I'm a dork and I love the Audemedons and their interesting alliance with the Salrilians.
Currently I'm working on a little document that explains the Audemedons from the perspective of the Salrilians. I want to post it eventually, but I'm somewhat apprehensive due to the possibility that others might disagree andor will be disappointed with my ideas on the subject of Audemedons. This might seem shy or even cowardly (it is, hah) but I want to ask if anyone would be interested in seeing this document so far (andor when it's finished)? Any suggestions or interesting ideas or comments of any kind would be appreciated.
On the other hand, if you just don't care and think I'm lame for being obsessed with this particular "character" from a game, you don't have to tell me that cause I know.

So yeah, lemme know if you all are cool with the idea.
" z' "