I got quite a few laughs out of this one (yet another interesting link to come out of #ev3!). If you think it's funny, say so. If you think it sucks, lock it.

[url="http://"http://www.lordofthecows.com/ambrosiamemberstonight/"]Ambrosia Members Tonight![/url] | [url="http://"http://www.lordofthecows.com/music/board_members/spamguy/moderatorsong.mp3"]The Moderator Song[/url] / [url="http://"http://www.lordofthecows.com/music/board_members/evula/evula.mp3"]EVula[/url] / [url="http://"http://www.evula.com/"]The real EVula.com[/url]
Jingle Bells, Windoze smells, [url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum61/HTML/001202.html"]The Blue Mushroom Pub[/url] rocks (all 25+ pages worth)!
How are you gentlemen!! [url="http://"http://www.allyourbasearebelongtous.com"]All your base are belong to us![/url] You are on ze way to destruction. You will have no chance to survive make your time...Mwa ha ha ha...
-ZeroWing CATS, [url="http://"http://www.planettribes.com/allyourbase/"]All your Base[/url]