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#cythera ! How to join the official IRC channel

#1 User is offline   Talos 

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Posted 24 September 2001 - 06:19 PM

Not exactly sure who asked for it, but we have a nice little channel called #cythera on IRC. Since we have the channel (held by grybs's, durandal's, and my bot), we might as well use it. In case you don't know, IRC is a great system for chatting with other people. If you know how to use IRC, join the channel and have fun... (topic changeable by non-ops). Otherwise...

Complete Idiot's Guide on How to get on and use IRC, step by step

1. Get an IRC client: an IRC client is a program that lets you connect to IRC channels and talk with the people in them. A good, easy to use shareware client is ircle. Go to the site, click on 'download', and download it (in english, macbinary or binhex is fine).

2. Set up an IRC client: After you've finished downloading and decompressing ircle, double click on the 'Ircle 3.04' (or something like that) icon. Now, click on or open the 'connections' window (open by window->connections). Double click on the first thing in the list. Now, set its settings to:

Server: Click on the 'Select...' button. Then click 'Add...'. In server name, type in ' ' (no quotations). Set the port to 6697. Enable the "SSL" option. Finally, click on the network pop-up menu, scroll down to the bottom, and select 'รขโ€šยฌnone'.
Nickname: your preferred name, less than 9 characters
Username: your preferred name, of any length
Real Name: some other name. It can be seen by other users by a /whois, so don't put in your real name unless you want people to see it.

To save your changes, press the 'OK' button. Also, go to 'File->Save preferences' so that you won't lose the settings you just made if the program crashes.

3. Connect to #cythera: If it's not selected, reselect the first connection, the one you changed, in the Connections window. Then, click on the 'connect' button at the bottom of the window. The icon to the left of the connection should flash a few times, until it turns into a blue and a red arrow, in opposite directions. This means you're connected.

If it's not open, open the 'inputline' window ('Windows->inputline'). This is how you communicate with the channel. To join a channel, type in: " /join #whatever " (no quotations), and whatever being the channel you want to join. So, to join #cythera, type:

/join #cythera

. If you did everything right, you should join #cythera! Hopefully there will be some other people there to show you around IRC. If you have any problems, just post a reply right here and I'll see if I can help. Good luck!

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#2 User is offline   Talos 

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Posted 24 September 2001 - 06:20 PM

Also, IRC can be a great way to get in touch with mods or other members, if necessary... Avatara, under the aegis Tyrael, has been known to come occasionally. Gluebubble comes quite often.

Bronze: the other gold metal.  | |  And so the space toaster hardened the outer layers of the doughy, ooey-gooey ancient Earth...
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://""]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].
Bronze: the other gold metal.   ||   And so the space toaster hardened the outer layers of the doughy, ooey-gooey ancient Earth...
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#3 User is offline   theKestrel 

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Posted 24 September 2001 - 06:25 PM

Aye, and if any of you guys have difficulty, come back here and tell us what your problem is...we'll get it patched up real quick! Posted Image That said, IRC is a fairly cool place -- you can get to know your fellow Cytherans better than ever before.

- Seth

Check out Aviary Productions' news and info.
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#4 User is offline   Talos 

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Posted 24 September 2001 - 06:29 PM


Originally posted by theKestrel:
Aye, and if any of you guys have difficulty, come back here and tell us what your problem is...we'll get it patched up real quick!    Posted Image  That said, IRC is a fairly cool place -- you can get to know your fellow Cytherans better than ever before.

- Seth

Agreed. I'm going to try and stay in the channel for as long as possible today and tomorrow, to welcome in new members. */me stutters trying to come up with another way to patch this obvious attempt to put the topic at the top...* :ยฌ)

Bronze: the other gold metal.  | |  And so the space toaster hardened the outer layers of the doughy, ooey-gooey ancient Earth...
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://""]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].
Bronze: the other gold metal.   ||   And so the space toaster hardened the outer layers of the doughy, ooey-gooey ancient Earth...
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://""]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].

#5 User is offline   Grybs 

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Posted 24 September 2001 - 06:30 PM

What Talos has put up there is good... except that he's used "#sanity" as an example.

