Heh, this reminds me of the time when I (sort of) accidentaly set up an infinate loop on my friends email. Whenever he got a message it would forward five more copies to him, each of which would forward five more copies, and so on. That ended up crashing the server for the weekend; none of the boarding students or the teachers could log on. Luckily, I'm a day student
When I came back to school on monday, I couldn't log in, but everyone else could. Turns out that the school's computer-guys had somehow traced it back to me...which is still a mystery to me...but I explained to them how I didn't think that the loop worked, how I had thought I had tested it out and if it had worked I would have taken it off. My account was up and running the next day.
And they all lived happily ever after
"It has to start some time.
It has to start some where.
What better time than now?
What better world than this?"
[Dang it! Why didn't my sig work?]
[This message has been edited by Theo Nean Donly (edited 06-19-2001).]