But here I am, 1000 posts later.
[url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum13/HTML/000373.html"]My first post, including sig:[/url]
Race Trah will dominate the world of Ares
So, I award myself this award for reaching 1000:
Now for some math:
Registered: January 6, 2003
Posts: 1000
Karma: 3 (3 praises 0 slaps)
Days to reach 1000: 535
Posts per day: 1.869158878504673
Karma per day: 0.005607476635514018
Karma per post: 0.003 (1 karma per 333+1/3 posts)
Estimated post to get next karma: 1333
[url="http://"http://zoxler.net/pics/tibookwow.jpg"]A tribute to Apple: Tibook survives car crash[/url]
We in the U.S. require a new shrubbery.