"Helmsman, increase frequency in scans, something does not feel right." M'tike said.
"Aye aye Commander," the helmsman replied. M'tike sent a message to the 11 other ships in the fleet of Carriers.
"Attention 3rd fleet of Salril, keep an eye out for any signs of ships. On the first sign of a vessel alert the fleet and prepare for battle stations. Our recent messages to the Audemedons have not been very comforting. M'tike out." M'tike went into his quarters and started typing a message to Salril High Command. "Honorable High Command, we are getting very awkward scans recently, we believe there is some sort of ship out there. How should we proceed?"
M'tike, waited for the response. As soon as it flashed across he knew that the Audemedons were planning something. "M'tike, commander of the 3rd fleet of Salril. You will be the first person we will tell about this threat from the Audemedons. Our spies have informed us of a new war vessel from the robots. Proceed with caution. Do not withdraw until there is no way you'll survive. We have the 6th and 12th fleets prepared to back you up. If they attack it will be war. High Command of Salril out."
M'tike walked back out and moved over to tactical. "Get a fighter pilot ready," he said.
Dravoc started walking over to the fighter bay. As he walked in he was greeted by the first officer Gr'taka. "Greetings Dravoc, you will be flying to the origin of disturbance with a specially designed scanning system, we are sure we can count on you."
Dravoc, only nodded. He had been piloting fighters for years but this was nerve racking. As he stepped in he felt like he would never see this ship again. He shook off the feeling and rocketed out of the fighter bay to the coordinates specified. As he moved in he activated the scanning enhancer and messaged M'tike. "Commander, the scanner is going haywire, it seems like- Hold on a minute, there appears to be a solid wall around me. I'm sending you the scans now."
''Excellent," M'tike said as he sent the scans to Salril High Command.
"Something is terribly wrong. I'm detecting no ships but I'm seeing some distortion but wait- What the!? Oh shi-!"
Dravoc was cut off as one hundred purple rays shot off towards the fighter which was instantly vaporized. Suddenly, 15 long orange ships appeared out of no where and turned to face the 3rd fleet. A message flashed across the message screen. "Pitiful Salrilians, you thought you could control us, but behold; we are no longer in need of you and your pitiful organic ways."
With that, all hell was unleashed as the mystery vessels shot off some sort of missiles towards the 3rd fleet. “Brace for impact!” M’tike called as the ships rocked around by the blasts of the missiles. “Attention 3rd fleet,” M’tike called to the Carriers. “Battle stations and begin to attack. M’tike quickly massaged the 6th and 12th fleet to back them up. As he led his fleet to the new ships.
“Captain!” one of the helmsman called. “Large amounts of Carriers and Heavy Destroyers are coming into the system!” The Fight lasted barely a half an hour. The Audemedons quickly eliminated the Carriers and the Heavy destroyers. Gunships and Carriers from the 6th and 12th fleets couldn’t match the Auds either.
5 Heavy Destroyers cloaked and moved in for one of the mystery ships. They started firing, catching the ship off guard. “Is that all?” the captain of one of the Heavy Destroyer’s said as the mystery ships shields went down fast. All of a sudden, a Trazar blast from the ship went straight into the Heavy Destroyer, obliterating it as it floated away through space, a charred piece of metal, deader than dirt. The ship turned and start firing Inasa Pulses completely burning holes through the armor. The Heavy Destroyers managed to knock it out, but that would be the only ship of that class that would be destroyed. The few Salrilians that managed to escape headed for Salril to consult the High Command. M’tike was one of the few that managed to escape and was given position of commander of the 1st fleet of Salril. Comprised of 10 Carriers, 15 Heavy Destroyers and 20 Gunships. Before M’tike left, the High Command told him that the new ships were the Audemedon Battleships. They had an unlimited supply of Rapid Fire Inasa Pulses and 150 Scream Missiles, capable of knocking out shields in a few shots, and a stealth device they copied from them, which could be superior to the Salrilians. M’tike walked to his ship to meet up with the first fleet of Salril, this was going to be a long and hard war for sure. The Salrilians needed a new weapon to meet the Audemedon threat.
Back on Axis, the Audemedons were regrouping for the massive assault on Salril. One of the orange spider-like robots walked into a very dark room. The robot walked over to a very tall chair and made some clicking and beeping noises. “Yes, the Salrilians will not be a match for us now,” the figure replied. The Audemdon made some more beeping and clicking noises. “Attack with every ship we have. Now........”
The Salrilians were sending all fleets back to Salril for back up. A fleet of over 250 Audemedons were on the way. During the Battle of the Border the Salrilians lost a fair amount of Carriers and were now reduced to a little over 100 ships to match the threat. A call for help to the Canthrans proved nothing. M’tike waited in orbit over Salril awaiting the hell about to be released over the Salrilian home world. M’tike sat there waiting in the Heavy Destroyer, he knew that their ships were no match for the Auds. A message flashed across the message console, “Hello Salrilians, your time is up.” Hundreds of Audemedon ships came screaming out of jump gates every where. 10 Battleships led the crusade followed by Carriers and Heavy Destroyers galore. The Battle of Salril began with quick dominance by the Audemedons. Gunships and Cruisers went down like swatted flies, Carriers and Heavy Destroyers were plunged into debris in seconds. M’tike led his battle group of 6 Heavy Destroyers and 2 Carriers to fight the lead Battleship. Scans showed it as the flagship of the Audemedon attack force. M’tike's group charged, lasers flaring, Trans-Space Bolts burning into the shields of the flagship, and Chrono Pulse Cannons blazing. The Heavy Destroyer with special, guided Chrono Pulses aimed for the bridge of the Aud flagship. The officer aimed and began to fire when, ZAP! a Trazar connected with the Destroyer, sending it hurling backwards. The Battleship fired some Inasa Pulses, and the Destroyer exploded. a Series of 5 Scream Missiles came roaring into one of the Carriers which sent that into a burst of flames and was gone. “M’tike! This is the commander of Carrier S49068. We need to disable it’s shields and weapons will target shields and you go for the weapons.”
