Ares Chronicles: What Comes Before - Part XIV: Cry Havoc!
#1 Guest_htjyang:not the imposter_*
Posted 06 September 2000 - 01:39 PM
Part XIV: Cry Havoc!
Admiral Thangren, commander of Obish forces in the Spirst System, is charged with the task of constructing a station in the system. Other than the initial attack led by himself to wrest this system from the Gaitori, he had seen no combat action for nearly 2 years.
The construction of the station is proceeding slowly. Every ton of materiel must be won in face of intense competition from the commanders of other fronts. The Spirst System is considered to be relatively safe and the construction of the station is not regarded as an emergency. Therefore, materiel has been slow to flow in. In addition, his original fleet of 3 destroyer and 15 cruisers has been cut to 1 destroyer and 3 cruisers. The rest was re-assigned to the Gaitori front.
This is not to suggest that the admiral resents his current assignment. On the contrary, he enjoys it. So do his subordinates. After fighting the Gaitori relentlessly for 5 years, being assigned to a relatively safe system is a welcomed change of pace.
Unfortunately, that pace has been quickened recently. The inexplicable gathering of Audemedon ships in the Secorem System has caused his superiors great alarm. As a result, many Obish ships were dispatched to the Heshac System to monitor Audemedon ship movements and to put them on notice.
This increased activity means that the admiral must deal with increased paperwork as the ships passing through his jurisdiction increased.
Nevertheless, the emergency is still far awar from Spirst. As a result, the admiral did not change his procedure of operations. His destroyer continues on yellow alert while the cruisers take shifts in patrolling the system. Moreover, his command ship is operated by a skeleton crew. The rest are either on vacation granted by the admiral or assisting with the construction of the station. The admiral wanted the station to be constructed as soon as possible so that he can move into more comfortable quarters. Certainly the crew appreciates a change of routine since the routine on the flag ship is down right boring. Standing watch in anticipation of nothing in particular is not something anyone can do 8 hours a day for months on end.
Therefore one can imagine the admiral's surprise when he was in his private dining room eating breakfast, when a casual glance at a window reveals first spatial distortions, then Cantharan warships!
He didn't need the intercomm to scream: "Red alert, Cantharan warships!" to immediately run out of the dining room and towards the bridge. He immediately called the bridge:
"This is Admiral Thangren. Initiate emergency procedures. Hail the Cantharan flag ship."
"Aye sir," replied the comm officer.
As soon as the admiral made his way into the turbolift, the comm officer returned.
"Admiral, Vice-Admiral Nin Zhet is the commander of the Cantharan fleet. He wishes to speak to you."
"Acknowledged. What is the strength of the Cantharan fleet?"
"5 Cantharan carriers and 15 gunships. No cruisers in sight but they might be in stealth mode."
The admiral shuddered.
"This is Admiral Thangren to Admiral Nin Zhet. What is your purpose-"
"This is Admiral Nin Zhet of the Cantharan 6th Fleet. The Cantharan Order has just officially declared war against Obain. My mission here is your destruction. However, if you surrender unconditionally, you will not be harmed. You have 8 seconds to comply"
"Sssss," the turbolift doors slid open and revealed an Admiral Thangren red with rage. He immediately saw on the view screen of his bridge the menacing approach of the Cantharan fleet.
"6 seconds," were the words coming from the Cantharans.
"Turn off that d----- screen!" yelled Thangren.
The order was followed.
Thangren thought for a briefmoment before saying:
"Order our ships to withdraw back to Obish space. Helmsman, turn us around."
"What do you intend to do?" asked the commander.
"I'm not going to leave the station's superstructure intact for the Cantharans to finish it."
"You're going to destroy the superstructure?"
"Sir!" screamed a lieutenant. "Cantharan cruisers are disengaging from stealth mode."
"Sir, enemy carriers are firing their missiles. Enemy vessels are continuing their advance." reported another lieutenant.
The destroyer was slightly shaken by the impact of multiple missiles.
""Turn us around," ordered the admiral.
The helmsman followed the order.
