Posted 17 September 2000 - 09:45 PM
Phylydions-my opinion: A civilization whose military power rivals that of the Cantharans in size and the Salrilians in technology. A fairly young civilization in comparison with the other races, the Phylydions' have made a meteoric rise in the political scene due to their expansionism and military prowess. Socially, the Phylydions are a proud, dignified, and disciplined civilization, yet have the nasty habit of being arrogant, ethnocentric, and militaristic. These habits form a social archetype that gives them a sense and belief of superiority to other races in the galaxy, especially other homonids. Old standing social stigmas keep them on shaky terms with the members of the Divine Galactic Axis, and occasionally upset fellow members of the United Galactic Powers Alliance. Despite this, most Phylydionds remain proponants of peace (although some believe only a fast and devastating strike will resolve the current conflicts in the galaxy).
Nijayias- Since it is very unlikely that Darkk will be coming back, The Nijayias are at the disposal of our imagination. This is what I have envisioned: Once what was arguabley the most powerful civilization in the known galaxy, the ancient Nijayias fell victim to stagnation and corruption to the point where it their government became ineffective, and vulnerable to an inside attack. This attack came at the hands of renegade phylydion Taeskors, and sucessfully toppled the ancient empire. Gaining control of most of the powerful Niijayias Interstellar Navy, the renegades launched a potent attack on the northern borders of the phylydion Imperium. This launched the brief, but devsatating Phylydion-Nijayias war (covered below), in which the Nijayias Empire was eventually trampled and disected between the Phylydions, Salrilians, and Audemedons.
It is a known fact that there was a previous, yet less advanced Nijayias Empire that spanned some 50 systems about 200,000 years ago. The reasons for the fall of this empire are unknown, but sparse evidence indicates a devastating war with another unknown ancient galactic power. It is believed this the war saw the decline of social and scientific knowledge throughout all of the Fist Empire's colonies, and eventually resulted in the return of the Dark Ages and barbarism on all its worlds. This however, would have resulted in pockets of budding Nijayias civilizations throughout the galaxy (although it is possible that those colonies were sacked by whatever force caused the First Empire's fall).
Another speculation is that the Nijayias were the progenetors of all homonid species in the known galaxy. Nijayias, Human, and Duploi DNA are all 99.998% identicle, and Phylydion DNA is 99.89% identicle. In this theory, it is assumed that Humans and Duploi were the result of long range Nijayias lifeboats; this would account for their distance from Nijayias space. With the Phylydions however, it is assumed that they were the result of Nijayias genetic engineering on a controled colony shortly before the Fall. This would account for the Phylydions all around physical advantage, their enhanced sixth sense and sensing tendrills, and the lack of any serious genetic defficiencies in the whole species.
Phylydion-Nijayias War: Though brief, the riptides from this war were felt throughout the entire galaxy, and gave a grim image of things to come. Through cneturies of stagnation, lack of direction, and political corruption, the Nijayias Empire had rotted from the inside to the point where one small outside push would topple it. This push came at the hands of some 200 Taeskors, and other assorted renegades. Within weeks of their intrusion, the renegades had managed to assume control of most factions of Nijayias rule by making use of some of the larger crime syndicates. With this rule of the decayed empire came almost complete control of the still mighty Nijayias Interstellar Navy. This was the conduit through which the renegades sought to topple another great civilization: The Phylydion Imperium. The first attacks proved very successful on the northern Phylydion border, since there was little warning and thus little time for the Phylydion Armada to mobilise. Once fully mobilised however, the Nijayias advances were halted, and the two great powers stalemated. It was then that the Phylydion Imperium recieved the economic support of the Ishimans, Humans, and Elejeetians. The newly appointed Salrilian Haruspex