About Dian's question a long way up, there is no Sapphire Book of Knowledge that I know of. The only ones are Power, Wisdom, Splendor, Victory, Foundation, Beauty, Crown, Understanding, Mercy, and Kingdom. If you don't want to find Slayer's site, they are in the following locations:
Power: In the maze underneath Cademia. It is guarded by a golem and a crapload of portcullises.
Wisdom: Underneath Abydos, the ruined city. It is guarded by a demon, but it has never attacked me.
Splendor: Search the bed of the northern bedroom at the Citadel in Catamrca. the book is in the bed.
Victory: I think it's the one on the shore north of Catamarca.
Foundation: I've never found this one, I think it's the one that one of the seldane has.
Beauty: Complete "Seek out Prusa", then talk to her for several days. She should give you the book.
Crown: Behind the locked door in Alaric's quarters.
Understanding: In a desk on the upper floor of the Magisterium.
Mercy: Ask Itanos, the judge of Kosha, about "Sapphire". He will tell you to come back at sunset. Sleep until sunset, then talk to him again.
Kingdom: Behind one if the locked doors in the castle in Cademia.
Hope this helps you on your quest, Dian
I am the prince of all
Saiyans once again!
Bow to me!