As if knowing that the Obiards will resort to the drastic step of destroying the superstructure, Cantharan ships completely ignored the 3 retreating Obish cruisers. Their cruisers are already in optimum firing range, firing fiercely at the destroyer. The destroyer sought to fend off its attackers with its defensive weapons. But there were too many Cantharan cruiser. Forcing one to withdraw hardly dents the overall fire power of the Cantharan ships.
""Target locked," reported another Obish lieutenant.
"Fire at will," ordered Thangren.
Multiple missiles was launched from the destroyer. As they impacted the superstructure, it began to disintegrate. The explosive force of the missiles were tearing the station apart. In a matter of a few moments, the remains of the superstructure were floating in space.
At the same time, the destroyer, already maimed by the full force of the Cantharan fleet, also began to disintegrate. Missiles launched from Cantharan carriers opened large holes on the destroyer. Once the Cantharan gunships entered firing range, they added their fire power. Within a few moments, a final explosion incinerated most of the ship.
"Sir, we are now at the assigned coordiantes. Awaiting your orders sir." reported a Cantharan lieutenant.
Just as the Cantharan 6th fleet was assaulting Obish forces in Spirst, the Cantharan 3rd fleet, commanded directly by the Chief Strategist of the Cantharan Order, Admiral Mek Het, stand poised to strike at Obish forces in the Proteus System.
However, Obish forces in Proteus are formidable. This is where the strategic reserves for Obish forces occupying the Free Trade Zone are stationed.
Admiral Mek Het stared into the darkness of hyperspace without reply.
"There is still time to alter the plan," said the Salrilian adviser. Instead, his counsel only strengthened the admiral's resolve.
"There will be no changes," said the admiral. Then, turning to the helmsman, he pronounced:
"Take us in."
As usual, General Prothos, commander of the Obish base on Proteus Alpha is entertaining his guests at this hour.
Other than the recent flurry of activities regarding the appearance of an Audemedon task force in the Secorem System, the Proteus System has been relatively quiet. Even the initial attack against Gaitori forces patrolling the system was hardly exciting. The Gaitori defenders were overwhelemed within minutes of the attack.
Since then, General Prothos has been placed in charge of constructing an Obish base on Proteus Alpha. To his disappointment, the assignment became long-term when he was named as the commander of the base.
For the general is a man of action. He desires to go to the front lines to battle Gaitori troops directly. However, his assignments had been disppointing so far. At the beginning of the war, he was ordered to command strategic reserve ground forces at the Gaitori front. The campaign went so well that his forces were seldom needed. Then he was transfered to coordinate the assault against Gaitori forces in the Free Trade Zone. It was a campaign that required little to no ground forces and the general spent msot of his time trading insults with Vice-Admiral Siebrenek, commander of the Free Trade Zone operation.
Relations between the army and the navy had never been cordial. When General Kramden was the Chief of the Military Services, he managed to create a facade of congeniality. After his death, relations between the two services deteriorated beyond repair. Which is why even though Siebrenek is also stationed in the Proteus System, he never set foot on the base at Proteus Alpha. He locked himself on his flag ship.
Although Prothos hates his current assignment, he is still trying to present a happy face to his guests, which include members of the senate and the Office of Military Strategy. He is hoping that he can persuade them to re-assign him to the more active Gaitori front.
It is doubtful that the general's charm can sway his guests. Proteus Alpha is a miltiary base, consists of few entertainment options. The general's long soliloquies about his lifetime achievements are unlikely to endear him to his guests.
Half way through another one of his long monologues, the alarms suddenly sounded.
Vice-Admiral Siebrenek threw down his book and called the bridge.
"Sir, a Cantharan fleet had just jumped out of hyperspace. Theyre attacking our ships!"
"Order all ships, re-"
Siebrenek was suddenly cut off due to a violent shaking of his flag ship. He leapt from his bed and immediately rushed into the corridor leading to a turbolift. While on his way, he ordered:
"Order all ships, return fire. Open a channel to the Cantharan flag ship."
"Sir, the Cantharans brought their gate ship!"
The admiral was stunned. Why would they bring such a valuable vessel to the front lines?
"Order all capital ships, target the enemy gate ship."
"Aye sir."
"Sir," reported another lieutenant. "Enemy commander responding. It's Admiral Mek Het."