Sargatanus offered vast military support in exchange for the annexation of the Verasi system. The annexation was refused, but was compensated monetarily. With the newfound resources from their new alies, as well as massive support from the rapidly expanding Salrilian Galactic Armada, the Phylydions quickly reclaimed their northen colonies, and made a huge push into Nijayias space. However, this alliance proved to harbour a sinister secret: Perhaps the biggest event in the war was the the renegade sacking of the remote Phylydion colony of Verasi. The renegades slaughtered every inhabitant of the planet shortly before the 1st and 7th Salrilian fleets jumped in and decimated them. This attack was suspisious even before the first shot was fired. The renegades had abandoned their ships and slave rigged them through a single combat computer, and their ships were easily wiped out. What made it even more suspicious was the fact that Verasi, which was the system the Salrilian Haruspex so desired, was slagged and rendered neutral, and through tedious negotiation shortly after the battle, was annexed. This was also when the Salrilians demanded that the Phylydions halt their advances into Nijayias space. Thus it is suspected, thoug not proven, that the renegades were covertly working under Salrilian order, (or to be more precise, the order of another former Taeskor, Verad, who was an advisor to Haruspex Sargatanus). The Phylydions continued their advance, and the Salrilians and soon Cantharans began to fortify the norther provinces of Nijayias space. In the final stages of the war, the Phylydion Primary Armada went on the slag all 131 planets in southern Nijayias space. It is not known how many Nijayias were killed in the orbital bombardment, since it is not known how well evacuated the planets had been. Current estimates range from 12-45 billion. The northern provinces became a Salrilian protectorate. To this day, Nijayias space remains hostile territory, where traditionalists, Salrilian loyalists, and terrorists are constantly fighting.
There's a lot more that I'm going to put in this (including character summaries, more species summaries, and views between races and species), but I'll get to that later.
For now, ask questions about anything that is confusing in the stories, or post information of your own.
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
[This message has been edited by Sargatanus (edited 09-17-2000).]
(Sargatanus- just a couple of spelling mistakes and a modification- 500 Pure Taeskors? I'm pretty sure Pure Taeskors are extremely rare.)
[This message has been edited by Sundered Angel (edited 09-18-2000).]
(Added more to the Nijayias 9-18-00)
[This message has been edited by Sargatanus (edited 09-18-2000).]
Posted 18 September 2000 - 01:00 AM
Sundered Angel is rumoured to possess magical powers, though everything he does can be explained away by technology. He is noted for creating the Angel class fighter, which has formed the basis for the Divine Galactic Axis's new series of warships, and for providing the fighters which crippled the Salrilian Ring in the attack which put Sargatanus into power.
As the grim spectre of war looms over the galaxy, Sundered Angel has been sighted across the galaxy, always inexplicably. Some rumour that he is the evil behind the fall- others that he is the dark saviour waiting to arise.
Sundered Angel,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
Posted 18 September 2000 - 05:26 PM
UNS Rogue - Former flagship of the United Nations of Sol from year 2024 to year 2065. It was the first interstellar military spacecraft. Because of the low number of crew members, the Rogue was commisioned to the Ishiman for the 24 years it would take for the Apollo 2200 to arrive. In that time, it became modified to the point where it was identical to an Ishiman Protectorate Heavy Cruiser, although any diagnostic shows it as an extremely old model UNS Scoutship. It was modified by the Ishiman, and was the ship that destroyed the Cantharan Gateship. However, the converter coils that transfered Ishiman power into Elejeetian and Salrillian power blew out a lot, and Mag decided to go with only Ishiman technology.
"I can ail what cures you."
Posted 18 September 2000 - 09:53 PM
Drion Nerec: Maybe Drion had a really bad day, or week and Sargatanus somehow made him lose it. Even the calmest people get ticked off if something(s) really bad or irritating happens to them.
