Much to my surprise (and delight), the alignment of characters in Cythera appears to be controlled by a single byte, at least in regard to whether they are your alllies or not. At any rate, changing this byte from 80 (thankfully, this seems to be always the number that needs to be changed) to C1 makes that character your ally. (It is possible that other bytes control hostility and such and that this is just set aside for allies.)
By saving, then talking to someone, saving under another name, and using ResCompare, I generally find it possible to locate this byte for that character and change it using hex-edit. (Locating it otherwise would be very hard and knowing which character, if any, it corresponded to would be next to impossible.) They will continue their default AI until you leave the zone. After you have done so, they will follow as ordinary follows (even complaining about food ), although I don't know if you can "ask about" or tell them to "wait."
So far, I have gotten Hector, Demodocus, Ignae, and Ur-sylph (not all in one save file) as allies, and even one with both Ignae and Ur-sylph.
A screenshot for your amusement:
Attached File(s)
Ignae_and_Ur_sylph.png (344.7K)
Number of downloads: 170