Cythera Youtube Playthrough Note: I'm not much of a video editor.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 11:56 PM
This playthrough is divided into 27 videos, ranging in length from 10:42 minutes to 23:05 minutes. The average length is probably around 18 minutes. These larger videos have been split into two parts for uploading convenience; that is, there are 27 parts, but some of them are split into two subparts. The variation is due to my (feeble) attempts to splice certain segments into certain videos. I shall probably post one or two videos a day.
First, I should clarify that my video-editing skills are non-existent. Wizard tells me that when he gets a chance he'll edit the original videos into something nicer, but that probably won't occur for at least a couple of months.
Second, this is not a let's play video. Hence, there is no voiceover and the only sound is the in-game sound. This also means that some of my actions are not explained in the video, although I'll probably try to explain them in the accompanying posts. In most cases, I tried to complete the game so that it was clear what I was doing (and with the reference material available most people will probably understand anyway), although I didn't get the Timeflux quest from Charax before getting the book and I didn't ask Demodocus about the song to get into the grotto in Kosha.
Third, since this was being recorded and I don't like using lots of computer space, I rushed my leveling somewhat. This action resulted in my and my companions getting killed more often than usual. Since I dislike using the Amulet, I usually reverted the game in these cases. That is, my gameplay in this video is somewhat poorer than my usual standard.
Fourth, I was somewhat inconsistent in my efforts to create a complete playthrough. I explored some cities fully, while others were less visited. Since the maps and dialogue are all available, I don't think this should be a serious problem.
Fifth, I'd suggest watching the videos in the HD setting. Visibility is somewhat poorer on lower resolutions.
So, with that out of the way, I suppose that I should go ahead and get started…
EDIT: Hmm, for some bizarre reason, Invision insists on merging these two posts, even though that is not my intent.
This first video--here and here--is basically the introduction and my exploration of Land King Hall. The character is a standard mage.
My first attempt ran into a game-breaking bug that left me trapped in LKH. Hence, on my restart, I might have clicked through the dialogue and introduction a tad bit too fast to read without pausing. My apologies for this. Hopefully, I didn't do this as much in later portions of the game. It also means that I didn't bother to visit the library. I had done so in my previous game and had no desire to redo this part.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 08:53 AM
Posted 25 September 2014 - 06:12 PM
iKaterei, on 25 September 2014 - 08:53 AM, said:
I don't think that I've ever encountered it before, although I think hacking the savefile might have created similar effects at one point. If I have, it's been long enough that I've mostly forgotten it.
The second video--here and here--continues upon leaving LKH. Basically, I briefly visited Odemia to learn about Ariadne's kidnapping and Catamarca to learn about the plague. I then stopped by one of the vineyards and by the small farm before meeting Meleager. I also killed two or three titans that I happened upon.
Posted 26 September 2014 - 11:59 AM
I'm excited to watch it! Although, I'm disappointed that you didn't include an audio commentary. If you're going to the trouble, why wouldn't you add your comments? I'm sure everyone would've enjoyed listening to you drone on about the mathematics of the game... hmm.
Edit: The LKH bug has happened to me many times. I developed some theories about how to decrease the risk of it happening (like not asking Emesa for hundreds of food items, not stealing every moveable item in LKH, or increasing the amount of memory allocated to the game), but I was never able to prove the effectiveness of them and mostly resorted to the tried-&-true method of getting out of LKH as quickly as possible.
This post has been edited by BreadWorldMercy453: 26 September 2014 - 12:03 PM
Posted 26 September 2014 - 01:03 PM
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 26 September 2014 - 03:50 PM
As for the videos themselves, I posted my thoughts on the YouTube pages ^_^ I hope I haven't discouraged you from posting the rest of the series... I really am enjoying it! :D
Posted 26 September 2014 - 04:05 PM

