OK, here goes!
Name: Ruby Fang
Class: Weapon (sword)
An otherwise ordinary sword, but the blade glows red.
Contains Fire magic; works by contact only, no long range usage.
The Ruby Fang was an ordinary, but top-class, blade carried by Flynn when the Ronin frist entered Cythera. Like much of the Ronin's original equipment, it was later enhanced by the Seldane and/or other elementals. Every item of enhanced equipment brought through time to the Ronin's second appearance has been influenced in such a way that only one of the Ronin can touch it; anyone else who tries is violently repelled.
Name: Sapphire Fang
Class: Weapon (sword)
An otherwise ordinary sword identical to the Ruby Fang, but the blade glows blue.
Contains Ice magic; works by contact only, no long range usage.
The Sapphire Fang's history is identical to that of the Ruby Fang, except it was brought to Cythera by Sasha.
Name: Jade Fang
Class: Weapon (dagger)
An otherwise ordinary dagger, but the blade appears to be made of luminous green stone, like jade.
Contains Earth magic; anything or anyone it penetrates is turned to stone. Works by contact only, no long range usage.
The Jade Fang's history is identical to that of the Ruby Fang, except it was brought to Cythera by Leandra. Coincidentally, this is the same dagger that was taken from a ruffian by Flynn on the Ronin's home world, and later presented by him to Leandra for her protection.
Name: Opal Sting
Class: Weapon (bow)
An otherwise ordinary bow, it glows in a shifting pattern of multi-coloured light like a fluid opal.
Contains multiple magics; any shaft fired from this bow assumes whatever magical properties the archer desires.
The Opal Sting's history is identical to that of the Ruby Fang, except it was brought to Cythera by Trinias.
Name: Sword of Truth
Class: Weapon (sword)
An ornate longsword; the blade glows white.
This sword probably pre-dates even the Ronin. If the sword is brought in contact with a person or object, then that person or object can't tell a lie or use any form of deception. It's also highly effective against undead, because they're not truly alive, and demons, since they spawn from the Father of Lies.
Flynn obtained this sword on the Ronin's quest. Since it wasn't brought by a Ronin through time, this item isn't limited to use by a Ronin.
Name: Shield of the Bold
Class: Shield
Almost full-size shield that glows a golden colour.
Pretty much indestructible. Protects from magical attacks if directly interposed. When the wearer crouches down and plants the bottom edge on the ground, it generates a small, spherical dome of force that protects from physical (but not magical) attacks.
Given to Sasha at the end of the Ronin's quest.
Name: Friendsooth Amulet
Class: Jewelery/Magical Item
An amber jewel on a golden chain.
Detects emanations of friendship or animosity, alerting the wearer to the true feelings of another toward them. Can also be used to locate a person, if the distance isn't too great.
This amulet was given to Ulf on the Ronin's quest.
Name: Chameleon Cloak
Class: Apparel/Magical Item
A simple long, grey hooded cloak.
Can assume the appearance of its surroundings, preventing the wearer from being seen. This particular chameleon cloak is a little special, in that it also masks the wearer from magical detection.
This cloak was given to Trinias on the Ronin's quest.
Name: Zeppelin
Class: Transportation
Large football shaped balloon with a 6-seater basket slung beneath.
Controlled, powered flight.
Constructed by Wolmark soon after he arrived in the current time period; uses Hydrogen gas to provide lift. The principle innovation that makes the whole thing functional is a low-effort gas compression process, invented by Wolmark. Power is provided by a variable-ratio cycle type device.
Name: Diamond sword
Class: Weapon (sword)
Sword made from an extremely tough crystalline substance, probably diamond. Has a gold tinge to the centre that appears to be a lattice of fine wires.
Stores and discharges electricity, both through contact and as a lightning strike. Recharging was thought to be problematic, until Flynn happened to hold the fully depleted sword aloft in the middle of a thunder storm. The resultant lightning strike was completely absorbed by the blade, leaving him unharmed and the weapon fully charged.
Taken by Flynn from the body of a cave troll, defeated by Moonshadow and himself, outside Temrel's cave. The sword is one of Temrel's creations.
Name: Staff of Reversal / Staff of Second Chances
Class: Magical Item
A short ebony staff, topped with a pale blue glowing orb.
Can reverse time for a duration of about 20 minutes, but then takes roughly a month to recharge. Only those in the immediate vicinity when it's activated are aware of the altered timeline.
Given to Wolmark on the Ronin's quest. Apparently created and energised by Kronos himself.
Name: Dragon Shield
Class: Shield
The shield is quite massive, and has a depiction of a dragon in the centre formed by a mosaic of different gems.
The shield responds to any physical impact by casting a fireball. Needless to say, this makes an attack against the wearer extremely unwise.
Obtained by Flynn In a recent battle with a cavetroll, and given to Ulf because he was the only one strong enough to use it. Also one of Temrel's creations.
Name: Temrel's rings
Class: Magical Item
A pair of plain silver rings, that can join into one.
When joined, the rings do nothing; but if separated and worn by different people, each is alerted to any danger the other might be in.
Found by Flynn in Temrel's cave. He kept one ring himself and presented the other to Moonshadow, who subsequently treated her ring to allow it to transform with her when she changed to bird form. This had a strange side-effect: when Moonshadow's ring is transformed, the rings create a telepathic link between the wearers.
Name: Temrel's Locator
Class: Magical Item
A flat gold disc, with a recessed silver mirror on one face. The rim is studded with several tiny gems, which serve as controls.
Can locate any of Temrel's creations, as long as the distance isn't too great. Relative positions are represented by glowing lights that hover above the mirror.
One of Temrel's creations. Flynn collected it on his fourth visit to Temrel's cave, while retrieving weapons he'd left there for safe-keeping.
Name: Kefron Vest
Class: Apparel
A plain grey vest; undecorative and coarse, designed to be worn beneath armour or clothing.
Kefron is a synthetic material with a multilayered weave. The nature of the material is such that it's resistant to penetration by point-impacts, such as arrows and other projectiles, and is also highly resistant to heat and flame.
Made by Leandra from the single bolt of Kefron retrieved from the Air-Castle, before its destruction. Although Leandra also found instructions on how to produce the material, the elements required are exceedingly rare; so, for all intents and purposes, only the one bolt exists. One such vest was presented to Talm, and others to each of the Ronin.
Name: Soul Binder
Class: Jewelery/Magical Item
An expanding, spiral bracelet worn on the upper arm.
Stores a portion of life force, siphoned from the wearer over a long period of time. If the wearer is brought to the point of death in any way, the Soul Binder will sustain them for a short while. It doesn't provide healing, however, so if medical attention isn't quickly received, the wearer may still die.
Given to Leandra on the Ronin's Quest.
Name: Soul Mirror
Class: Magical Item
An eight-inch disc of reflective metal.
If someone looks into it they don't see an image of themselves, but rather a reflection of the state of their soul depicted in colours.
Given to Kwon Chen on the Ronin's quest. He uses it as an aid to meditation, as he tries to overcome the darkness in his own heart.
Kobayashi Maru!
This post has been edited by cache22: 23 January 2007 - 07:01 PM
"The e-mail of the specious is deadlier than their mail" - Tom Holt, 'Snow White and the Seven Samurai'