[Q/A] The RPGing Days of Yore
Posted 02 April 2002 - 03:46 PM
[*]Who's interested?
There have been new members since I last participated in an RPG, and members who may not be returning. Participate or not, but feel free to post an opinion even if you won't be joining.
[*]How do we make sure it's easy for people to get into the RPG without reading pages of writing?
I don't think it should be necessary either to read the entire thread, nor to link off the webboard in order to figure out a character that makes sense.
[*]Where would the RPG happen?
It sounds simple, but it's not. We have to consider the particular universe, either Ares or non, and the time period it's in. Information on the setting as to be available, but not too plentiful, so that we have room to roleplay.
[*]How do we keep a storyline continuous?
There are storylines where people spend inordinate amounts of time on GR to maintain, and there are ones where you simply have to take whatever is thrown at you. I think there has to be some ideal point inbetween.
[*]What kind of powers should the players have?
Again, there's a spectrum of possibilities here. Some RPGs are run by a particular person, where the players have limited powers, and others are entirely run by the players.
[*]What other questions should be asked?
Yes, I am lazy. Put your own questions here too.[/list=a]
My answers are the following. Please disagree.
Summary topic, maybe? Some member could be responsible for keeping an up-to-date chronology of major events.
I've always been partial to the Obish/Gaitori War. Then again, others probably aren't. However, there's a small amount of information available on the Boodan Civil War, with mostly grey areas where we aren't too sure wat happened. It could work.
Back to the summary topic. The first post is a summary, and subsequent posts are all intentions of the members. Keeps the topic floating too.
Power to the people. As long as you can vote down anything "unfair," then people should have free rein on what they do.
I'd also be interested in an RPG that was less "RPG" and more "Strategy." I don't see a Diplomacy adaptation for Ares, but there are systems that could work.
[This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 04-02-2002).]
Posted 02 April 2002 - 08:32 PM
Seen on a Claymore anitpersonell mine: "Do not eat"
Onii7/Frinkruds and his funky forums
Posted 02 April 2002 - 10:26 PM
Darkk, go on GR as soon as you read this. I shall be waiting.
The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!
Posted 03 April 2002 - 04:59 AM
I can't say how active I might be, given the upcoming finals here at school and a week where I'll be more or less absent from the internet. But I'd like to give it a shot, supporting character or something.
"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."
Posted 03 April 2002 - 07:29 AM

[edit]Actually, I've been working on an alternative life support, but I guess I'll turn away from that for a while[/edit]
Using an MW3 Tight Beam since '99
[This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 04-03-2002).]
Posted 04 April 2002 - 07:06 AM
Still, I wish those interested the best of luck. This board is the home of the first of the Ambrosia board RPGs, after all.
Sundered Angel,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
Posted 04 April 2002 - 07:08 PM
4. I would recommend a non-ares setting, as it will attract more people who don't participate in RPG's much that don't know the background. Not many people know the ares setting that well, and are disinclined to read through pages of background material.
That's all. Bye.
If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.
Posted 04 April 2002 - 08:59 PM
My opinion is not a popular one probably, but nevertheless-
4. I would recommend a non-ares setting, as it will attract more people who don't participate in RPG's much that don't know the background. Not many people know the ares setting that well, and are disinclined to read through pages of background material.
That's all. Bye.
Erm, maybe it's just me, but I think people in the Ares Officer's Club would probably have knowledge of the ares setting

Patrick in Exile
Posted 04 April 2002 - 11:50 PM
I would advocate going with an independent universe, as far as politics go. The old Ares paradigm has been done several times already and I for one wouldn't mind seeing something new. Sure, use the Ishimans, humans and such, but new interactions.
"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."
Posted 05 April 2002 - 10:29 PM
I know, but to attract people who are new to it, as mentioned in the first post. That's all; I was just saying that it would be better if you want to get more newcomers, or attract people from other boards. Sorry.
If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.
Posted 06 April 2002 - 05:33 PM
Do we want a galaxy already torn by war, or do we want to start the wars ourselves?
Do we want myriads of factions to play with (Ares, EVO), or a select few (EV, EVN)?
Just thinking here - a well planned RPG will last longer. Not too much planning though... we have to launch it before people lose interest.
(Personally, I think it might make sense to have a few people simply draw up simple information about a few factions and plunge in.)
Using an MW3 Tight Beam since '99
Posted 08 April 2002 - 10:14 PM
2. I dunno, thats whats always kept me out of them

3. I think that the less people that design the base system the better, we can add some new stuff to it later, but a base system should not be muddyed by too many cooks, just 2-4 people.
4. To keep the storyline moving, you need a narrator or two to make sure people are staying in bounds, and 2 or more factions on opposite sides of each other, so real combat goes on in the writing.
5. Nothing godly.
My bid on a scenario goes to something pre ares-game. If we dont do that i dont care what the universe holds as long as its not ripped off bad TV shows.
It's Difficult To Comprehend How Insane Some People Can Be. Especially When You're Insane.
Posted 19 April 2002 - 02:18 PM
That sounds good. Hey, Pyro and Pallas I'd like to help out with the narrator/organization. Drop me an e-mail and my people will call your people and we'll do lunch.
Maybe we can get something going that'll actually... y'know... keep going.
"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."