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 19 September 2000 - 11:44 AM
To better facilitate gathering more energy, transport materials on the surface, and manipulate the star, a hexagonal network of thick superconductors would be implemented into the superstructural base of the ring. This aditional power would be in the form of the absorbed kinetic energy from free flying atoms and particles hitting the bottom of the Ring. Huge mag-lev vehicles could use the pathways of the superconductive network to transport huge amounts of supplies across the surface. And the electromagnetic tides tide produced by the spinning of the ring and amplified by the superconductive network could be used to squeeze and focus a stream of plasm from the star big enough to incinerate a planet. Should there be some galaxy-wide disaster, the Ring could be used as a lifeboat for the citizens of the galaxy: The plasma stream could be shot out like a rocket and propell the star, and the ring would follow, tethered by gravity. (And by the time you ran out of star, the ring would be flying at ramjet speeds, and always have a star.)
The ring would maintain stability by using an array of large fusion thrusters at the top of each wall. To prevent instability, the thrusters were linked through a central feed tube. This way, should an uncontrolled reaction occur, the pressure would be alieviated by all the thrusters at once.
For further protection against collision, invasion, or any other spacial disaster, the Ring would be fitted (eventually) with billions of tetrashield generators. With the power generated by the ring, these shields would emulate solid matter nearly as strong as the scrith that the Ring was constructed with.
Construction was going to be the tough part. It took around 150 years just to make the equipment. The construction of the ring itself began by taking the moons of one of the gas giants, then dismantling and reassembling them into three equally sized masses, and three huge life boat ships the shape of a pie plate to house the planets' population. These were to be the anchors. The masses were set into orbit, and tethered into two overlapping equilateral triangles. At the spots where the triangles overlapped eachother is where construction of the shadow belt would be built. The ring skeleton would result from flattening and stretching out the six anchor masses. After this, more planets would be dismantled and added as mass to each anchor point. Eventually the framework from each anchor connects, and the infant ring was freed from the inner shadow ring. Then was added the superconductor network, stabilizer thrusters, and hydrogen feed tube. After each planet (except for Salril Prime) was dismantled into raw material and lifeboats, the production of Scrith began. The process of producing and adding the scrith took nearly 300 years, and during that time, the shield generators, shadow squares, and much of the interior landscaping were completed. Just recently, the final spaces of open scaffolding and landscape-free areas were filled in.
[Still to come: the siege]
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
[This message has been edited by Sargatanus (edited 09-19-2000).]
Posted 19 September 2000 - 01:16 PM
Nijayias: Nee-JAH-ee-ahs if you pronounced it slowly, or Nee-Jayas, if you pronounced it quickly, is the way I pronounce it.
Phylydion official pronunciation: Fih-LIH-dee-un
-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 20 September 2000 - 07:38 PM
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
Posted 21 September 2000 - 12:12 AM
Toriserra- A triangular metal artifact of Verasi origin, used by Sargatanus to "enlighten", or give great power to a person. The term was first used by Sundered Angel, and has been adopted in those circles which know of the artifact.
Sundered Angel,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
Posted 21 September 2000 - 02:41 PM
HIGH OCTICON: After centuries of turmoil and weakness from unstable and inadequate political structures, the Phylydions were captured and mainly enslaved by a race of beings about half as powerful as the Obish are now. The rebellions lasted for decades until the Phylydia, the most powerful ship ever built by the Phylydions, and still the pride of the Phylydion Interstellar Navy, was completed and lead the attack against the oppressors, who were defeated. After another decade, the Phylydion Imperium was officialy formed and the navy launched a retaliatory strike that reduced the once mighty civilization of their former masters to a handful of minor planets. When the Phylydions withdrew back into their space, they started to rebuild their civilization to the maximum extent. They realized that they would need a new form of government if the Imperium was to remain indefinitely. A structure was formed with a senate and the main governing body called the High Octicon. These eight Phylydions were the sole rulers of the Phylydion Imperium, and the Senate dealt with law-making and representation.
