Custom Weapon/Item Info
Posted 06 March 2002 - 09:34 PM
Class: Weapon (sword)
An otherwise ordinary sword, but the blade glows red.
Contains Fire magic; works by contact only, no long range usage.
The Ruby Fang was an ordinary, but top-class, blade carried by Flynn when the Ronin frist entered Cythera. Like much of the Ronin's original equipment, it was later enhanced by the Seldane and/or other elementals. Every item of enhanced equipment brought through time to the Ronin's second appearance has been influenced in such a way that only one of the Ronin can touch it; anyone else who tries is violently repelled.
Name: Sapphire Fang
Class: Weapon (sword)
An otherwise ordinary sword identical to the Ruby Fang, but the blade glows blue.
Contains Ice magic; works by contact only, no long range usage.
The Sapphire Fang's history is identical to that of the Ruby Fang, except it was brought to Cythera by Sasha.
Name: Jade Fang
Class: Weapon (dagger)
An otherwise ordinary dagger, but the blade appears to be made of luminous green stone, like jade.
Contains Earth magic; anything or anyone it penetrates is turned to stone. Works by contact only, no long range usage.
The Jade Fang's history is identical to that of the Ruby Fang, except it was brought to Cythera by Leandra. Coincidentally, this is the same dagger that was taken from a ruffian by Flynn in the Ronin's homeworld, and later presented by him to Leandra for her protection.
Name: Opal Sting
Class: Weapon (bow)
An otherwise ordinary bow, it glows in a shifting pattern of multi-coloured light like a fluid opal.
Contains multiple magics; any shaft fired from this bow assumes whatever magical properties the archer desires.
The Opal Sting's history is identical to that of the Ruby Fang, except it was brought to Cythera by Trinias.
Name: Sword of Truth
Class: Weapon (sword)
An ornate longsword; the blade glows white.
This sword probably pre-dates even the Ronin. If the sword is brought in contact with a person or object, then that person or object can't tell a lie or use any form of deception. It's also highly effective against undead, because they're not truly alive, and demons, since they spawn from the Father of Lies.
Flynn obtained this sword on the Ronin's quest. Since it wasn't brought by a Ronin through time, this item isn't limited to use by a Ronin.
Name: Shield of the Bold
Class: Shield
Almost full-size shield that glows a golden colour.
Pretty much indestructible. Protects from magical attacks if directly interposed. When the wearer crouches down and plants the bottom edge on the ground, it generates a small, spherical dome of force that protects from physical (but not magical) attacks.
Given to Sasha at the end of the Ronin's quest.
Name: Friendsooth Amulet
Class: Magical Item
An amber jewel on a golden chain.
Detects emanations of friendship or animosity, alerting the wearer to the true feelings of another toward them. Can also be used to locate a person, if the distance isn't too great.
This amulet was given to Ulf on the Ronin's quest.
Name: Chameleon Cloak
Class: Apparel/Magical Item
A simple long, grey hooded cloak.
Can assume the appearance of its surroundings, preventing the wearer from being seen. This particular chameleon cloak is a little special, in that it also masks the wearer from magical detection.
This cloak was given to Trinias on the Ronin's quest.
Name: Zeppelin
Class: Transportation
Large football shaped balloon with a 6-seater basket slung beneath.
Controlled, powered flight.
Constructed by Wolmark soon after he arrived in the current time period; uses Hydrogen gas to provide lift. The principle innovation that makes the whole thing functional is a low-effort gas compression process, invented by Wolmark. Power is provided by a variable-ratio cycle type device.
Name: Diamond sword (unnamed)
Class: Weapon (sword)
Sword made from an extremely tough crystalline substance, probably diamond. Has a gold tinge to the centre that appears to be a lattice of fine wires.
Stores and discharges electricity, both through contact and as a lightning strike. Flynn accidentally discovered that the sword can be recharged by standing out in a thunder storm, and being struck by lightning.
Taken by Flynn from the body of a cave troll, defeated by Moonshadow and himself, outside Temrel's cave. The Sword is one of Temrel's creations. Flynn tends to favour this sword over the others, as it gives him a distant first strike capability his other weapons lack.
Name: Staff of Reversal / Staff of Second Chances
Class: Magical Item
A short ebony staff, topped with a pale blue glowing orb.
Can reverse time for a duration of about 20 minutes, but then takes roughly a month to recharge. Only those in the immediate vicinity when it's activated are aware of the altered timeline.
Given to Wolmark on the Ronin's quest. Apparently created and energised by Kronos himself.
