#1 Guest_Simurgh_*
Posted 13 January 2000 - 03:35 PM
#2 Guest_Admiral Sargatanus_*
Posted 13 January 2000 - 04:14 PM
Posted 13 January 2000 - 05:16 PM

May Macs eternally crush PCs!
-Admiral Dennis
[This message has been edited by Admiral Dennis (edited 01-13-2000).]
#5 Guest_Simurgh_*
Posted 13 January 2000 - 05:51 PM
#6 Guest_Sword of Damocles_*
Posted 14 January 2000 - 10:19 AM
"Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun"
Posted 14 January 2000 - 02:39 PM
Of note, if anyone has questions regarding single-player levels, make sure to check the [url="http://"http://www.axis.n3.net/"]Ares Axis[/url]. There are some walkthroughs up there, for most of the levels.
Dennis, stop criticizing Damocles. I must concur with his opinions, just not his method of presenting them.
"…They say that every five minutes someone dies in a car accident, but how often are there seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses in one hangar?" - Terminal 2, Where are monsters in dreams, Marathon Infinity
Alas, no more Ares Axis. ;(
"...they say that every five minutes someone dies in a car accident, but how often are there seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses in one hangar?" - Terminal 2, Where are monsters in dreams, Marathon Infinity
#8 Guest_Simurgh_*
Posted 14 January 2000 - 03:00 PM
So, does anyone know how best to get through the level immediately following Yo ho ho? cloaked transports, salrillian station, you know. Pretty much my three big ships get run out of energy by the time I get up a good enough fleet, and the battle to take over the station is tiring enough so when the three carriers come in I get flat rocked. Suggestions?
#9 Guest_Admiral Sargatanus_*
Posted 14 January 2000 - 04:08 PM
#10 Guest_Sword of Damocles_*
Posted 14 January 2000 - 04:14 PM
Simrugh, what you need to do is take the out post out as soon as you can, with the heavy ships, and build fighters and cruisers to defend your planet, seeing as how you're going to need numbers as apposed to fire power. A gunship or two could help, but that takes time and resources. The more ships you have, the more shots you get in.
Posted 14 January 2000 - 04:30 PM
May Macs eternally crush PCs!
-Admiral Dennis
#12 Guest_Simurgh_*
Posted 14 January 2000 - 04:30 PM
How long does this _take_?
Posted 15 January 2000 - 08:36 PM
1. Build an ATR as fast as possible at the beginning, and send it toward the station. Before it arrives at the station, order the Battleship and Carrier to go take it out.
2. In the meantime, build as many Gunships as possible and send them to the station as well. You should be able to build one right as you're disabling the station. You should be able to capture the station before the arrival of the 3 carriers.
3. When the Carriers arrive, don't worry about any other ship except yourself (HVD). It's time to kick your piloting skills into overdrive. Focus your firepower directly at the carriers themselves. Try to keep your distance and just ignore the fighters. Those gunships should help you out a little against the nasty capitol ships, and your Battleship and Carrier should be cleaning out the fighters. Try not to lose the station, but if you still have your ATR you can just order it to "Fire Special" and retake the station.
4. The remaining Salrilians will try to retake the station. Hold your ground. After you take out the oncoming ATR, swing the momentum in your favor. Gather up as many of your remaining forces and assault their planet. Don't attempt this unless you have both your Battleship and Carrier or if you have a substantial fleet. When assaulting their planet, its best to use cruisers instead of gunships. However, if your assault fails, head back and protect the station. The increased resource production will eventually give you an edge over the Salrilian forces.
5. Simply land a transport.
This strategy is quite effective for many reasons. One, you eliminate the Salrilian's resource edge early, putting them on the same level as you. Second, once you capture the station, you'll have the edge. Third, with all your ships gathered at the station, you should be able to confront and defeat the carriers. Lastly, that station serves as a buffer zone between their planet and yours, and often times the station will destroy transports trying to sneak by.
-Vegeta <axis.n3.net>
[This message has been edited by Vegeta (edited 01-15-2000).]
Posted 16 January 2000 - 03:19 PM
Luca Rescigno
"I have nothing to fear but secret sauce"
#17 Guest_HotSpice_*
Posted 26 January 2000 - 08:47 PM

HotSpice(better known as Avenger on GR)