I haven't been checking the youtube pages themselves (since I figured the only people watching the videos would be the ones on the forum), but I'll have a look. I'll probably post my responses here (in a feeble effort to increase the board's activity level for the day).
Here's the third part--here and here--of the playthrough. It is the first part of my initial visit to Cademia. Basically, I wandered around, acquired a few useful items, and talked to most people. I forgot to consult the guide before talking to Neoptolemus, so it took me a little effort to learn haggling and persuasion, but I managed.
This video ends at the beginning my somewhat rushed leveling.
Posted 26 September 2014 - 10:09 PM
BreadWorldMercy453, on 26 September 2014 - 03:50 PM, said:
As for the videos themselves, I posted my thoughts on the YouTube pages

But you have such a nice accent! I'm pretty sure you can dub over the audio with a commentary - that's how they do it for movies and things. It just takes a little bit of work.
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 27 September 2014 - 06:37 PM
BreadWorldMercy453, on 26 September 2014 - 08:43 PM, said:
I'm not trying to generate activity on my youtube account

The second part of my playthrough--here and here--in Cademia involving my less than stellar leveling methods is now uploaded.
Ordinarily, I would recruit Meleager, learn magic, and level with both Hector and Meleager in the woods south of Pnyx, but I happened to catch the ruffians in Cademia and, being in a rush, decided to take advantage of that fact.
Of course, Hector, being my loyal and useful assistant, deserted me when I needed him, complicating matters somewhat.
After that, I visited House Attis to get the iron mine quest, spoke with Alastor to get the gator skin quest, and then went digging around to try and find the treasure chest buried near Stentor. (I forgot to consult the guide on this point again.) Giving up on this (for the moment), I left Cademia and headed for Pnyx.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 06:42 PM
For a brief response to 453's youtube comments (quoted in order of the first three parts) thus far:

Some parts the audio sounds a little distorted (like during the intro music), is it just me? Also, everything looks so tiny on your huge screen! Using full-screen view, I could just barely read the dialogue, but not really the scrolls. Not a big deal, but I'm used to seeing it on a lower resolution. If that's the right terminology.
I wonder about the lone torch at the end of Omen's Test. Sometimes it is spent when I open the crate, and sometimes not. What decides whether or not it's spent? Is it how long I spend in Omen's Test? If I do the test properly, or take the short-cut (as you did)? I think my brother said if you put a spent torch with unspent torches, they will all become spent, but I don't remember ever trying that. I thought that if that one torch wasn't spent, it had a short life. If you add it to your other 13 torches, do they all have short lives, long lives, or do 13 have long lives and 1 a short life? Yeah, probably no one cares. Thanks for the video! ~453
Did you try increasing the definition of the video? At 1080 HD, everything seems pretty legible to me.
I can't say that I'd ever really paid any attention to the torch. I might have run into something like that before though.
Annoying how, BEFORE YOU EVEN FILLED YOUR INVENTORY, you were dragging everything into your chest, then dragging it again to your inventory. It's like, "Gah Sely, haven't you ever heard of the G key?!"

I'm baffled as to how your made your flatbread stack with Emesa's flatbreads o_O What happened there?
Regarding using the bombs, it seemed easier than uselessly beating on the door for however long it would take to break it down. Alaric probably hushed up the whole thing. Otherwise, he would have had to confess to Emesa that he was the one who stole the pie from the kitchen in the first place. He also would have had to confess hiding a Sapphire Book.
I prefer to put my training points into mana and casting then into defense.
Regarding the chest, I have a large enough screen to leave it open all the time, so why not take advantage of that fact

I think the first flatbread was not actually hand-baked. It should have been, but I can only assume I had not done something correctly. Hence, it could stack with the others.
I laughed when you reverted after stealing the Strymon key. You'll steal all the food in Cythera, but can't let anyone see you steal a key

Thanks for the video!

If you take all the food available, it often spares you the trouble of having to buy any or to catch any.
Regarding the key, I have a reputation to maintain


I wonder if you specifically avoided talking to Eumelus because you didn't want to give him a single obol.
Nice one finding Alcmena! She was doing a good job pretending to be a fence post. A little disappointed that you didn't milk any goats or make butter. Horrified that you stole food from those poor farmers!
I wondered if it was against your code of honor to corner a titan while killing it, there were so many times you could have trapped them, but didn't. Then you finally cornered one in the mountain, so I don't know. Good luck with the ruffians and polyps! With 20HP, you can withstand... what, one hit?

