Hmm, that makes Kwon a lot more 'prescient' than I'd intended, but I can run with that

It was a pretty fair way to get them back to the action, anyway.
Rogar and Kwon turned about and began the long trek back to Cademia; more than one person had tales to tell in their local tavern that night, of a short, strange looking man that talked to himself in two voices as he travelled.
Finally, they reached the door of the Alraeican Tavern.
Rogar released his spell. "I greatly fear, my friend, that I've done your reputation with the locals no good; if there'd been any other way..."
Kwon's expression, as Rogar had come to expect, remained inscrutably impassive. "It is of no consequence, my friend. Men will think what they will; it is only in the quality of his own heart that a man finds his true worth. Come, let us enter."
Kwon opened the door wide and stood aside for Rogar to precede him; Rogar, at least, was assured of a welcome, and Kwon preferred to let the people in the tavern (he could sense that there were several present) see a familiar face first.
The greetings were well under way when Kwon stepped through the door, and gazed around at the many faces. When he spied Ronin, his eyebrows shot up in the greatest show of surprise he was ever known to express; when he spoke, however, his voice retained its habitual calm timbre.
"Ah, friend Flynn; it is agreeable to see you again."
"Kwon!" Ronin exclaimed, running over to grasp Kwon's hand. "I'm so glad to see a familiar face!"
"Who's 'Flynn'?" queried Moonshadow, already knowing the answer, but needing time to think; now there were two of them, and she was no closer to solving the riddle.
"I believe I am," said Ronin/Flynn, "although I didn't remember it until Kwon called me by name."
"So, you also have lost much of your memory," commented Kwon. "It was only with much meditative self-searching, that I was able to recall the little I have regained; but I, at least, found an identity - I am greatly impressed that you have survived so well."
"I was fortunate," Flynn said. "I fell in with a group of good people, who were too preoccupied with larger problems to worry too much about me. That allowed me to find my balance at a pace I could handle."
"Has there been news of the others?" asked Kwon. "I remember no specifics, yet I sense that there are more of us."
"No, no news. I've had flashes of memory, but I couldn't learn any more from them than you have."
"Then we must make the best of the situation in which we find ourselves," stated Kwon, in his calm fashion. "Let us aid, however we may, these people in their endeavours."
"Agreed," replied Flynn, who was becoming gradually more comfortable with his regained identity.
They turned back to the group and listened attentively to the discussion; by this time Rogar had filled the others in regarding Kwon, and Moonshadow returned the favour about Flynn - leaving out only her own suspicions about the legend; that would keep, until a more appropriate time.
A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.