Name: Dragon Shield (unnamed)
Class: Shield
The shield is quite massive, and has a picture of a dragon in the centre formed by a pattern of different gems.
The shield responds to any physical impact by casting a fireball. Needless to say, this makes an attack against the wearer extremely unwise.
Obtained by Flynn In a recent battle with a cavetroll, and given to Ulf because he was the only one strong enough to use it. Also one of Temrel's creations.
Name: Temrel's rings
Class: Magical Item
A pair of plain silver rings, that can join into one.
When joined, the rings do nothing; but if separated and worn by different people, each is alerted to any danger the other might be in.
Found by Flynn in Temrel's cave. He kept one ring himself and presented the other to Moonshadow, who subsequently treated her ring to allow it to transform with her when she changed to bird form. This had a strange side-effect: when Moonshadow's is transformed, the rings create a telepathic link between the wearers.
Name: Temrel's Locator
Class: Magical Item
A flat gold disc, with a recessed silver mirror on one face. The rim is studded with several tiny gems, which serve as controls.
Can locate any of Temrel's creations, as long as the distance isn't too great. Relative positions are represented by glowing lights that hover above the mirror.
One of Temrel's creations. Flynn collected it on his fourth visit to Temrel's cave, while retrieving the weapons he'd left there for safe-keeping.
Name: Kefron Vest
Class: Apparel
A plain grey vest; undecorative and coarse, designed to be worn beneath armour or clothing.
Kefron is a synthetic material with a multilayered weave. The nature of the material is such that it's resistant to penetration by point-impacts, such as arrows and other projectiles, and is also highly resistant to heat and flame.
Made by Leandra from the single bolt of Kefron retrieved from the Air-Castle, before its destruction. Although Leandra also found instructions on how to produce the material, the elements required are exceedingly rare; so, for all intents and purposes, only the one bolt exists. One such vest was presented to Talm, and others to each of the Ronin.
Name: Soulbinder
Class: Magical Item
A spiral bracelet, worn on the upper arm.
Stores a small portion of the wearers lifeforce, and uses it to keep them alive in extremity - 'binding' their soul temporarily to this plain of existence. The measure of lifeforce stored is small, so an injury could still prove fatal if medical attention, magical or otherwise, is not rendered as soon as possible.
This bracelet was given to Leandra on the Ronin's quest.
Kobayashi Maru!
[This message has been edited by cache22 (edited 08-18-2002).]
Posted 06 March 2002 - 10:31 PM
The Solar Shard /* Name of item*/
Relic /* Nature of the item - (Weapon,Armor,Vehicle,Other) */
A roughly conical artificial crystal eight inches in diameter.
It is normally a deep orange in color.
What it does:
The top of the crystal emits powerful heat.
Lore: /* A little about the item's history, if known. */
The Solar Shard was recovered by Talm and two other adventurers after a six year quest.
Talm uses it to power his hot-air balloon. Recent evidince sugjests that it may be alive, like the other four elemental shards.
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Posted 06 March 2002 - 10:34 PM
A disc small enough to fit in a plam yet covered in about a hundred small blue runes. It has a seam along it horizontaly. The disc comes apart into two seprate peices, one side of which has several light-beams that point toward various elemental crystals, such as the Solar Shard.
Talm found the disc in the same area as the Solar Shard. The writing on the disc was translated by a aquaintance if Talm in Cadmia. The inscription seems to refer to five elemental crystals, of which the Solar Shard is one.
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Posted 06 March 2002 - 10:39 PM
Weapon (One-handed battle sword)
A fire enchanted sword with a fairly long blade but surprisingly low weight, so that wielding it in one hand is possible without less powerful performance.
What it does:
The blade is fire enchanted and extremely sharp, the weapon is known to change magical functions in contact with certain items or combined with certain spells. It is really a matter of trying and failing, the sword didn't come with a manual.
Rogan found the sword deep down in a cave in Northern Cythera many years ago. Little is known about the sword except that its magical functionalities is primarily directed towards fire. The only substitute Rogan will accept is his Ice daggers, which he carries in a belt tied across his torso.
Frozen Soul
Weapon (Throwing daggers)
Three pairs of enchanted throwing daggers.
What it does:
The daggers are a efficient missile weapon as it will instantly freeze anything the blade penetrates, it could be wood, stone or flesh, it doesn't make any difference. In fact, one of the daggers saved a group of adventurers from a Demon Lord when Desert Fox used it to loosen a large rock and bury the demon.
