[Xsera] Xsera - Aquaria in Space? A humorous video
Posted 19 January 2010 - 01:03 AM
(x)enos. Awesome in a can. Without the can, though.
Posted 19 January 2010 - 01:08 AM

"As if from a dream I awoke to reality of my existence, Earth had been invaded. Now With my fellow crewmates I must fight my way back across the galaxy, using alien technology to free my home."
The ocean just got vaster bitches.
This post has been edited by Two Jacks: 19 January 2010 - 01:20 AM
Posted 19 January 2010 - 01:28 AM

As an extension of this, would it be possible to have a group of ships follow orders through a keystroke and a mouse point, perhaps setting things up for a possible, eventual iPhone port? Such as have cruisers A, B and C attack target X while cruisers D, E and F attack Y and cruisers G, H and I defend Planet Z (or yourself) by pointing and pressing something unused on the keyboard? I know that's probably pushing it.
Hover over target and press G (or other unused key). ABC are nearest and attack X.
Do the same to target Y with G (next unoccupied nearest allies attack). DEF attack Y.
Then hover over Z and press H. The next unoccupied units (GHI) will defend the planet.
Even if this were just one ship at a time, it would be fine. I apologize if this is confusing. If this is a bit too much, it doesn't need to be done. I was just wondering if it is possible relatively easily.
This post has been edited by gavin83209: 19 January 2010 - 01:29 AM
"Reality doesn't care if you believe it." -Boba Fett
Ares X
Posted 19 January 2010 - 01:49 AM
This has come up before, but the Xsera team simply doesn't have the time required to port Xsera to the iPhone. Such changes would involve OpenGL, which would have to be ported to OpenGL ES (the mobile version), and a lot of features would have to be taken out. If somebody else wants to dedicate their time to it, they can, but it would be too much additional work for the Xsera team to accomplish.
The other problem with Xsera being ported to iPhone is that Xsera has far too many controls for effective control on an iPhone. I'm sure that the iPhone's gestures could help with this, but I just don't see it being feasible without changing the fundamental gameplay mechanics.
Despite what I said above, I like the point and click idea. We'll be looking into it.
This post has been edited by adam_0: 19 January 2010 - 02:13 AM
(x)enos. Awesome in a can. Without the can, though.
Posted 30 January 2010 - 11:57 AM
My thought would be a Defcon like system were you select a group of units and then give them targets in batches.
Posted 30 January 2010 - 02:59 PM
My thought would be a Defcon like system were you select a group of units and then give them targets in batches.
There's a possibility in that, considering that they're allowing Bluetooth keyboard support. Even with the keyboard, though, you'd still have to port all of the graphics-related functions, which is no small task. So for a short answer - no. Long answer - we probably won't be doing it, but if somebody has the energy and talent when we're done with Xsera, more power to 'em.
(x)enos. Awesome in a can. Without the can, though.
Posted 12 February 2010 - 07:25 PM
I'm trying to think of a reason to get an iPad when it comes out. (I think of it more as an iWant or an iUseless atm).
Playing Xera on it would be such a reason.
But please, do finish Xera for computers first

This post has been edited by Lord Commander Anic: 12 February 2010 - 07:26 PM
Posted 13 February 2010 - 06:54 PM
So then I thought that if Xsera is ported to iPad or Surface it would be neat to do smooth zooming with pinch/unpinch.
Immediately after I wrote this I realized smooth zooming could be done with the scroll wheel.
Feature added!
This post has been edited by GameFreak4321: 15 February 2010 - 12:31 PM