First and most powerful is the Supreme Octicate. This Octicate deals with all goverment affairs. When the Octicon votes on something, this Octicate's vote counts as two votes. There is also the Military Octicate, the Economics Octicate, the Judicial Octicate, the Population Representative Octicate, the Agricultural Octicate, the Technical Octicate, and the Balance Octicate. The last one is an interesting concept. Origionally it was going to be the High Septicon, since if there was one supreme one there should be an odd number. The Balance Octicate evaluates all of the others and aids the Supreme Octicate.
Each Octicate is assigned a Pure Taeskor as a bodyguard. Throughout an Octicate's term, he or she is never farther than ten meters away from the bodyguard. Each Octicate is also trained in fighting and carries a Pure Taeskor's blade wherever they go.
-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo
[This message has been edited by Taeskor Cicion (edited 09-21-2000).]
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 27 September 2000 - 10:12 AM
Modern Phylydion language came about half a century after they established the Imperium. It sounds like a combination of Japanese and Russian with more vowels. It is full of diphthongs, as shown by the words "Taeskor", "Traek", and "Cicion". You'll note that "scintak" seems to contradict the general sound of the language. It is a corruption of "sghin'takk", the currency used by the species that enslaved them. The language does not have as diverse a vocabulary as, say, English or Spanish, but emphasized getting straight to the point.
-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 30 September 2000 - 11:04 AM
Cannons found on standard Phylydion warships
Flare Bolt Cannon: The Flare Bolt is an extremely volatile form of shaped energy, and is basically a disruptor bolt in a state of continuous explosion. Phylydion scientists managed to create a form of violent photon and convert it into a vicious particle that needs others of its type to provide its energy, otherwise it simply falls apart. Once the weapon is fired, the particles draw from each other and send heat and force outwards until they all run out of energy and fall apart in an enourmous explosion. This weapon does damage from heat, impact force, and the explosion at the end. The cannons can be set so that the particles explode at just the right moment(ie, when they hit the enemy ship) or so that shield contact will remove their energy. This second setting is
"explode on impact" and is the default setting.
The immense power of this weapon comes with a price. First of all, it has a very high energy cost. Second, if the weapon were to ever jam, not only would the entire cannon be destroyed but also, probably, a large part of the ship. Also, the range is not terribly impressive, as it is difficult to energize the particles enough to last a long time before breaking apart.
Flare Bolt rifles are used by some infantry, mainly Taeskor Commandos.
Flare Bolt Turret: Much smaller and less powerful Flare Bolt placed on a turret for defense. Most ships bigger than a patrol ship have at least one of these, and some mammoth ships like the Phylydia can have dozens.
Compression Cannon: This is a new type of cannon being employed on Battlecruisers and others of that size. It is not being put on any ships smaller than that because the weapon is simply too big to do so. The Compression cannon, interestingly enough, is a projectile weapon. The projectile is from the size of a tennis ball to the size of a beach ball, depending on the setting. What the cannon does is compress an enourmous amount of matter into a space several thousand to several million times smaller then you would ever find it in nature. This projectile is braced with heavy armor to keep it small. It is then launched through a rail cannon at the enemy ship. The weapon's damage is entirely kinetic. The problems: If the projectile is made too small and too massive it can actually create a mini black hole inside the ship, destroying it. All ships now have safety systems to ensure that this does not happen. Second, even without creating a black hole the projectile can affect space. One target dummy the weapon was tested on was actually pulled into hyperspace by the projectile. The weapon has been much improved since then, however.
This weapon has a very long range. However, at a certain time after being fired, the outer armored shell will burst and the projectile will revert to its actual enourmous size. This can be used as a distraction.
-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 08 October 2000 - 05:04 PM
All of this consolidation and concentration of power is not accepted well by all powers of the galaxy, however. Those not imparted or allied with the DGA have found mounting terrifs and sanctions within the Free Trade Zone, and are further set back economically by the Bazidanese favour towards the DGA. For the Humans and Ishimans (who are somewhat militarily crippled from the Ares incursion) this has proved to be devastating, since the Free Trade Zone was their only open market, and the Bazidanese their comercialism and bartering. For the Elejeetians, the disruption in regular trade has resulted in a steady shrinking market, and an increasing sense of isolation.