Actually, yes, I did avoid Eumelus to avoid paying him. I talked to him later after I had made more money.
You could look at it as stealing from poor farmers…or you could look at it saving the food before it spoiled from being carelessly left out.
Cornering titans is not as easy it looks

I can't say I mind you raiding House Comana, but why steal Antenor's money? o_O
It's not surprising. You've played Cythera more than I and probably more than just about anyone else.
You mean that you don't raid House Comana?
As for Antenor's money, the correct question is: why not?


I look forward to watching you die many times on part 4

I actually don't regularly rob Cythera's mint, but it seemed like a useful trick to demonstrate in a playthrough. Besides, Autonous was too lazy to stop me and he was ruder than he ought to have been in any case.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 07:01 PM
You really don't want me comment there? The more interest in your videos, the greater the chance that someone who's not a part of our forum will see them and get to enjoy them ^_^
I think I was playing it at 1080, but perhaps it automatically decreased so I wouldn't have to buffer?
I'm not sure Alaric got the pie from the kitchen - I get the impression Emesa is a vegetarian. But he might not want people to know he had the pie... or the Sapphire book.
I prefer to not die.
I bet you won't use 1/10 of the food Hector's hauling around.
Fixed that for you.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 08:09 PM
BreadWorldMercy453, on 27 September 2014 - 07:01 PM, said:
I think I was playing it at 1080, but perhaps it automatically decreased so I wouldn't have to buffer?
You may comment wherever you wish. I will probably just reply here for convenience.
BreadWorldMercy453, on 27 September 2014 - 07:01 PM, said:
I'm not certain if there are vegetarians in Cythera or not. Given LKH's relative isolation, it is possible that they don't have much meat available though. I still say he stole it from the kitchen!
BreadWorldMercy453, on 27 September 2014 - 07:01 PM, said:
I don't max out mana and casting before defense. I just tend to put my starting points into them.
BreadWorldMercy453, on 27 September 2014 - 07:01 PM, said:
All that means is that I was sufficiently prepared

BreadWorldMercy453, on 27 September 2014 - 07:01 PM, said:
I assume you can prove that you have never ever stolen anything in Cythera

Posted 27 September 2014 - 08:45 PM
Selax, on 27 September 2014 - 08:09 PM, said:
Quite possible. Between Emesa not giving out meat, & her line "Please… if you do kill such wild animals for food, do so quickly and mercifully..." I just put together in my head the assumption that she disapproves of meat, and Alaric secretly summoned the meat-pie in his study because he missed eating meat. That also would explain why he keeps his study locked

Out of curiosity, what's the point in maxing out casting? Does it make you less likely to fail to cast a spell? I was never sure there was any reason to train casting higher than 8 or 9. In my games, I like to spend my initial training points with Hadrian so I'm able to level up quicker and get plenty of magic training in by the end of the first day. I'm old & set in my ways :\

I didn't say that ^_^ Multiple times I've stolen everything possible in the game just for fun. But most of the time, yeah, I don't steal anything (except to briefly borrow a key (like to cure the plague) and return it). Ages and ages ago, I used to steal whatever was useful to me, and kept list of everything I'd stolen & where I'd stolen it from; so I could return it before curing Alaric. I remember this because I recently found a folder with several old pieces of paper full of Cythera notes @_@
Posted 28 September 2014 - 07:03 PM
BreadWorldMercy453, on 27 September 2014 - 08:45 PM, said:
I think that even at 8 or 9 there is still a chance to fail to cast a spell, although it only happens rarely; however, my maxing of mana and casting is also somewhat due to habit. Your method is probably better, but I prefer to have some magic available when leveling or performing other early tasks.
BreadWorldMercy453, on 27 September 2014 - 08:45 PM, said:
Your playthrough habits are very different than mine. In some of my (and Wizard's) earlier playthroughs, we not only stole a bunch of items but sometimes hunted the beggars in Cademia. (On that note, Aethon actually doesn't mind if you kill civilians: he'll even help if ordered, I recall.)
The next portion of the playthrough is up--here and here. This portion was relatively straightforward. I headed to Pnyx, learned some basic skills, visited the library, etc. Afterward, I headed to LKH to put a couple of points in defense. Then, I found the Sapphire book using the shovel (after taking longer than usual to locate it) and went looking for Meleager again.
Posted 30 September 2014 - 04:16 PM
I wonder whose bed that was that you slept in, & how come no one kicked you out in the middle of the night? Does closing the door really keep ruffians from killing you in your sleep?
As I said, it's much more than I usually die in a game, and the method involved is not my usual method. Generally, I don't have to use revert game to level, but it came in handy in this case.
If it were cheating, it shouldn't have been in the game in the first place

