Posted 06 July 2000 - 02:18 PM
A warning for all who hope to make huge money by trading flax:
I was going for the house, and I figured I might as well make some extra cash and upgrade my swords, you know, buy obsidian for a min. of 10 obols, BUT when got up to buying about 17000 obols worth of flax(that's about 2429 bales of flax) I got a message saying that some limit had been reached or something, and Cythera booted out, and I lost about a half hours hard work. SO, don't try to do what I did, because it dosn't work.
P.S. And THERE IS A LIMIT ON HOW FAR YOU CAN UPGRADE SWORDS(320 is the last upgrade(The "Sword of Heroes"(Is that what it's called? I forgot.) is only at 640), after that the Freemage, I forgot his name at the moment, says it is beyond his skill) And sorry for all the ()'s
Oh, and while I'm at it, is the key that comes with the house usefull for anything? Like if your trying to beet the game without magic, you might need it.(I am regestered, I'm just to lazy to find the password, and I just play with out magic for the challenge)
And also, a month or two ago I read something about black discs, but I didn't really pay attention because I hadn't gotten to the part in the game where you need them yet, and all I can remember is that they are located in some cave or temple, but that doesn't really narrow it down. And don't worry about telling me, I have searched for weeks with no success, and have found squat.
*sigh* all this typing is tiring me out *pant* *pant* But one last thing:
What's with the stairs and steps you can't get to in the Temple? Also, I made a Combat ai for Timon where he just shoots magic arrows, but there is a bug and he continues to fire at stuff, non enemy stuff, after all enemies are dead. Anyway, I was in the Temple when he when on shooting after I killed the polyps, and it said he hit a "force wall", so I know something fishy is going on there, and I hope someone could explain.
Thank you for reading my rambling,
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~
"I don't need a plan, just a goal. The rest will follow on its own"
- Magic: the Gathering, "Temper"
The One And Only
~Theo Nean Donly~