“Affirmative,” M’tike replied as he went over to the tactical. He armed the Chrono Pulse Cannon and aimed for the weapons. The Carrier sent off a barrage of Magneto Pulses and fired the Trans-Space Bolt towards the shields.
“That didn’t disable shields but now we have a better chance of getting him. Way to go Jir’sal!” With that, M’tike showed no mercy as he fired blast after blast at the weapons. “Damnit! I hit the weapons with everything but only knocked out more of it’s shields!” The Flagship fired some Scream Missiles and Inasa Pulses and obliterated the Carrier.
“No!!” M’tike cried “Grrr, time to take this bastard out,” M’tike growled menacingly. M’tike’s Heavy Destroyer flew in under the battleship firing rounds of Chrono Pulses into the underbelly of the beast. Suddenly, fires and explosions started around the Aud Flagship. “Everyone break off!” M’tike called as his Heavy Destroyer flew out of the way. M’tike had no time to celebrate his mild victory as two Aud Heavy Destroyers moved in on him. Before the new threats could fire Plasma Balls erupted out of no where, burning the Destroyers into space dust. Eight Gunships appeared and moved in to follow M’tike. Scream and A. missiles filled the system as Magneto and Chrono Pulses tried to hit back but Salrilian ship after Salrilian ship was lost. Aud, Sal, Aud, Sal, the two races battled it out as hard as they could. The Sals were losing, they wouldn’t admit it but they were losing.
“All Salrilian ships move back to Salril!” M’tike ordered. As the Sals retreated to their home world, the Audemedons ceased fire and closed around the valiant Salrilians to create wall of orange around the entire planet. M’tike looked at all of the ships they had left, four damaged Heavy Destroyers, a handful of weakened Gunships, and some fighters. M’tike shook his head. “The Prophets would never have been able to predict this,” he thought. A message appeared in all of the Salrilian ships.
“Salrilians. You have lost. You thought you were our masters, but you are wrong. We are now your masters.” Suddenly, a menacing voice was heard too.
“Greetings Salrilians, Some of you may remember me. I used to be in the High Command. I faked my death and defected to the Audemedons. They took me on as their master. I led them. They followed me. Since the day I joined them I have plotted this attack, and now it has all worked out. Prepare to die, Prophets of Salr-”
Before he could finish Jump Gates appeared from behind the Auds. Suddenly, Concussive Missiles, Onas Pulses, and Proto Pulses collided with a battleship as it engulfed in flames and was destroyed. Elejeetian Cruisers and Obish Escorts poured into the system, Ishiman Heavy Destroyers and Carriers appeared and began to pound the superior Audemedon fleet. Audemedon ship after ship was brought down by the joint efforts of the Ishiman, Elejeetian, Obish, and Salrilians. The Allied forces started to bring the Audemedons down.
Back on Axis, a group of the terrible robots walked into the darkened room. The outline of the figure was visible, staring at a view screen of the battle taking place. The lead Audemedon made some clicking and beeping noises.
“Yes, I can see that!” the figure snapped as he looked up. “Give the order to retreat. We lost the Battleships which means we need defense here.” The Audemedon clicked and beeped and walked away. The figure sat down and watched the obliteration of the Audemedon’s fleet. “Damn you Ishiman, Some day I will....”
Meanwhile, the Battle of Salril was coming to a close, the last Audemedon ships were being picked off and killed. Only a few Fighters and a Cruiser managed to escape through the jump gates to Axis. The leaders of the Ishiman Forces went down to Salril to talk with the High Command about peace and forming an alliance to kill off the Canthrans and Audemedons. The Ishiman promised to send as many forces as they could to beat off the Canthrans and the Elejeetian and Obish promised to persuade the Bazidanese to help them and join the Salrilians to attack the Audemedons. M’tike was given command of the 1st fleet of Salril and was appointed Commander of the War against the Audemedons. M’tike had the power to organize offensives and was given access to as many ships as he needed to accomplish his objectives.
Both the Salrilians and Audemedons caused crippling blows to each ones militaries. The war would not begin for some time, and to match the threat of the Audemedon Battleships. The Salrilians began to construct the Salrilian Gunboat. The Gunboat was as big as a Gunship and took on the attributes of Ishiman, Elejeetian, and Obish ships. It was very fast and had the shielding of one of their Carriers. It was armed with the Salrilians LRPK Beam the Elejeetian’s chipped in with a Rapid Fire Onas Pulse Cannon. The Obish contributed by combining their stealth technology and the Salrilians stealth technology making the ship practically invisible, no distortion or anything. The Salrilians were going to be prepared for the new Audemedon threats to come.
On Axis, the Audemedons were trying to build up the fleet as fast as they could. The shadowy figure was sending a message from his darkened room. “Honorable warriors of the Garazone. We have success. We are at war with the Salrilians. We will be prepared to take on your assistance in the war, they have gotten the help of three other races and possibly could get more. We will serve you graciously. We will win this war!” The figure finished the message and sent it to the Garazone Powers.
“I will make sure I kill those Salrilian traitors, especially that foolish M’tike” he said to himself. The figure sat back in his chair looked out into space, and laughed......
To be Continued.....
I will be writing a sequel to this explaining a lot more about where the mysterious figure of the Audemedons came from and why he left the High Command. I will also explain who the Garazone(Gare-uh-zone)(I’m so nit-picky