Not the best example, considering that it's an invite-only channel, and will merely confuse the inexperienced user. So... in the above instructions, I would reccomend replacing every instance of "#sanity" with "#cythera"... which, afterall, is the point.

And to reiterate... though my bots run the channel, I do not. There is a world of difference between running a bot, and running a channel. So, if you have problems, Talos or GlueBubble would be the men to talk to. They have high clearance levels on Sway, the primary bot, and can help you in almost every way imaginable (though I imagine they'd draw the line at doing your homework, or similar).

Having said that, I'm still there if you need help when those two aren't around. I can be found in #ev3, #codewhores, #hypergate and (though this is not a good place to look) #sanity.

So, enjoy...


#6 User is offline   Talos 

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Posted 24 September 2001 - 06:37 PM


Originally posted by Grybs:
What Talos has put up there is good... except that he's used "#sanity" as an example.

Not the best example, considering that it's an invite-only channel, and will merely confuse the inexperienced user. So... in the above instructions, I would reccomend replacing every instance of "#sanity" with "#cythera"... which, afterall, is the point.

Ack. Fixed. Shows where my head is... somewhere in my hind quarters. :ยฌ)

Bronze: the other gold metal.  | |  And so the space toaster hardened the outer layers of the doughy, ooey-gooey ancient Earth...
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://""]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].
Bronze: the other gold metal.   ||   And so the space toaster hardened the outer layers of the doughy, ooey-gooey ancient Earth...
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://""]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].

#7 User is offline   ferazel_09 

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Posted 24 September 2001 - 08:42 PM

I just started coming. It's great!! If you've been on #ev3, we have a bot called Archon who's like Hector, he he. I apperantly won a sweepstakes and am a mod now!

Quote ViaVoice, "Hal Cohen help build Satam sand scratch a flat surface scratches that some scratch that scratches that scratch facts scratcher wraked this scratched tax costs tax this. " Is this ViaVoiceian?

[edit]600th post!!![/edit]

[This message has been edited by ferazel_09 (edited 09-25-2001).]
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#8 User is offline   Avatara 

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Posted 24 September 2001 - 09:40 PM


Originally posted by Talos:
Also, IRC can be a great way to get in touch with mods or other members, if necessary... Avatara, under the aegis Tyrael, has been known to come occasionally.

Well, now that more people than me, Bubble, and Sway use the channel, I'll make an effort to appear more.

Oh, and you might want to fix that last bit:


So, to join #sanity, type:

/join #cythera

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#9 User is offline   Talos 

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Posted 29 September 2001 - 01:02 PM

Sorry I missed you, mrBrian... try again later.

Bronze: the other gold metal.  | |  And so the space toaster hardened the outer layers of the doughy, ooey-gooey ancient Earth...
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://""]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].
Bronze: the other gold metal.   ||   And so the space toaster hardened the outer layers of the doughy, ooey-gooey ancient Earth...
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://""]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].

#10 User is offline   ferazel_09 

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Posted 29 November 2001 - 10:36 AM

Just putting this up at the top so other can read. This especially means you Bryce!

If I'm not new here, and I'm not old here, what am I?
Get on [url="http://""]IRC[/url]! My channels: #ferazel. Join in to #levo and #cythera too!
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#11 User is offline   Bryce 

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Posted 29 November 2001 - 02:38 PM

Ummm.... I'll pass, thanks. I already have too little time. Besides, I'm quick with my e-mail, so you can reach me there. Perhaps in the future, but not now. Thanks fo your interest, though, I'm glad you care Posted Image

I'll just put a random number at 0008EC and see what happens.
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#12 User is offline   idiotSavant 

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Posted 29 November 2001 - 04:38 PM

Come come people! Join #cythera! A great channel. Lets try to reach the goal of 17 people on #cythera!

How do men that have beards play the flute?
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#13 User is offline   theKestrel 

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Posted 30 November 2001 - 03:14 AM


Originally posted by idiotSavant:
Come come people! Join #cythera! A great channel. Lets try to reach the goal  of 17 people on #cythera!