"Put him through," said Siebrenek as he stepped off the turbolift onto his bridge.
The view screen changed from a scene of the battle to the face of the Cantharan admiral.
"By order of the Cantharan Supreme Council," pronounced Mek Het. "Cantharis has formally declared war against Obain. All Obish ships that stand down will not be harmed."
"This is Admiral Siebrenek of the Obish 4th fleet. Admiral, you are taking quite a risk bringing your gate ship to the front lines. It just might give us the great victory we're looking forward to."
Mek Het is fully aware of the dangers of his mission.
"We shall see," he smiled. Then he ordered the view screen to be switched off.
"Set course for the gate ship. Maximum speed." ordered Siebrenek.
"Aye sir. Course laid in."
As the flag ship, escorted by Obish cruisers ran full speed towards the gate ship, Siebrenek suddenly noticed the strange behavior of the Cantharan fleet.
As the screen image was magnified, he saw the gate ship facing toward the planet. Cantharan warships have formed a perimeter defending the gate ship. Moreover, he saw transports starting to head towards the planet.
That is when he figured out the Cantharan plan.
"This is Admiral Siebrenek to all ships: The capital ships will target the gate ship only. The cruisers will try to open a path for the capital ships. To all cruiser commanders, you must try to shoot down enemy transports."
The alarm on Prteus Alpha sounded only briefly. Then it resumed its silence.
"What's going on?" asked one of the general's guests.
"Probably a malfunction. But just to be sure. This is General Prothos to command center, please respond."
There was no answer.
"Repeat. This is General Prothos to central command, please respond."
No answer.
"Could the comm lines be down, too?" murmured one of the general's staff. Then the lieutenant made his way to the door. For some reason, the door did not open automatically.
When it did slide open, it only opened a narrow crack before closing again.
The door began to open and close irregularly. What is even more puzzling is that even the lights in the room are beginning to flicker randomly.
"Are we trapped in here?" asked one of the general's guests.
"Sir," reported a Cantharan lieutenant. " Enemy ships are-"
The gate ship rocked mildly.
"Enemy capital ships are targeting their missiles at us."
"Stand by." ordered Admiral Mek Het. "Report on the base."
"The base's electronic systems are shutting down."
"Good, continue our jamming."
"Admiral," said the Salrilian adviser. "We're using so much power to bypass the planet's atmosphere to jam the base that we can't even power up our weapons."
The admiral smiled.
"Right on schedule."
"Sir, enemy vessels have entered firing range."
When Siebrenek saw the Cantharan fleet taking such a grave risk by jumping in so close to the planet, he already knew something suspicious is going on. Once he saw the gate ship standing idle instead of opening fire and Cantharan transports racing towards the planet, the pieces fell into place. The puzzle has been solved.
"Clever plan," Siebrenek thought to himself.
Indeed. The Cantharans wanted to capture the base. But they were afraid the the Obish defenders might use a self-destruct sequence to destroy the base's power generators thus incinerating the base compeltely. Therefore they brought in their gate ship to jam the base's computer systems so that the self-destruct sequence could not be issued and the base will be paralyzed due to the jamming of its communications systems. Once Cantharan transports take over the base, the gate ship will assist the fleet in destroying the rest of the Obish ships.
The plan is sound, except for one flaw...
"This is Siebrenek to all ships. The Cantharan gate ship can't open fire right now. We must take it out before it regains its ability to fire."
Siebrenek realized that to ensure that the jamming can penetrate the planet's atmosphere, the gate ship must divert tremendous power to its jamming systems. That will probably cinlude its weapons systems as well. The fact that the gate ship still has nto opened fire confirmed Siebrenek's speculation.
A shower of missiles pounded the gate ship.
"Order our ships to stand by. We must hold the perimeter."
"Sir," said the Salrilian adviser. "Our ship can only take so much constant pounding. If the rest of our ships can't maneuver-"
"I can't risk allowing their ships to intercept our transports or even attack us at optimum firing range."
Turning to a lieutenant, Mek Het asked:
"How long till our transports land?"
"Just a few more seconds sir."
It took some time before General Prothos was able to make his way to the command center. Along the way, he was knocked off his feet several times by violent shakings. He need not ask anyone for the reason for he can see the reason himself.
