be crimson and white streamers. Like Sasha's sapphire blade, the Ruby Fang's magic had no real effect; but Flynn was almost as much a master as She, and he weilded it with telling effect. Yet it was his other weapon that caused the undead to falter, and draw back; every undead creature that that blade even touched, crumbled to dust. For this was the Sword of Truth, forged by the ancients, imbued with their deep power; against that blade no lie, nothing born of lies, nothing untrue to its own nature could stand; and undead are not
truly alive.
Moonshadow climbed up beside Leandra and gazed out over the battlefield. She saw the effect the Ronin had on the enemy; she watched them slowly tire, and looked out over uncountable hordes of undead still pouring into the fray.
"It's not enough!" she said, almost in despair.
Leandra stopped, and looked out, sensing the same thing that Moonshadow was feeling. A look of sadness passed over her face, only to be wiped away as a sudden thought struck her.
"Lost magic! That's it!"
Leandra raised her arms in the air and closed her eyes in concentration. Moonshadow looked outward in amazement, as the earth began to tremble; many of the warriors on both sides were knocked to the ground, as a gigantic chasm opened up beneath the ranks of the undead. About 5,000 of the enemy fell into the pit, before Leandra grew too weak to maintain her hold and allowed the chasm to close - crushing those trapped within.
"It worked!" she cried exultantly, and promptly fainted dead away.
Moonshadow surveyed the battlefield again. Leandra had helped, but it still wasn't nearly enough. "There must be some way to beat them!"
Some distance away, on another battlement, Wolmark was reaching the same conclusions. He was a tinkerer, a deep thinker, and he weighed a vast amount of facts and information in a very short time; he reached a decision.
Climbing down from the battlements, he carefully made his way to the point to which Flynn was drawing back, to catch his breath. When Flynn and Ulf arrived, Wolmark had a quick word in Flynn's ear. Flynn listened, nodded; the three made their way back inside the fortifications. They stopped and spoke to Trinias, who joined them; then Wolmark opened a portal, and the four disappeared.
*Um, I could finish this whole war right now, but that'd be no fun. I've got some ideas though, so please don't bring it to a conclusion too quickly

There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that
wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 09-20-2001).]
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.