In answer to your questions, I'm not sure whose house it was and apparently so.
Also don't know if I ever realized that Atymnius has breakfast at House Attis. He's always been hanging out in the bar when I've talked to him..
Buried treasure: Hover your cursor over the ground and the tile that's labelled "loose dirt" instead of "grass" is where you'll find something. Sadly, I remembered which tile that was too :\ Kind of frustrating when you tried digging one tile away from it, then gave up and dug elsewhere. But oh well, you really don't need more money at this point. How have you ever found the Sapphire Book of Foundation or UrSylph's prison without knowing to dig where the dirt is loose?
Oh no - where is Meleager? Will he ever be back?
Maybe the townspeople just don't like you

I think that I've seen Atymnius at House Attis before, but it has been awhile.
I didn't realize that the chest and Ur-Sylph were both labeled as loose earth, although I did know that about the Sapphire book. I find them from memory and a little bit of work. Usually, I find the chest (and the book for that matter) much faster, but I suppose I forgot its location somewhat.
Yes, Meleager will be back (after causing me some minor annoyance).

Pheres seems to have an issue with the word "no." If you tell him you haven't heard of harpies, he acts like you're rejecting his entire request.
I'm not particularly good with most of the names in the game

Indeed, still, it seems he gave me the quest anyway, so I let him live.

WHY did you eat all those scrolls with your grimoire??? You waited until you were RIGHT WHERE you could have learned them in Pnyx, you even had permission to learn Death Strike already, and you wasted all your scrolls! You'll steal every food item in the game so that you'll be prepared, but you don't save a scroll in case you want to cast a spell without wasting mana later? I don't understand you

However, it is cool that you destroyed that magically locked door with Death Strike. I didn't know you could do that o_O
Regarding the spells you put on your favourites list: Is "healing" a better deal (mana cost for how many HP it heals) than "greater healing"? Is "daylight" better than the next level down (I think that was "major embrightenment")? As far as I could tell, major embrightenment did the same thing as Daylight, but cost less mana. Maybe it didn't last as long..?
It sounds like she's getting old enough to start playing the game at some point. I expect her to be posting in a couple of years

The whole point of having the scrolls is to use the grimoire on them. I dislike using objects with limited uses (you'll note I never use archery or spears and go to lengths to avoid using the Amulet), so the notion of using the scrolls for anything else other than their intended purpose is an unpleasant one to me.
I didn't remember the spells I usually put in my favorites, so I ended up with some choices I don't necessarily use. I tend to use healing rather than greater healing. I think Wizard and I found it was more efficient on at least one occasion. Major embrightement is (I recall) a better choice than daylight, but I usually avoid using either. I put the staff on Timon for illumination and eventually get the Sword of Heroes.

Most hilarious part of this video: "Meticulously check for spike traps. No spikes, no spikes, no spikes... Aha! Found it! I'll just walk right on top of it- ouch! I must revert to saved! Actually no, I'll keep going."
Congrats getting Meleager to reappear, I don't think I'd've thought to sleep until dawn and then check for him. I was surprised that you didn't haggle down his payment at all, maybe you respect him enough to pay full price? Awfully stingy with the food though

Thank you, but, for someone who enjoys the videos, you sure complain a lot. The controls are not perfect you know

I actually tested to see if that worked to get Meleager before making the video. As for the haggling, I didn't know (or, at least, did not recall) that you can haggle Meleager's fee down. I'll have to try that in future.
Considering everyone starves in Cythera, I doubt she's suffering especially. Besides, she's too rude to even say more than a few words to me.
Trying to bash in a door with a sword, then once you've finally got it open, whacking it a dozen more times for good measure. Sacas sure is a sound sleeper, isn't she? Is there a reason you didn't snag Eudoxus' mace? That would sure speed up the bashing-open-doors thing.
Thanks for the video

