So I took the stock "While the Iron is Hot" scenario and changed it up. It pits you as the Gaitori (still allied with the Obish) against the uppity young Cantharans who dare try to expand towards Gaitori and Obish space. Demeter Alpha is the same, Demeter Beta is the same (besides just changing the planet sprites for fun). I added a big asteroid-sprite planet object next to Demeter Beta that the Cantharans are supposedly strip mining for 0.7500 resources, no problem. I added a bunker station in the middle, no problem. I gave both sides the ability to create Assault Transports from their bases, no problem (unless you count digging for the number 860 for like an hour before finally finding it

Everything was good. I've played through it several times, but without fail, every time the Cantharans build an assault transport, and it is about to die, the game crashed of an "Error Type 2" and quits. Me killing the assault transport with Gaitori ships as opposed to it being killed by the bunker station's defenses yields the same result. Is there anything I can do about this? I guess I could change the bunker station to a flak drone and the assault transports to engineering pods, but I would rather bend the bugs to my will than change my scenarios to make them happy.