Then again, I have been here a long time. Even though I've never been the most frequent of posters, I know we've done a lot. After spending some time browsing through the forum's history, I began to have an entirely different attitude. Has it only been ten years? I feel as though I've known many of you forever! Looking through the history at the stories we've written, discussions we've had, topics we've delved into, accomplishments we've made... I'm quite proud of what we've done in that time. The board has gone from active to very active to the most active it had been in many years to inactive, active, and so on. Many members have come and gone during the years, and other game boards failed. A lot of great ideas were explored and fun stories were written. We have survived through board changes, staff downsizes, and server shutdowns. We have even effectively outlasted Ambrosia Software itself, remaining one of the most active communities on these forums. It's pretty incredible how well this community has held together. Yes, ten years does still seem like a long time, but I don't have to wonder where it all went. We didn't lose it; in fact, I think we made good use of it!
I know this seems like a silly response to have to what is an arbitrary date for most of you, but to me, it feels like a milestone. It caused me to stop and think a little bit about how my life has changed during my time here. What about you guys? A little nostalgia might be fun. I think we should take this opportunity to share some thoughts and memories of our own. What have you done in the last ten years? How do you think you've changed? It doesn't have to even be that time frame. Maybe you could share about when you first joined these forums? I'll talk a little about myself first.
I joined these forums at my brother's suggestion, way back in the summer of 2004. Everyone was immediately friendly and accepting. Having long been a lover of Cythera, I was shocked to find so many others who loved the game. The stories were fun, and I remember a lot of great discussions, both on the boards and on IRC. I've grown quite a lot during my time here, and this community has remained one of the most significant portions of my online presence through it all. Given how inactive I've been recently, I know that doesn't say much about my online activity, but hey, I've been in school! Like I said, I was a member here before my first year of high school. Being so young, the last ten years of my personal life have been filled with different levels of school. I am now preparing to enter graduate school in Texas after having completed two undergraduate degrees, which was another milestone in my life.
If I were to pick some special memories I have from the boards, I think writing my first few posts in Echoes from the Past would be at the top of the list. I was new to fantasy writing and was very much trying to get the hang of it without doing anything horribly wrong. I can't say whether or not I succeeded, but that was a great experience! Joining IRC was so very entertaining, since I'd never done realtime chatting online. That's where I got to know many of you better, and who would guess that several of us would eventually meet in person? I also really enjoyed our more recent project of cataloging everything in Cythera. It was compelling enough that I made quite a bit of time for it, even in the midst of a busy school semester. I'm quite proud to be a part of the Cytheran community, and I hope to remain quasi-active here for as long as the forums are around.
So now it's your turn! Whether you can't believe how much time has passed since you've been here or it feels like it's been too long, feel free to share a bit about how your personal life and/or forum life has changed over the years. First impressions and funny stories are always welcome! e.g. At first, I thought Pallas was a computer and BreadWorld was a man. Avatara seemed to know the answer to every question, and I used to worry that Katerei was a serial killer. Things like that.
Here's to ten more years!
P.S. One of those first impressions isn't true, but you'll have to guess which!

This post has been edited by The Wizard: 21 July 2014 - 10:20 PM