As Slayer's site says, some things are too big to replicate using the spell. Generally, you need to be able to fit 255 of them in a crate for it to work (not that you have to use 255 in a crate, just that you
could without using the container within container technique).
Originally posted by Scylla7:
Has any one had the magical weapon smith upgrade the Sword of Heroes. It costs 1280 Obsidian (Legendary Improvement) also the sword itself is north from Pnyx in a cave for anyone who wanted to know.
Eioneus can't enchant any weapon above 640 obsidian, that is, one less enchantment than the sword of heroes. As said, replicate is probably the easiest way to get money to buy obsidian, but all is not lost if you spurn magic or haven't found enough library books. One can gather obsidian naturally in the Lands End volcano (630 times walking back and forth with obsidian coming in and out of vision, remember to pick it up every 255 times). Or my favorite is going into the flax trade business, but ware that you don't get too greedy, because Cythera crashes somewhere around 17000 bales. This way is probably the most painfull, but unlike the others it has something close to exponential growth.
"I don't need a plan, just a goal. The rest will follow on its own"
- MtG, "Temper"
The One And Only:
[url="http://""]~Theo Nean Donly~[/url]