For the Phylydions, the trade restrictions have resulted in an ever increasing loss of contact and transaction with some of the more distant species, and the sheer power of the DGA military has been seen to them as an imminant threat. Recent incedents have resulted in the complete expulsion of the Phylydions from the Free Trade Zone, and severe restricions placed on their galaxy-wide trading. This, among other events, seems to place them on a colision course with the DGA that, most fear, will result in a large-scale armed conflict.
United Galactic Powers' Aliance (UGPA): Another loose coalition formed in response to the sheer power and potential threat of the DGA. The UGPA is more a mutual understanding and pact of cooperation than it is a governing body. Essentially, it is the agreement of collective support and aid against the DGA for those signed into it. Currently, the UGPA consists of the Phylydions, Humans, Ishimans, Elejeetians, and what little remains of the Nijayias. Currently, the pact serves to alieviate a fair amount of economic strife invoked by DGA control of the Free Trade Zone, as well as increase the overall security of the parties involved.
It has been proven though, that Pact of the UGPA is frought with problems. Decisions are more influenced by power than consensus; thus most outcomes are shifted towards the direction of the Phylydions and Elejeetians. The Humans have virtually no voice at all, and the Ishimans are listened to, but rarely taken seriously. To further complicate matters, The Phylydions and Elejeetians are almost always at odds with eachother, at times giving way to the Elejeetians threatening to drop out of the Pact. However, the members keep the UGPA Pact intact for the reason that only their combined power could hold back a DGA advance. (It should be noted that lately the Elejeetians have been offered some rather large incentives to switch sides).
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
Posted 08 October 2000 - 08:21 PM
My flagship had been half caught in an euclidian wormhole, and catapulted to another universe before exploding. I used my psychic powers (kinda like SA's) to form a sheild and land on the nearby planet.
I helped out the locals, they gave me some nifty toys, and eventualy helped me return home.
I'm not happy about what's going on (or rathar my character isn't, this is great storytelling), and hope to become a major player again.
Oh, my new ship is the StormBreaker. It's got some stuff that might surprise even Sargatanus.
For now, let's "play it where it lies", but I'm going to try to get in charge of the Phylydion Nijayas Protectorate. I AM a logical choice, as my presence would help quell some traditionalist rebels/terrorists.
Oh, 2 things:
1. What happened to the Nijayas royal family? Are they all dead? This is important to how I act...
2. What happened to the Singularity? Could be put to use by some independant guy if it's derelict or something...
Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
[immediatly following the first disrupter missle test]
[This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 10-08-2000).]
Onii7/Frinkruds and his funky forums
Posted 08 October 2000 - 08:54 PM
BTW, you explaination for your whereabouts has given me an idea for something I've been plotting to do for a while now. Meet me on GR or AIM and we can talk it over.
Posted 08 October 2000 - 09:29 PM
Where I was:
My flagship had been half caught in an euclidian wormhole, and catapulted to another universe before exploding. I used my psychic powers (kinda like SA's) to form a sheild and land on the nearby planet.
I helped out the locals, they gave me some nifty toys, and eventualy helped me return home.
Does this mean you are going to update your character? Or maybe just re-post with he new stuff. It sounds interesting...
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 08 October 2000 - 11:39 PM
What happened to them is at your complete discretion.
BTW, you explaination for your whereabouts has given me an idea for something I've been plotting to do for a while now. Meet me on GR or AIM and we can talk it over.
My search starts here.
Ok, 8pm Monday?
Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
[immediatly following the first disrupter missle test]
Onii7/Frinkruds and his funky forums
Posted 09 October 2000 - 02:59 PM
Darkk used to be one of the most respected Admrials in known space. He lead the NIN to many victories in the Nijayas-Salrilian Wars. A few months back, he fell into another universe and was absent for many pivitol(sp?) events.
