I know some people were eagerly awaiting and/or dreading the return of certain aspects of my website. I don't remember who all of them are, so I'm announcing it here. Also, some newer people who don't know what this is might want to try their hand at these puzzles as well.
Get to Fourteen and Get to Twenty-Eight have now returned!
For those who are immediately confused, these are puzzles that will require some skill to solve. Your goal is to reach the fourteenth and twenty-eighth pages, respectively. At the most basic levels, you must solve simple word puzzles. At more advanced levels, you need to interpret clues hidden in the source code for the page, do various web searches, or even do some math or codebreaking. In order to find the next page, you must solve the puzzle, and type in the URL. For example, and I don't mind revealing this spoiler, the second page on GT28 is duo.html. It's latin for two, and the little quote on page one refers to a quote by a Roman. That's the sort of thing you have to figure out.
Both of these puzzles have been solved by members of this very community, so don't complain to me and say they're unsolvable. They're meant to be hard. Those who made it to the end of either puzzle all hated my guts, and the sum total of man-hours wasted in pursuit of the final pages easily numbers in the hundreds of hours, if not thousands.
For those who want to give each other hints, or talk things over with me, the IRC channel #gt28 is on irc.ambrosia.net for that very purpose.
So, have fun, waste some time, maybe learn a few things along the way. And now a bunch of people will come here and curse me out.
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Get to Fourteen and Get to Twenty-Eight are back!
Posted 25 February 2011 - 09:22 PM
So JoeBob just got to fourteen. He had previously gotten to twenty-eight, back when get to twenty-eight was new. I believe that makes him the only one to win both.
By the way, for all you stuck on 13/14 people, JoeBob went 13->14 in about 2 or 3 minutes. So yeah, redirect all your hatred of me to JoeBob now
By the way, for all you stuck on 13/14 people, JoeBob went 13->14 in about 2 or 3 minutes. So yeah, redirect all your hatred of me to JoeBob now

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