Lektor, on Nov 12 2007, 06:52 AM, said:
Erm, sorry but I don't see what's stopping you doing that on OS X? Care to elaborate?
Well, the combination of desktop pattern and desktop picture isn't possible in OS X, because there is no desktop pattern. I suppose I might take a screenshot of it, or mess around in PhotoDeluxe, and then use it as a standalone desktop picture, but it wouldn't be quite the same.
As for the icon arrangement, perhaps I might do that in OS X, but it would take a bit longer, because when I arranged those icons, I could switch between three options (no grid, "tight" snap to grid, "wide" snap to grid), rather than two in OS X (no grid, snap to grid [which seems to be "wide" only]).
With two "snap to grid" options, it is easier to be sure there is orderly contrast, as opposed to only one "snap to grid" option, in which case I would probably have to painstaking compare to see if an icon "snapped" to my "grid".
Try it for yourself.