He now has a slightly different appearance (funky red-black-blue striped hair, weird crystal necklace), and no fleet, marines, or official supporters, but has a very special ship from the other universe, and the old competance, cynicism, and popularity among the Nijayas traditionalists.
He also is surprisingly NOT immediatly stirring the Nijayas into war with Salril or the UGPA, both of whom were responsible for killing a few billion of his people. This has caused much uncertainty...
Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
[immediatly following the first disrupter missle test]
Onii7/Frinkruds and his funky forums
Posted 09 October 2000 - 03:58 PM
Ok, 8pm Monday?
I'll be in the middle of work. How's about 10pm EST tonight?
Posted 09 October 2000 - 07:43 PM
I have a few things I'd like cleared up on what I can do.
What room? Bar and Grill would be my preference.
Oh, BTW, 2 people are using your nick on GR. Or do you have 2 accounts?
Me: You ******* IDIOTS!! That planet was INHABITED!!!
Them: Ooops
Me: Let's resume this disscussion at the admiralty court near airlock 13.
[immediatly following the first disrupter missle test]
Onii7/Frinkruds and his funky forums
Posted 09 October 2000 - 08:06 PM
Oh, BTW, 2 people are using your nick on GR. Or do you have 2 accounts?
He has two accounts. Sorry for barging in but I didn't know if he would be able to post before then...I believe he will be on the newer one (the one that has a last login dated today, number 16705) but I'm not sure...
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 17 November 2000 - 07:40 PM
Fluctuation Cannon: This is one of the most powerful light weapons available. It uses quantum fluctations to increase the entropy of the target. In plain English, it makes the target fall apart. Its instant hit but it's no superweapon. It makes the Nijayias Riaxx Gunship the equal of its Phylydian couterpart the Kiojea.
Tacyon Turret: These are the fighter defense weapons on the Riaxx Gunships, slightly more powerful than laser turrets, with slightly better range and speed than LRPKs. The coming HVC (still on the drawing board but being hurried off it) will have front-firing cannons with slightly greater rate of fire.
Riaxx Gunship: Currently our most powerful production ship, these have 4000 shields, slightly more than a Salrilian Gunship, tacyon turrets, and 2 fluctuation cannons.
HardRad Cluster Launchers: These fire chunks of material which emit hard radiation (hence the name) at very high speeds. This causes parts of them to fuse on contact with the shields, and the fusion of the heavy elements causes a good deal of damage, but not quite as much as a fluctuation cannon hit.
Hieqk (pronounced "hi-ekk") HVC: For the moment only on the drawing board, these have 1750 shields, tacyon cannons, missles (secret for now), and hardrad cluster launchers.
Lerekk Frigate: Like the HVC, these are still on the drawing board. They have 3000 shields, aren't very fast, and are armed with tacyon turrets and 30 missles (the capabilies of which are to be revieled later).
The Hieqks and Lerekks will be rushed off the drawing boards to fight the new pirate fleet, but will probably work OK for the most part.
StormBreaker: This is our only functional gateship. He (it's run by a sentient AI with male personality programing/self identity) is armed with plasma turrets and a focusing array, a device which generates various virtual particles, collects background radiation, and uses e=mc^2 converters to generate various weapon effects. It's not as efficient as the real weapons and has a much longer recharge cycle, but can go on practically forever with StormBreaker's large energy supply unless seriously damaged (like after Darvonsol's 1.2k nuke attack).
*Error: target is violating the laws of physics*
*Error: target is locally exceeding c*
*Error: unable to determine if target exists or not*
*Error: target cannot be hit*
[This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 11-22-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 11-22-2000).]
Onii7/Frinkruds and his funky forums
Posted 17 November 2000 - 09:13 PM
Nijayias- Since it is very unlikely that Darkk will be coming back, The Nijayias are at the disposal of our imagination. This is what I have envisioned:
Well, just a month afterwards we proved you wrong....
Darkk did the impossible, he came back!

*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel