:cue [url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=ares&category=*&display=date&file=Doomtroopers.mp3"][/url]Doomtroopers:
Yes, I'm back with more crappy writing and more unorginal plots! ph34r
Collision Course Part III: Fallout
After the unconcious Captain Thormun was uncerimoniously hauled off to a detainment cell, escorted by two burly Marines, the rest of the rapid deployment team began to search the massive Heavy Miner. After about ten minutes, the lieutenant in charge headed up to the bridge on the lift to make his report to Varr...
Orsmund Rae, Lieutenant Second Class, was the senior Marine officer on board the Invader-class, had been the leader of the detachment which had searched the disabled mining vessel, and so the task of reporting to the commander had fallen to him. He impatiently waited as the lift carried him up to the bridge deck where Varr was. The lift doors eventually opened and he strode out to make his report, saluting the commander as he began to speak.
"Sir, search of the miner is complete. A few of the cargo crates were damaged, apparently by something from within them. Some of the cargo was knocking around free in the cargobay, so I think that the attack on the vessel probably broke the cargo out of it's crates–"
Varr responded, "Too simple. Could it have been possible that men were hiding in those crates and took over the ship? I've reviewed Captain Thormun's record and he seems to have mainly concerned himself with his job and not politics."
"Commander, there may have been room for a couple men to fit into those crates standing up. However, there was no evidence of the food or drink they would have needed to survive the journey for an extended period of time-and the depletion of the food supplies on the ship indicates that only one man was eating from the stores for most or all of the trip. I think the only option is that Thormun is a fanatic and attempted to–"
Varr waved him to silence. "One second Rae, I believe I have a call..." He picked up his padd which had begun bleeping a moment before and looked at the news item that his AI assistant had flagged as priority one."
Tusday, Febury 29
The Miners' Union has just declared a system-wide strike over the issue of protection from pirate raiders. The Union has declared that until adequate protection against the raiders is provided by either Syna'iara or the other Factions that no material from the Belts will make it ground-side. The statement also warns that the Union is prepared to defend it's monopoly on the resources of the asteriod belts by "whatever means are necessary"
He looked back up from the padd with a grim expression on his face. "So, it begins. Gentlemen, the Union has in effect declared war on the corporate miners and us. Bring the ship to a full stop and radio Captain Ceradan to do likewise. We'll consult with the Ambassador before we move any farther into what is now de-facto Union territory."
Jan Thormun had a headache. A really bad headache. He opened his eyes and they struggled to remain in focus. Oddly, everything around him was grey metal. He must be dreaming-the miner looked nothing like this. Groggily he wondered when he was going to wake up.
Unfortunately, after he had been awake for a few minutes, he realised this was no dream. A marine walked into his cell and dragged him to his feet. "commander wants to see you"
"Where am I? What's going on?" He managed to push words out of his mouth as he half walked/half dragged along the grey, featureless corridor which he now realised was a Syna'iara warship interior.
In a few seconds, he was pushed into another grey, featureless room where a man, obviously one of some importance, stood with Faction uniform on. Jan guessed that this was probably the "commander" the marine had spoken of. The man was flanked by two more marines. This was obviously a well-crewed ship.
"Captain Jan Thormun?" "Yes, that's me." Jan replied.
"I believe you have some explaining to do. You were found onboard a vessel which attempted to attack us..."
Jan quickly recited his story up to being hit on the head and collapsing.
"An interesting tale, Captain" Varr said. "However, all the evidence points to you as the pilot of the craft when it attacked. My medical team estimates that the time of your blunt trauma to the head was about when we disabled your craft. It's certainly possible that you were hurt in the beating that your ship took. We'll need to hold you for further questioning."
"Wait!" Jan said as the marines guided him towards the door. "Don't I get a lawyer or something?" Varr chuckled and then said, "You don't appear to be up-to-date on military law. Unless you are proven innocent, you'll be standing trial at a military tribunal on Syna'iara. And no, you don't get a lawyer. Can't have prisoners leaking secrets now, can we."