I was in orchestra, not band, but we still went off to camp every year as a class thing in high school. I really only have one decent story though. In my typical fashion, it's long and involved.
Every year, our teacher would bring in some big hotshot conductor to lead us in our post orchestra camp concert. Really, that's what the camp was for: allowing us to get to know our special guest conductor and work with him for a few days. One year (I can't remember if it was junior or senior year), me and a couple other guys were put up in a hotel room on the second floor of the motel where we were staying (camp was at some sort of Baptist retreat north of Santa Fe (the
Thunderbird Inn? at the Glorieta Conference Center, in case anyone cares). After we checked in, I noted that we were located directly above the room where our special guest conductor was staying and didn't think much about it.
Well, we finished our first day and we retired to our room at around 10 PM. We had something like an hour before lights had to be out and bed checks were to be conducted. Shortly thereafter one of my roommates took off to his girlfriend's room and her roommates (one of whom was my remaining roommate's GF) ended up getting kicked out and came to our room. Well, they decided that, since they weren't their beds, they would start jumping up and down on our beds with vigor for about fifteen minutes, and me and my remaining roommate weren't about to complain about two lovely young things bouncing around above us. They thought this was great fun and finished off the evening by attacking my roommate, ruffling his hair and wrestling with him, stuff like that. By and by, the girls took off all sweaty and disheveled, my roommate's gf kissing him goodbye at the door. We began to switch into our sleeping clothes when we heard a knock on our door. Figuring that it was merely the bed check, my roommate answered the door and found the guest conductor standing there...
Rewind a few minutes and go to the guest conductor's room. He was sitting in there, minding his own business (or something), and suddenly began to hear dueling bedsprings up overhead. He didn't think much of it, figuring that what goes on between consenting adults is their own damn business. He continues polishing his shoes or whatever and then, suddenly, it dawns on him that he's not dealing with consenting adults here, he's dealing with students and it's possible that they're on his watch! He throws on his shoes and charges out to the parking lot and looks up at the door, out of which two lovely young ladies exit, looking sweaty and disheveled, the latter of which turns around and kisses the sweaty and disheveled looking young man at the door before walking away giggling. "Mother######er," he thinks, "how the hell am I going to explain this to their teacher?!?!" He charges up the stairs, knocks on the door, which is answered by some kid who's looking sweaty and disheveled who's wearing nothing but his boxers with some bearded ###### standing in the background without any pants on...
"Alright guys, I'm no prude or anything, but you should probably try not to make it so obvious next time. Fun is fun, but keep it down so that the entire neighborhood doesn't hear and everyone can stay out of trouble. That okay?"
"Uh, sure. Whatever you say, man."
"Good. See you tomorrow."
"Um, okay. See 'ya later sir."
<door closes>
"What the ###### was that all about?"
"######in' nutjob. He didn't even check to see if <first roommate> was in the room. Let's hit the sack."
Fastforward to the next morning, my room is eating breakfast with the other room containing the aforementioned lovely young ladies. The guest conductor shuffles by our table and gives all of us the biggest s###-eating grin I've ever seen. It isn't until this exact moment that I put together what he said the previous night with the fact that he was staying right underneath us and the state that he had seen both us and the females leaving our room in. I choked on my coffee and laughed my ass off for the rest of the day.
Thus concludes my orchestra camp story.
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." -The Buddha