That'd be cool. Posted Image

Check out Aviary Productions' news and info.
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#14 User is offline   idiotSavant 

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Posted 30 November 2001 - 03:15 PM

And Avatara, I dont't mean clones. Posted Image

How do men that have beards play the flute?
I am not your rolling wheels / I am the highway / I am not your carpet ride / I am the sky / I am not your blowing wind / I am the lightning / I am not your autumn moon / I am the night

#15 User is offline   Theo Nean Donly 

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Posted 03 December 2001 - 04:10 PM


Originally posted by theKestrel:
Aye, and if any of you guys have difficulty, come back here and tell us what your problem is...we'll get it patched up real quick!    Posted Image

- Seth

Umm...the computers at school (the ones I generaly use to get on the internet) are now Linux... can I still use this "IRC"? I would just download it and see, but I'm out of space on my private drive, and I'd have to delete some stuff to get it, which I don't want to do if it doesn't work.....

Oh, and what is so important about the number 17?

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#16 User is offline   idiotSavant 

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Posted 03 December 2001 - 04:18 PM

Well, its a big number and if 17 people came on, I'd get ops. But Talos changed his mind. But I got them, it just took time. Posted Image

How do men that have beards play the flute?
When I'm bored, my post number goes up.

[This message has been edited by idiotSavant (edited 02-09-2003).]
I am not your rolling wheels / I am the highway / I am not your carpet ride / I am the sky / I am not your blowing wind / I am the lightning / I am not your autumn moon / I am the night

#17 User is offline   cache22 

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Posted 03 December 2001 - 04:22 PM


Originally posted by Theo Nean Donly:
Umm...the computers at school (the ones I generaly use to get on the internet) are now Linux... can I still use this "IRC"?

'IRCle' won't work, it's a Mac program; but there are plenty of IRC clients out there for Linux, you just have to find one.

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#18 User is offline   theKestrel 

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Posted 03 December 2001 - 06:05 PM

[url="http://""][/url] <-- there is a page with a client for Linux; scroll down and click on the one that says it is for Linux.

Oh, and where do you go to school that you moved to Linux? It's certainly uncharacteristic for schools.

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#19 User is offline   Bryce 

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Posted 04 December 2001 - 12:21 AM


Originally posted by idiotSavant:
Come come people! Join #cythera! A great channel. Lets try to reach the goal  of 17 people on #cythera!

What is this? A PBS membership drive? Posted Image

I'll just put a random number at 0008EC and see what happens.
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#20 User is offline   Theo Nean Donly 

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Posted 04 December 2001 - 04:28 PM


Ok, I have to go to class right now, so I'll check it out when I'm done. My school got a new guy to work on our computers whos a post grad and a real jack @$$. Anyway, he got tired of us screwing around with the hard drive, so they switched it to Linux Posted Image

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~Theo Nean Donly~
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#21 User is offline   Theo Nean Donly 

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Posted 06 December 2001 - 03:32 PM

Ok, either the firewall that the jack @$$ installed is preventing me, or I'm to retarded to figure out how to use this...basicly, I downloaded it, and opened it, and opened everything in it, and the stupid things don't do anything. Can anyone help out this Linux newby?

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#22 User is offline   ferazel_09 

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Posted 26 December 2001 - 11:00 AM

Okay, sorry for digging up the topic again, but I'd like to help Theo get on the IRC network. First, I believe that BitchX is text only. To connect to a server like that, type '/server' for example. Then, like Talos said, '/join #cythera'. There are other channels out there, and a '/list' can reveal them. Some channels that have a channel mode of +s can't be seen with a '/list'. In that case, you just need to know the name of the channel. #ev3 is the primary chat channel, although it can get a little....strange. Hope this helps!

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#23 User is offline   Rogan 

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Posted 26 December 2001 - 12:17 PM

Hmm, what net is the channel on?

Edit: Nevermind, I found it... Posted Image

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[This message has been edited by Rogan (edited 12-26-2001).]
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#24 User is offline   ferazel_09 

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Posted 26 December 2001 - 02:12 PM

Rogan, saw you on my logs after I returned from Brood War. Posted Image You going to come again? Me, cache, Slayer, Talos, Avatara, Kestral, and idiotSavant all come on quite a bit. Hope to see you again!

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#25 User is offline   Selax 

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Posted 08 September 2004 - 07:34 PM

I have read that IRC leaves extra ports which makes the computer more vulnerable to hacking. Is there a way to deal with this?
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