Hey, she said that her family was in my debt.
I suppose that you bash open doors with one meticulous strike at a time?
I've never really experimented with the mace on doors. I tend to use a sword because it works eventually and it's the weapon I habitually carry.
The next part--here and here--is now uploaded. After rescuing Ariadne, I went and cured the plague. I used a fireball on the polyps. It hurt me and my companions (a very annoying trait of fireballs, I might add), but it killed all three polyps, making it worthwhile on the whole. I then went back to Pnyx to train some more. I held on to the Sapphire book for the moment, since I only had one and needed two for another password. After that, I recruited Timon and got the next Crolna shard. I paid a quick visit to the iron mine (where 453 will be horrified to learn that I acquired all the food) and headed for the swamp to find an alligator.
Posted 30 September 2014 - 06:25 PM
I expect you'll have quite a bit longer to wait. Still not making much progress on learning how to read :\ Also, we don't have a way to play Cythera right now :(
Your argument doesn't even make sense. What makes you think the intended purpose of the scrolls is to learn spells, rather than use the spells one time without using mana? (Actually, the Death Strike scroll is single-use, Directed Nexus can be used several times, and I have no idea about the others) You could easily have learned those spells WITHOUT wasting the scrolls, and then you'd have a spare Death Strike in case you're ever low on mana and need to kill something. Who knows, maybe you'll be at a desperate point where you're dying with 0 mana and really need a free Directed Nexus, but you'll have to Revert to Saved because you didn't prepare and save your scrolls :P
I'm getting so much enjoyment by complaining about the way you're playing the game! :D You rock Sely!
If you're trained in haggling (which you are, though I think it's pretty much a waste of a training point :P), you can refuse his initial offer & he'll ask for 35 oboloi, iirc.
She's rude?! You're the one who waited three days to rescue her, refused to feed her, stole her cheese, and guilted her husband into giving you his Collectible Edition Pan-Pipes! Not to mention, I bet you'll do nothing to prevent her son getting murdered later.
It's not very meticulous when you use a mace :D Also, it only takes one or two strikes.
That's fine, if you like hauling heavy books all over Cythera for no reason. But Selinus does keep track of how many books you turn in ^_^
Posted 01 October 2014 - 04:24 PM
BreadWorldMercy453, on 30 September 2014 - 06:25 PM, said:
You say those things like they are valid excuses...
BreadWorldMercy453, on 30 September 2014 - 06:25 PM, said:
I'm getting so much enjoyment by complaining about the way you're playing the game! :D You rock Sely!
Because once you learn the spell, you can cast it repeatedly, making it a more productive use of a scroll. I thought all the scrolls were one-use. I'll have to examine that in future.
BreadWorldMercy453, on 30 September 2014 - 06:25 PM, said:
I enjoy having haggling and persuasion. It can be useful from time to time.
BreadWorldMercy453, on 30 September 2014 - 06:25 PM, said:
I fail to see how any of that means her repeated refusal to speak with me is not rude