Cantharan transports are landing.
Once he made his way into the command center, the first thing he said was:
"Contact our troops and activate perimeter defenses."
The staff at the command center was silent. Finally, the commander replied:
"Sir, our computer systems are all down."
For a moment, the general felt as if a black cloud had just covered his eyes. If not for two aides standing close to him, he would have collapsed to the floor.
"But...but...that means we can't even activate the self-destruct sequence?"
The commander nodded.
"What about the emergency systems?"
"All independent systems are also not responding."
"Sir, the Cantharan perimeter is too well defended. Our charges are costing us too many ships. We must find another way?"
"What other way?"
"Sir, the carrier Blue Eye of Zom has been destroyed. The carriers Bald Head of Doz and the Thick Hair of Zom has been disabled."
"Admiral," said the Salrilian adviser. "We've lost 14 cruisers already. We have to assist."
Mek Het did not answer. His eyes remain fixed on the view screen.
Another large explosion.
"Sir, the carrier Right Arm of Doz has been destroyed."
"Admiral..." began the Salrilian adviser.
"Do we have the signal?" asked Mek Het.
"No sir."
"Then we'll wait."
"Sir, the enemy carrier Right Arm of Doz has been destroyed. There is a gap in their lines."
"Order the cruisers exploit this hole immediately. Order the destroyers to follow."
"Sir, the gap is too small. We'll be caught inside their formation!"
"Hopefully we'll break through."
"Do you have any better ideas?"
"Sir, enemy cruisers are attempting to run through the gap in our lines."
"Send the carrier Swift Feet of Zom to plug the hole."
"Aye, sir."
"Sir, the enemy is already dispatching another carrier to compensate. I don't think we'll make it in time."
"We have to."
"Sir, we'll come too close to their capital ships!"
"Then we'll collide!" yelled Siebrenek.
For a moment, the bridge was silent. All eyes are on the admiral. The admiral thought for a brief moment before adding:
"Maintain course."
"Our formation is cutting down enemy cruisers. No Obish cruiser has yet penetrated our lines."
"Good, see to it that it stays that way."
"Aye, sir."
"Sir, enemy capital ships are continuing their advance."
"There might be a risk of collision." murmured the Salrilian adviser.
Mek Het nodded. Then he ordered:
"Order all ships, no one can abandon position without my authorization."
"Sir, our risk of collision is imminent! We must halt advance."
"Concentrate weapons fire on enemy cruiser. We'll sail right through their dead bodies."
"Sir, the Cantharans can plug their holes quickly. Even if that cruiser is destroyed, another will quickly take its place."
Siebrenek stared at the commander. The he pronounced slowly, syllable by syllable:
"You have your orders."
"Sir, enemy capital ships are continuing their advance. Risk of collision is imminent."
"Sir, Captain Rhat of the cruiser the Footsteps of Zom is requesting permission to fall back."
"The Footsteps of Zom will be the first one to be destroyed if their capital ships ram our lines," said the Salrilian adviser.
"Send a message to the Footsteps of Zom. Captain Rhat had been relieved of command. Tell the commander, there will be no falling back."
"Sir, collision imminent. Estimated time to impact, 17 seconds."
"Maintain course."
"Sir, our shields are already low. If we-"
"In a collision between a destroyer and a cruiser, bet on the destroyer, commander."
The Siebrenek turned to the helmsman
"Continue on course."
"Sir, we have the signal!"
"Confirm that."
"There is no question, sir. The transports are beginning to return from the planet."
"Good. Now listen carefully!"
The admiral's bright eyes swept the bridge.
"Open a hole directly in front of their capital ships. Once they're all in, we'll close it behind them. Start firing our weapons. Jam the enemy flag ship."
"With pleasure, sir."
"The cost is high. 4 carriers and 22 cruisers destroyed." said the Salrilian adviser
"Yes, but our gains are also impressive. The entire Obish reserve fleet wiped out. In addition, we have a fully function base for free." countered one of Mek Het's staffers.
"Not quite free. 1,221 of our soldiers were killed during their assault."
"I'd say that a fully functional base is worth 1,221 lives. It would take us years to build one like this." said another Cantharan commander.
"Indeed," concluded Mek Het. "The cost is high but I would say that the benefits justify the cost, wouldn't you say?"
Th Salrilian adviser nodded.
"Sssss," the admiral's office's doors slid open and a commander walked in. After saluting the admiral who returned the salute, he reported:
"Sir, we have Vice-Admiral Siebrenek here."
"Good, bring him in."
The commander saluted the admiral again and withdrew. Then he quickly re-entered, followed by 2 guards holding the vice-admiral.
"I am pleased to see you Admiral Siebrenek. It is a pleasure to have you with us today."
"I wish I can say the same."
Mek Het smiled.
"I'm glad to see that you still have your sense of humor."
He paused for a moment, carefully studying Siebrenek's face before continuing:
"You are joining us for a momentous occassion, admiral." Pointing to a computer console, he continued:
"We gathered your ground forces on Proteus Alpha. All 2,458 of them. Our weapons are locked onto their coordinates. With one command, they will all be incinerated."
Siebrenek shuddered.
"That is a violation of the Bazidan Convention to which Cantharis is a signatory. You-"
"And what will the inter-stellar community do to punish the Order for this transgression of inter-stellar law? Pass a resolution to condemn us, perhaps?"
Siebrenek was silent.
"Besides, they will not die on our hands. No, we reserved that honor for you, admiral."
Siebrenek looked at Mek Het as if he was mad.
"You're insane."
"On the contrary, I am quite serious. You see, if you don't do as I asked, I will press the button myself. But in addition to your people on the ground, all of your naval personnel who had been captured and surrendered will also be executed, including you, admiral. I'd hate to know that our first meeting is our last."
"You will not convince me to kill my own people."
"Very well then," said Mek Het. He then proceeded to the console. Just when he raised his hand, Siebrenek cried out:
Mek Het turned and smiled:
"I see you have decided to save at least those under your command."
Siebrenek lowered his head to his chest for a brief moment as if in prayer before he raised it again and murmured:
"History will exonerate me."
Then he pushed the blinking red button. On the view screen, he saw the gate ship firing several shots at the planet. They quickly descended into the atmosphere and disappeared from view.
"What have you done!" shouted the admiral.
The guards immediately seized Siebrenek.
"I only said that in jest. Why did you take it seriously?"
Siebrenek paled markedly. He suddenly felt a weakness in his knees. If not for the guards holding him, he might have collapsed to the floor.
Suddenly, he gathered his strength.
"No one will ever believe you."
"You're the one who pushed the button, admiral. There is a recording of that. Perhaps you killed your own people to prevent them from languishing in Cantharan prison? Perhaps this is the misguided Obish idea of death with honor? I'm afraid that the tribunal judges will see it differently. I'm afraid that they will see it as what it is: a brutal, senseless massacre of one's own people."
Mek Het took one step toward Siebrenek and solemnly pronounced:
"As an officer of the Cantharan Order which is a signatory of the Bazidan Convention, I am placing you under arrest pending the formation of an inter-stellar war crimes tribunal."
Then he ordered:
"Guards, take the vice-admiral to the brig."
The guards grabbed Siebrenek and pulled him into a turbolift. Siebrenek did not resist.
"You seem to have a unique ability to break people's will, admiral," commented the Salrilian adviser as soon as Siebrenek was gone. "Some day, I must send some of our psychologists to discuss psychological warfare with you."
The admiral smiled at the adviser and made a slight bow. Then he called the bridge:
"Helmsman, set course for the Heshac System and engage when ready."
Vice-admiral Neran, commander of the Cantharan 5th fleet is the only high-ranking Cantharan military official who is not Cantharan. His race, the Rekantheans, long surrendered to the Order. He was born long after the Rekantheans became an obedient member of the Order. He never knew anything else to swear his loyalty to other than the Order.
He worked his way up through the hierarchy, albeit slowly. Cantharans are highly suspicious of anyone not belonging to their own race. For several times, his promotion was blocked for the simple reason that he was not Cantharan by birth. Which is probably the reason why he is not the Chief Strategist for the Order.
This does not suggest, however, that the vice-admiral hates Admiral Mek Het. Instead, Mek Het's rise to that prominent position has been a boon to many of the races living under Cantharan rule. Indeed, if not for Mek Het, he would still be a captain working in an office.
Which explains why he is eager to prove himself, on the eve before his ships will jump into the Philemon System to defeat the Obish forces patrolling the system. It is not a difficult task. The bulk of Obish forces are in Gaitori space, the Heshac System, and the Proteus System. Nevertheless, Philemon is still a vital component of Mek Het's plan of conquering the now defunct Free Trade Zone in one massive operation.
The attack is well-coordinated. All 3 fleets are scheduled to strike at the same time, giving the Obiards little or no warning.
"Sir, we have arrived at our assigned coordinates." reported a Cantharan lieutenant.
"Good. Time?"
"2 minutes and 41 seconds remaining."
"Very well. Prepare to jump when time has elapsed."
"Aye, sir."
Neran waited patiently for those 2+ minutes to end. It was a long wait. Hyperspace is certainly not a breathtaking sight. He has seen to too often. In hyperspace, the rest of his fleet waits, in low power mode, to avoid enemy detection.
He eyes scanned his bridge crew. They looked confident, but also slightly nervous. It is difficult for anyone to truly adjust to war, even if it is not a major battle. Philemon may not have a powerful Obish fleet defending it, but it is still a crucial component in the overall strategy of Mek Het.
"Time has elapsed."
"Very well. Take us in." commanded Neran.
In a flash, the vice-admiral's flag ship and its escorts jumped into the system.
"Full scan."
"Sensors report a single Obish destroyer and 5 cruisers. But there could be others hiding."
"Acknowledged. Keep monitoring. Open a channel to the Obish flag ship."
"Channel open."
"This is Admiral Neran of the Cantharan 5th Fleet. By order of the Cantharan Supreme Council, the Cantharan Order had formally declared war against Obain. All Obish forces are ordered to stand down. You will not be harmed if you surrender. Resistance will be met with deadly force."
There was silence.
"Sir, the Obish destroyer is turning around to engage us. The cruisers aren't even bothering to engage stealth mode."
Neran smiled. His deception had succeeded.
"Start firing missiles at enemy cruisers. Order our cruisers to target enemy cruisers only."
"Acknowledged. Message sent."
"Sir, the Obish destroyer is beginning to open fire."
"Activate cluster cell array to intercept enemy missiles."
"Enemy cruisers are taking evasive action. Our missiles are having a hard time pinning them down."
"Continue to fire on enemy cruisers only."
"Obish destroyer is closing fast. They will enter optimum firing range in 1 minute."
"Very well. Notify when they have entered optimum range."
"Aye, sir."
"Obish cruisers have entered optimum range. They are firing at us."
"Maintain position."
"Sir, shields are down to 76%."
"Engage engines on my command."
"Shields are down to 64%."
"Perhaps we should start evasive maneuvers," whispered the commander.
Neran shook his head.
"It won't be much use. We need to wait for them."
An Obish cruiser, pursued by a Cantharan cruiser, flies directly towards the carrier, firing furiously. It is carefully maneuvering to evade the fire from both its target and its pursuer. The image of the cruiser becomes larger by the second as the cruiser seems to be closing in straight at the carrier at an uncommonly high speed. But at the last second, it pulled up. Luckily, its pursuer managed to pull up in time as well.
"Sir, shields are down to 48%."
"Sir, enemy destroyer has entered optimum firing range."
"Good. Shall we unveil our surprise?"
The commander smiled.
"Yes sir."
He then stood up and ordered:
"Send a message to our ships. Relay the coordinates of the enemy flag ship."
"Acknowledged. Message sent."
"Sir, the carriers Droning Voice of Zom, Dark Face of Zom, and the Palm of Doz had just jumped in. They have surrounded the enemy flag ship and is now opening fire. Their escorts are also converging on the enemy target."
"Excellent. Status of their shields?"
"Their shields are now donw to 40%."
"They'll never get out in time," whispered the commander.
"Sir, the Obish cruiser are being chased by our cruisers and are withdrawing."
"How many did we manage to destroy?"
"2, sir."
"Concentrate weapons fire on the destroyer."
"Aye sir."
A few moments later, Neran was able to dispatch the following message to Mek Het:
To: Admiral Mek Het, Chief Strategist of the Cantharan Order
From: Vice-Admiral Neran, Commander of the Cantharan 6th Fleet
I am pleased to inform you that our assault on Philemon had been a success. The enemy flag ship was destroyed. We are currently holding position on the Ishiman border. Awaiting further instructions.
Mek Het of course, did not read the message. He is busy practicing for his speech.
"You are surrounded by superior forces. Resistance is hopeless. Your only viable option is to surrender..."
htjyang:not the imposter
Posted 15 September 2000 - 09:29 AM
Posted 16 September 2000 - 12:39 AM
The only officially constituted, patented, and authorized htjyang. All rights not explicitly granted are withheld. Void where prohibited.
- Attorney General John Ashcroft, 12/7/2001, Senate Judiciary Committee
Posted 16 September 2000 - 11:53 AM

*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 16 September 2000 - 02:01 PM
First of all, no publisher in his right mind will publish something like this.
Second, 1st printings usually involve tens of thousands of copies. I'd be lucky if there's 50 people who's willing to shell out money for this.
Third, this is hardly a novel length story. It is a short story. It certainly can't be published on its own.
Fourth, the story itself is terrible. I'm not talking about grammatical and spelling errors. They can be caught by an editor. I'm talking about fatal flaws such as shallow characterization. No reviewer will waste his time with this.
The only officially constituted, patented, and authorized htjyang. All rights not explicitly granted are withheld. Void where prohibited.
- Attorney General John Ashcroft, 12/7/2001, Senate Judiciary Committee
Posted 16 September 2000 - 04:43 PM
Hey, that just gave me an idea... Htjyang: drop me a line (so I can get your email adress) at [url="http://""][/url] and we can discuss it.
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
Posted 16 September 2000 - 05:17 PM
Well, you could kill two birds with one stone: Add more visuals, character depth, and all around fluff, and it would become novel length. What keeps me raving is the plot depth; a skill which I lack in spades (just read my writing in the Officer's Club Bar, "The Buildup", and other related topics). I can however, (when I actually apply myself, that is) produce stories with all the character depth, visuals,a nd publisher fluff a company could want.
I can do all that, I am only bad at introductions. After I get an introduction (its taken me months before to find a good one) I can make an awesome story. Conclusions are nasty too, but not nearly to that extent. I think it would probably make a good novel if you "spiff" it up a bit.

You like palatino too? Cool

*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 16 September 2000 - 05:19 PM
It might be interesting to be browsing the Barnes and Noble science fiction and come across your story.

P.S. Sargataus: If you think I'm copying your Palatino posts, I've liked palatino for a long time. Your post just reminded me I could change the font.
[This message has been edited by Tyrael (edited 09-16-2000).]
Posted 16 September 2000 - 09:22 PM
P.S. Sargatanus: If you think I'm copying your Palatino posts, I've liked palatino for a long time. Your post just reminded me I could change the font.
Don't worry about it.
Posted 16 September 2000 - 09:44 PM
Why is HTML only off in Trash Talk?
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 20 September 2000 - 11:26 PM
I was wrong.
Approximately an hour ago, an idea popped into my head. With some reluctance, I had to suspend my story-in-progress for EV and work on this new idea.
I'm afraid I must warn people who frequent Ares Chronicles: In a month or 2, you'll be subjected again to another one of htjyang's stories.
The only officially constituted, patented, and authorized htjyang. All rights not explicitly granted are withheld. Void where prohibited.
- Attorney General John Ashcroft, 12/7/2001, Senate Judiciary Committee
Posted 22 September 2000 - 04:33 PM
Posted 25 September 2000 - 07:43 AM
"Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war, that this foul deed shall smell above the earth!"- Mark Antony at the sight of Caesar's dead body. Julias Caesar, Part 2, act 2.
Posted 25 September 2000 - 12:24 PM

"Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!" - General Chang
"I'd give real money for him to shut up." - Dr. McCoy
[Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country]
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- Attorney General John Ashcroft, 12/7/2001, Senate Judiciary Committee