As some of you may know, things have been fairly slow around here recently, particularly in the area of TSs.
"TS" is an abbreviation for "Team Story."
This topic contains a few descriptions of Team Stories which I will quote here.
"Forgive our elitism, but we Cytherians have our own set of vernacular terms. 'TS' is short for Team Story, the equivalent of a forum Role Playing Game; 'Chrons' are Chronicles, otherwise known as fan-fiction; the 'Tavern' is a Bar, not unlike the Boozarama in concept excepting its general orderliness and role as a precursor to Team Stories; and so on."
"I imagine what Visitor means by that is that TS's are essentially Role Playing Games, only done online over the forums.
Myself, I just think of them as little stories that I get to write part of. TS's are basically stories where everyone takes part. We decide on a plot, start a story about it, and another person puts in the next post. Then another person makes the next post and so on. This way, everyone gets to have a part in directing and writing the story.
Hope that helps "
"As has been stated, Team Stories are basically stories set in the land of Cythera (or at least sort of), in which everyone creates characters and helps write a story."
TSs have recently experienced a drought in participating members (as they do from time to time), so I am starting this topic to invite (and to encourage) any interested members (particularly any new ones) to join the next one and see what they think of them.
If you do wish to join the next TS, I encourage you to create a character and post any info on him or her in the Character Info Topic. Then, check out the The Alraeican Tavern and wait for the next TS to start. (Note: none of these steps are really required: they are just a general guide, although posting in the Character Info topic is very helpful for all other participating members.) If you wish, you may also feel free to create your character and join the TS after it is started.
There is some hope that the next TS will be started sometime next weekend.
This post has been edited by Selax: 06 October 2007 - 08:55 PM