BreadWorldMercy453, on 30 September 2014 - 06:25 PM, said:
That's fine, if you like hauling heavy books all over Cythera for no reason. But Selinus does keep track of how many books you turn in ^_^
Hmm, I may have to try the mace in future.
I am aware of the fact that Selinus does that. In this particular game, I turned the last six books in at one time, just for the fun of finishing it all up at one time.
The portion of the playthrough--here and here--is now up. In this section, I attempted to retrieve a gator skin for Alastor. This was somewhat more difficult than usual. My initial attempt attracted only asps, and I reverted the game once Timon decided to run off in a panic. After finally retrieving the gator skin, I stopped by Kosha, acquired a few things from House Comana, and met the citizens. I then returned to Cademia, but Alastor refused to take the skin because it was evening. I decided to rest in Omen's Quarters until the next day.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 09:44 PM
"And now he's...walking away from Selinus with the book still in his inventory? Who does that? Why would you want to haul a heavy book back and forth across the island? It's not like Selinus doesn't keep track of which books you have returned!"
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 02 October 2014 - 12:41 PM
Selax, on 01 October 2014 - 04:24 PM, said:
Yeah okay, learning a spell is better than using it once. But you were about to learn the spells anyway. The tomes were right there. You could've learned the spells and kept the scrolls for later!
Avatara, on 01 October 2014 - 09:44 PM, said:
"And now he's...walking away from Selinus with the book still in his inventory? Who does that? Why would you want to haul a heavy book back and forth across the island? It's not like Selinus doesn't keep track of which books you have returned!"
That would be fun to do ^_^ But, I've pretty much already put my comments on his videos, I wouldn't have much else to say in an audio-commentary. Not to mention, I'd have no idea how to actually record such a thing :x
Posted 02 October 2014 - 02:28 PM
Avatara, on 01 October 2014 - 09:44 PM, said:
"And now he's...walking away from Selinus with the book still in his inventory? Who does that? Why would you want to haul a heavy book back and forth across the island? It's not like Selinus doesn't keep track of which books you have returned!"
Hey, whose side are you on here

BreadWorldMercy453, on 02 October 2014 - 12:41 PM, said:
I don't like using items with limited uses (unless they are quest-related). I probably never would have used the scrolls if I had kept them.
The next part of the playthrough is up. In this portion, after visiting Omen's quarters, I talked to Halos and recruited Aethon. I then killed a few more ruffians (with somewhat more success on this occasion) and dropped by Machaon's workshop to pick up his ring and Sapphire Book. Finally, I delivered the gator skin to Alastor.
Posted 02 October 2014 - 03:22 PM
Posted 03 October 2014 - 04:13 PM
BreadWorldMercy453, on 02 October 2014 - 03:22 PM, said:
Food is somewhat necessary to the game, and I don't really like using the unguents. I just hate wasting mana more. Also, you'll note that I never used any of the torches up and they are somewhat necessary to quests anyway. In addition, I never actually use the potions: I just like to have them just in case. And I took the scrolls to use the grimoire on them

Also, in response to 453's youtube comments:
I think Fireball is a good choice for killing the polyps

I think Polydamas responds to "sapphire," but he's hard of hearing. He probably didn't hear you.
I didn't notice about the rope, but I did notice the ring still seemed to be in the inventory. I don't recall if it was still there later.
I didn't know that about the spring. I shall have to try that. Thanks


I never realized you could take a back "path" through the trees to get to the iron mine & bypass the ruffians. That info could have been useful in Blazing Trails

I must admit, though I don't steal the miners' food, I do kill all their geckos... Maybe I'm no better than you :\
Do you always follow the coastline? Going through the trees is not guaranteed to avoid ruffians, but it helped in this case.
You kill geckos?! You monster!
(Actually, I would too, but there's no real point, since they don't provide any food.)
In my experience, unguents will regenerate a tiny bit of HP per dose until the character is at max HP, and then there's a chance it will cure poisoning. So using unguent on Timon when he's not at full HP wouldn't do much good (though maybe I'm wrong?). The Alleviation spell works much better than unguent, though you opted to waste some extra mana and use Cure instead

I'm puzzled about your decision to buy 30-some obsidian. That won't go very far in sword-sharpening. Maybe you only want to improve your sword two levels? Or maybe you'll replicate the obsidian? (In which case, is it worthwhile to buy any beyond the free ones you can get from Machaon's lab, and/or LandsEnd? But you've got tons of stolen money, so I guess it doesn't matter. You don't even need to haggle Atreus down all the way, you're so rich ^_~)
Hence, why you should save your game regularly

I think I have had unguent cure poison at levels lower than full hp. That might affect its probability of curing it though. I generally don't use cure or alleviation, so, off the top of my head, I'm not really familiar with the mana cost of either.
I would probably buy less obsidian, but I had the money in this case. As for the haggling, I didn't want to go low enough that he'd get angry and raise the price. I bought enough to give one upgrade to my sword, Hector's sword, and Aethon's sword. In my experience, this gives them a chance of hurting daemons in combat: unupgraded weapons don't seem to do so. Unfortunately, in this particular game, all of the daemon battles were much harder than they have been in some time.
Oh wait, I thought of a complaint about your gameplay

