Posted 26 April 2001 - 07:58 PM
I have 3 characters (AWB, RPG, Unreleased / Pallas, Ntek, Eriza)
Interesting similariy of names, neh?
Ntek Ktana (Family Name First)
Race: Obish (As are all my characters)
Age: 27 (Life Expectancy of 60)
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 122 lbs
Ntek's home planet is Arqum (arr-KYOOM), halfway between Oben* and Sol and an exclave of Ln'tkra**. Early in the Ored'ka*-getori War, he was conscripted, but not as a minion of war. He was placed as a crewmember of the OMV Deliverance. This vessel met with Sal'ri'lye'n* operatives working to give Oben their coveted cloaking technology. After three such meetings with the Desal'ri'lye'n, all the technology they had willing to give had been procured, and Ntek was scheduled to be transferred to the position of Subcommander on a Gunship. However, before the transition took effect, the war ended, and Ntek was returned home.
Soon, known for his presence on the Deliverance, Arqum elected him as a representative to the Ored'ka Consensus. He served as a distinguished member for several years, and stepped down shortly after the rescue of Ambassador Thrntz. Ntek served as an unofficial liason to the UNS resistance for a the Duration of the Ares War, after which he was recognized and secured an official position as Ambassador to Sol. Upon hearing information of a planned Sal'ri'lyen invasion of the Sol system, Ntek brought in his personal battleship, which, while somewhat of a derelict, was expected to help significantly in the defense of Earth. However, the Desal'ri'lyen arrived in such force that all of the forces in the area were overwhelmed (or escaped), save 2 Escorts, one of which managed to escape through a jumpgate and one of which Ntek transferred to.
Immediately the escort attempted to flee, but the only available path was to the Anglagard system, further towards Ak'si's and the Deode'me'don.* With the assistance of an arriving Ored'ka task force, they managed to take New Wales and New Scotland, leaving with reinforced numbers before the Deode'me'don could arrive in force. The lone crusaders gradually fought and escaped through a number of systems, until the Deode'me'don could conceal their approach. In the Kvesar system, while the Ored'ka force was in the midst of leaving, the Audemedons appeared. They crippled half of the Ored'ka ships there, and one battleship, the OMV Th'riha'n, was split in two and drifted through the jumpgate.
In the days that followed, Ntek brooded over the losses he had suffered in aid of the Deyume'n',* and selected the only path he saw as a possible action: he forsook Ln'tkra in favor of Sh'yara and pledged to aid the Desal'ri'lyen above any others. The formation of the Woven gave him cause to appear to aid them. In the following Third Battle of Sol, the UEC armada was eliminated. With the common enemy of the Woven gone, there was nothing left to unite them save previous alliances. However, with the lines drawn between Dei'shiman'/Debe'zi'daniz and Desal'ri'lyen/Deka'n'thare'n, over nine tenths of the Obish chose to defect under the leadership of Ntek and reform themselves with the factions to the Stellar North.
(I dropped out of the RPG at that point, and don't even know what's happening nowadays. If it's turned to my interest, maybe someone from the RPG could mail me a summary so I can decide?)
*Whenever I say "Oben," I'm simply using the Obish spelling for "Obain." Ored'ka (oh-RAY-de-kah) means "Obish." "Sal'ri'lye'n" is "Salrillian." "Ode'me'don" is "Audemedon." "Yume'n' " is "Human."
**LINT-keh-rah. Obish goddess of Ships and Stars. SYA-rah. Obish goddess of Fire and Fury.
What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
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