The daggers were found inside a large chest during a treasure hunt Rogan was a part of. (The tale of the Treasure) The daggers are ice enchanted.
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Posted 06 March 2002 - 10:42 PM
Item Name:
Item Class:
Ancient sword
A massive powerful sword
What it does:
DoomBringer has a chance of casting a powerful fear spell when wielded. In addition to this Doombringer is extremly large and heavy, making for a almost always deadly strike.
Dell got DoomBringer from one of the many travlers that pass through the boundary. This particular traveler met with an unfortunte "Accident" and (Much to Dells delight) left his sword behind.
Item Name:
Item Class:
Gothic sword
A lightening enchanted sword
What it does:
CloudCrack is another one of Dells huge swords strapped to his back. When wielded cloudCrack gives the wearer enermous strength. When used, a powerful lgihtening bolt emmits from the sword.
Dell found CloudCrack in a cave just in the boundary and almost lost his life doing so.
Item Name:
Plague bearer
Item Class:
Plague sword
A dieases carring sword
What it does:
Plague bearer is a sword that carries terrible poisens and Plagues. It is light and fast and a mere scrape by its blade is always fatal.
The Plague swords were created by a group of 9 mages for a huge war that never took place. The Plague swords were deemed forbidden by all and every race but some of them escaped the dismantaling process. A single Plague sword has been know to bring about the destruction of entire races. Dell found the Plague sword stabbed into a hearthound near the boundary, and if he was cauth with it by any who knew what it was he would surely be executed. Some how Dell has not been poisoned.
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[This message has been edited by Bryce (edited 03-19-2002).] - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 06 March 2002 - 11:17 PM
Short Sword
Desctiption: A short, light, and extremely strong sword.
What it does: Much like an ordinary sword, it has a slight white glow, and seems to never dull.
Lore: Created millenia ago from a stone that no longer exists, it is usable only by certian people, and only achieves it's maximum effectiveness when the user is wearing a pendant that was created out of the same stone as the Masamune. Cyrus is currently looking for the said pendant
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Posted 06 March 2002 - 11:20 PM
Amaroq Dagger
Description: A small dagger with a long, thin, double-edged blade. The handle is intricately carved with runes of the Amaroq language. It's not the best weapon ever, but it does the job.
What it does: When you hold the dagger up to the sky and say the proper incantation, it will summon whichever Amaroq that you named. It looks really cool when you do this- first, the blade glows and a silver pendant appears in the handle Then white fog surrounds you and swirls all around. You cry out the name of the Amaroq you are summoning again. The fog disappears and there is the Amaroq.
Lore: The Amaroq Silvre gave this dagger to Katerei several years ago, even before Katerei met Ferazel. Silvre taught her how to use the dagger, and now she can summon Silvre any time she needs to. The dagger was crafted by a skilled Faerie thousands of years ago. It was lost for a long time, and then one of the Amaroqs found it. About twenty years later Silvre became the leader of the Amaroqs, and she presented the dagger to Katerei. Katerei is the only one other than the Amaroqs who knows the spell that goes with it, so don't bother stealing it.

The Auroran Icicle
Weapon (morning star)
Description: the Icicle is a deadly weapon when wielded by one who is skilled with a mace and chain. However, it is lighter than a mace, so it has been classified as a morning star. It is composed of three parts- the handle, which is made of birch wood, the chain, which is thin loops of silver linked together, and the head. The head is a ball of hollow steel embedded with magical icicles which have been sharpened to a razor point. The icicles glow a faint white color.
What it does: Other than the icicles, which hurt a ~lot~ when you get hit with them, the Auroran Icicle is just your basic morning star.
Lore: Katerei used to own the Icicle quite a while back. She won it after defeating a Snow Faerie in a contest. Unfortunately, Zrenerr took it from her when he captured Katerei and her parents. Nobody knows what happened to it after that, not even Zrenner.

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Posted 06 March 2002 - 11:21 PM
Ok, here comes the first in a row of items...
Thara'fir'za (which simply translates to Blade of hard Ice, or Blade of Crystal)
Thara'fir'za is, as the name says, a blade made completely out of crystal, as are most of the weopans of the winter elves. The specialty about this weapon is that it can change forms. Moonshadow normally uses it as a dagger ('alê'za', which is also the word you have to say to return it to the form of a dagger; it literally translates 'thorn'), but it can also take the form of a sword ('mam'ra', again, this is the word you have to say to change it to a sword; literally 'seals' slayer', a weapon the winter elves use for hunting). It is one of the few weapons of that kind which still exists, and dates back to the time before Fir'dha was covered in ice, in other words, *extremely, unimaginably* far back. It is magically tempered in a way, so that the fragile crystal will not break, not even be scratched, except by the most powerful magics, a method that is lost to the winter elves nowadays. In both forms, the blade is flamed, and extremely sharp and lethal. The handle is wrapped by white leather to protect the hand of the wielder.