Also, since you failed to get Prusa's sapphire book on day 1, you'll need to get it on day 7, right? I have no idea what day it is now, so I hope you don't miss it.
You're probably comparing the staff's illumination to the that provided by the Sword of Heroes. The sword illuminates (if memory serves) a slightly larger area than the staff does.
I had forgotten about paying more to get the key, but I wouldn't have anyway

Aside from getting it on the first day (something you once mentioned which I had forgotten), I don't think there is a regular pattern. At least, no one seems to have conclusively demonstrated one. Unfortunately, in this game, it was very hard to get it, and I had to visit her four or five times

DUDE, I never knew you could give the ransom note to Halos!

I notice you didn't try to haggle Eteocles down on the guild entry price either. And do you hate Aethon? You won't give him any armour, even when you find some on dead ruffians

Nice one killing the golem before opening the gate, I've never done that

And wasn't the second prophecy of Neleneus in Machaon's lab? You only bothered to read the more common third prophecy.

Or perhaps Omen has a part-time job as a mad bomber.
I hadn't realized that Wizard didn't have the note dialogue. Strange since I think he and I have played that part together. Also, there's something about Cythera that 453 didn't know?
*Selax faints*
*He eventually revives*
Does Eteocles give you the option of haggling the price? As for Aethon, I simply forgot to give him armor. I consider him one of my favorites: he has not qualms about killing civilians

Some of us don't play the game enough to have memorized every puzzle solution

As for the prophecy, I didn't read all the books due to my dislike of taking up too much recording space (even though I have enough) and the fact that the books are online anyway.
The next part of the playthrough is now up--here and here. In this portion, I spoke to Stentor about Pelagon, visited the Southland Vineyard, and tried to talk to Prusa again (still unsuccessful). After that, I spoke to Ignae and Eioneus.
Posted 03 October 2014 - 04:54 PM
Nonsense, I've fasted through the game plenty of times.
Which is exactly why saving the scrolls would've been a good choice for you.
Which is exactly why saving the scrolls would've been a good choice for you.
You have a point, but it's irrelevant in this instance, and besides, how many off those spells are in the higher degree halls?
It was in a chest, not his inventory, and I think it was just a residue. It was gone later (probably after the chests got closed when you asked your followers to wait outside the swamp).
Yep, I thought the trees were too thick to pass through.
In my defense, the geckos respawn, unlike the food you steal. And I kill them for experience points ^_^ And none of the miners get mad about it.
Ah, okay. So much for my theory ^_^
I think somewhere in the game it says that demons can only be hurt by magic (since they're made out of magic, regular weapons probably just go through them & don't hurt them in any way). Since Eioneus uses magic to improve swords, they can affect demons.
Good thing you saved your Death Strike scroll! Oh wait...
I thought it was the other way around o_O
Uh, yeah I have:
Have you heard of a word that will stop us going wrong? The time is now. (Day 1, 7, etc. add:) Oil and wine do not readily mix, and will break apart unless bonded. (First time she says that one, add:) I have something for you that might help your understanding. (She hands you a book bound in a blue cover, and for a second, it seems as if the insanity fades.) (Day 2, 8, etc. add:) Those that are not human do not have the values of humans. (Day 3, 9, etc. add:) To a mighty oak, a single insect does not exist. (Day 4, 10, etc. add:) To accept both that which is true and that which is false as equal, that is the greatest of gifts. (Day 5, 11, etc. add:) Some struggles are eternal, but the cycle can be broken by those of great resolve and will. (Day 6, 12, etc. add:) Truth is not absolute, for it, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
Sounds like a Chron idea! ^_^
I've learned at least three things about Cythera from your playthrough so far!
1) You can Death Strike magically locked doors
2) You can get to the iron mine through the trees, and probably bypass the ruffians
3) You can give Eudoxus' note to Halos
This is part of why I love your playthrough so much :D
If you refuse to pay 50, he'll offer 40, then (grudgingly) 35.