Fir – ice
Adds ice damage to the blade, freezing the target.
Uûna’ra – Enemy of Darkness
Charges the blade with highly potent Light Magic, thus making it more effective against demonic or undead creatures or other beings that are devoted to or dependant on Dark Magic. (Which also includes mages that mainly use that magic... the more it was used, the more effective the strike.)
Zerza- Death
A word that Moonshadow will not give away if it’s not really necessary; it causes the immediate death of the person attacked, but at tremendous cost: the attacker will lose the equal amount of life force – permanently. That means, if the attacker’s doesn’t have as much or just as much life force as their victim, he will die. If he’s somehow stronger – an unlikely thing, btw, because why would one use this word against a weaker opponent - he’ll stay alive, but will be severely weakened.
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(Famous Last Words #91)
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Posted 06 March 2002 - 11:22 PM
A roughly conical artificial crystal eight inches in diameter.
It is whitish-yellow in color.
What it does:
The crystal negates the effect of gravity. It is not known yet how it determines the area to effect.
The Air Shard was recovered by A party pf adventures from a huge floating castle.
You can read about the quest in the thread 'The Air-Castle (TS)'
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(Famous Last Words #91)
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Posted 06 March 2002 - 11:24 PM
**hm.. I guess I'll put my items here.. They don't have a name.. maybe I'll just make one up-? I guess I'll do that later.. maybe by way of introducing it into a story again.. not that I think I'll be able to take part in one. I don't have as much time as I used to

Name : Unknown
Item Type : Weapon(Primary : Range, Sec. : Melee) - Dagger
This dagger, which is wielded by J.Ace21, is made of an unknown material. The handle seems to be made of some sort of metal but the material of the blade is unknown. It was found in a pool of lava. Nobody knows exactly how long it had been there. So far nobody has been able to identify it.
The color of the blade changes at uneven intervals, sometimes as a mix of colors. With a certain motion, or maybe a thought(nobody is sure) the blade flies out at an incredible speed piercing the target. The color of the blade changes according to the surrounding enviroment and target. If the target is an ice elemental the blade will change to a red color and will have properties of a fire enchanted blade.
Name : unknown
Item Type : Armor(cloak)
-Description, Abilities-
Another unknown item used by J.Ace21 this cloak hides the wearer from sight. It puts the wearer into a strange state(I wrote this desc. for my character info a long time ago but now that I think about it it is something similar to the ring in The Lord of the Rings). Most have come to believe that it places the wearer into a different dimension and that the cloak is some kind of bridge between. Some side-effects have been known to occur when a person wears the cloak(this i wrote before too.. the side-effects aren't like the ones in The Lord of the Rings

**more items without a name will come.. approx 4.. maybe 5.. they're the items my other char. - Rogar - uses...**
Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
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Posted 19 March 2002 - 11:32 AM
Type: Melee weapon: Club
Description: A three-and-a-half foot length of solid bog-oak. Into it has been incribed many dark and mystic runes. None of them have any effect at all, other than making it seem liable to snap after a heavy blow...
Abilities: None whatsoever.
As part of his training, Razmalak was required to forge a magic weapon and imbue it with his dark powers. Sadly the weeks working up to the presentation and naming of the blade (in front of the Dark Masters), also coincided with Razmalak's birthday. The night before the presentation a fellow student asked Raz (as his friends call him) how he was getting on with the weapon.
Razmalak panicked, grabbed the nearest large hunk of wood to hand and spent a frantic hour with his penknife and a book of magical runes. He attended the naming cerimony completely hung over and ended up mumbling "'s stick, innit?".
Ever since then he's tried every name he could think of, but none of them seem to... well, to stick...
Razmalak can often be found, Stick in hand, laying into whatever physical objects result from his failed attempts at dark magic.
"...And Alexander wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."
This space to be left blank
Posted 22 March 2002 - 02:45 PM
Amadeus's Weather Darts
Rain dart- Light blue. Brings rain.
Lightning dart- Bright yellow. Creates lightning bolts and is usually used with the thunder dart.
Thunder dart- Dark blue. Creates a thunderclap, falsely leading people to believe a thunderstorm is coming. Often used with the lightning dart.
Air dart- Grey. Summons winds of varying speeds/strengths.
Cloud dart- Dark purple. Summons clouds of varying size/power.
Tornado dart- Black. Summons a torndao of varying size/strength.
Fog dart- Light purple. Summons fog of varying size/thickness.
Snow dart- White. Summons snowstorms of varying length/strength.
Hail dart- Green. Summons hailstorms of length/speed/strength.
Sun dart- Red. Returns the sun to the sky after using any of the other darts.
"No, Reepicheep, you may -not- attempt single combat with it!"
Posted 09 May 2002 - 10:21 PM
Item type: Armour/weapon
Description: Spike cover metal armour, occsionaly glows luminiscent blue. Fur lined inner to keep Darken Rahl warm. Small runic inscription on the chest.
Abilities: The runic inscritpion keeps the wearers tempreture constant, it is also waterproof, for rough weather. The runes also allow spells to be 'Charged' into the spikes. This means that the wearer could cast death strike, and anything that touches the spikes, would effectivly have death strike cast upon them. This can work with any spells. The spikes are also kept sharp by more runes on the inside.
Lore: Darken Rahl was handed the armour as part of a gift, from his previous master, Magpie. The gift affectionaty called Bul Kothos Children (Magpie was occasionaly referred to as Bul Kothos) includes
Some say the armour has the will of Magpie imbued into its spiky bulk. Maybe this is true, for even without the ring Darken Rahl is still occasionly possesed by haunting visions and extreme pain.
Item name: Bul Kothos White Storm
Item type: Gloves/weapon
Descritpion: Fur lined gloves with the same runic inscription as Bul Kothos Dark Ire. Extremly spiky. Occasionly glows luminescent white, reason for this is unknow to all but Darken Rahl and Magpie. The White Strom locks into place with Bul Kothos Dark Ire, forming an amazingly tough defense.
Abilities: Same as Dark Ire
Lore: Same as Dark Ire
Item name: Bul Kothos Burning Treads
Item type: Boots/weapon
Descritpion: Locks into place with Dark Ire. Occasionly glows luminiscent red. Same runic inscription as Dark Ire. Extremly spikey. Fur lined.
Abilities: Same as Dark Ire except that Burning Treads have the ability to emit a wall of fire in thier wake.
Lore: Same as Dark Ire
Item name: Bul Kothos Eyeless Honour
Item type: Helmet/weapon
Description: Fur lined helmet that locks into the neck line of Dark Ire. Same runic inscritpions as dark ire. Spikes protude only from the top of this helmet, leaving the rest covered in runic inscriptions. Only a few of these inscritpions have been deciphered. Know to glow luminescent, faint white
Abilities: Wearers mind is unaffected by fear and sleep spells, unfortuantly unaffected by healing spells as well. Same abilities as Dark Ire. Vision is enhanced, alowing the wearer to see in the dark, as if he was holding a good torch.
Lore: Same as Dark Ire. It is believed that the runes on this helmet is where Magpie's control comes from, but this has yet ot be proven.
Yesterday, we bent our nexts to kings and emperors. But today, we kneel only to truth -Kahil Gibran
[This message has been edited by Magpie (edited 05-10-2002).]
Posted 09 October 2002 - 09:22 PM
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
"Haul your ass, Harry, but haul it slowly, or you'll sink the damn boat." -George Washington
Barbarian Films
Posted 10 October 2002 - 01:05 AM
Well, the items. I just did a direct copy from my post in the Character info thread.
Equipment: Dusk has alot of equipment from his past life, which he carried with him through the Rift. I will describe them in detail.
Bio-Blade- Dusks sword is a relic from a great war fought in his other life. The sword is nothing but a hilt to start off with, plain in colour, a sort of gray, with a dullish red patch to one side. When fingers are placed on this patch, and Dusk thinks or says the name of his sword (Dusk) the blade springs to life with an odd tearing noise. The balde itself is black, yet slightly translucent. Its surface seems to crawl with tiny insects, as if a rough sea danced across it. The blade is not straight, like that of a broad sword, but more bent, like a scimatar. The blade is not only resharpened every time it is activated, but it also bears sevral nasty bacteria, that, when in contact with something, spring to life, leaving a pusy, festering wound that will slowly sap life out of the victim. Even the smallest nick from a bio-blade is usually fatal, unless medical help is found in the way of herb or potions. Healing magic often cures it also.
Kevlar Shrapnel Helmet Mark 4- The helmet that Dusk wears is also from the great war. It is (in look) a lot like the modern combat helmets of today. The helmet is comprised out of a super strong, but light aloy. The Kevlar that coats it can deflect most blows, or turn a usually deadly strike into a merely damaging glancing blow.
The helmet also (like all Dusk's equipment) has the ability to seal any minor cuts and cracks within about a week. This gives the illusion that the helmet itself is fairly new. It is also capable of changing its colour somewhat, like that of a chameoleon. This gives the apearance, from a distance, of dark shadows or slightly moving leaves.
Trench Coat- This strange peice of clothing is revolutionary new item for the combat field. Its materiel provides elemental proctection, and never shows wear or tear. It too, has the strange ability to deflect blows somewhat. Although not providing nearly as much protection as a regular armour peice, the coat is a lot lighter and also posses the same chameoleonic quailty as Dusks helmet.
Standard issue Combat boots- These boots are nothing speicial, water proof, fire retardent, almost indestructable. Without feet you can't fight. Without feet you can't run, but who'd want to run anyway? Or so says the motto on the bottom.
Platinum ring- This ring is worn more as a heirloom, then for any particly functional reason. The platinum/titanium aloy makes this ring both immensly strong, as well as quite pretty. The ring itsef is stuck on Dusks hand due to being crushed in a hydraulic door. Dusks ring held the door open long enough to slip a small explosive charge out, destroying the hydraulics before the door could crush his finger completly. The ring bears a series of 16 numbers. This is to indentify Dusk, should he be killed, and were added at the time of his joining the land troops.
Protective goggles- Theses goggles are essential for Dusk at day time, so as to protect his eyes. One of the many campaigns Dusk served in was the Arctic warfare devision. Due to the near permanent night in the Arctic contenent, the entire platoon had their eye's "shined". The process of shining grants the recipitent brilliant night vision by removing the Carrotine converters in the eye. This means that the carrotine levels in the eyeball are now kept low, meaning the eye is very sensitive to even the slightest bit of light. This normally would do no good, but Dusk also has the ability to open his pupils to the full size of his iris. These two things combined give Dusks eyes an odd light reflecting quality, hence the term "shining".
The goggles Dusk wear are immensly effective, converting colours into different shades of light and dark purple, blue and red. The unfortunate side effect is that Dusks eyes are totally intolerent of natural daylight. In low light level environments, such as on Cythera, it is possible to wear contact lenses espically designed to block light, and make the eye appear normal. However, prolonged use of the contact lenses will result in blindness, as they do not block out effective amounts of light.
Dusks goggles are small, with a black rubber strap so they will stay on, and very flat round black eye covers. The goggles are not at all like swimming goggles, Dusks pair being a lot flatter. The lenses themselves are not made of glass, instead an alloy substance that blocks and changes the light as explained above, while not actually reflecting the light. This is to prevent reflections catching the attention of the enemy, alowing for greater stealth movements.
I am but a shadow
[This message has been edited by dusk (edited 12-15-2002).]
Posted 10 October 2002 - 11:34 PM
Swift Wings
Weapon (Longbow)
A long bow carried by Larc. Made of Rowan. Not enchanted, but very elegant.
This bow was one of the ten made by the elves of Yetsan, Larc and Martel's homeland. They were granted to the leader of each tribe. When the tribes fell from power, the king took three of the bows. Two were destroyed. Four were kept by the tribe leaders and one was taken by the Reformation. Larc and Martel's father took the bow from the dead Reformation leader's body in the battle of Kúluk. When he was killed, Larc recieved the bow.
Alchemy Equipment
Magical Item
Description: A standard set of portable Alchemy books and equipment.
Lore: N/A
Arrows (300)
Weapon (Piercing)
Description: Ash arrows. Fleched with Larc's lark feathers.
Lore: N/A
Weapon (Broadsword)
Description: Not enchanted. Diamond tipped blade. Very elegant and ornate. Jeweled heavily.
Lore: The sword of the first Tyrant. Found by Larc outside the Alcarean Tavern on a stormy night in a forgotten workroom under Cademia.
For Martel:
Weapon (Longsword)
Description: A simple, straight blade with no bloodline. The hilt is made of iron with granite emmbeded into it. On it is carved the sign of the tree, symbol of the elf.
Lore: This sword was a goblin fine blade taken from an unknown elf in the wars of old. It was retaken by Martel on one of his excursions.
More later...
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
"Haul your ass, Harry, but haul it slowly, or you'll sink the damn boat." -George Washington
Barbarian Films