Posted 05 May 2007 - 07:50 PM
Hmmmm...try uploading it to a image hosting site or if you have a second computer connect and transfer.
The glitch occurs when a person (usually a guard, ruffian, or sleeping person) is killed in one hit. Sometimes the dead body turns into something else, both in graphic and in stats (i.e., what it does and what it really is). Sometimes the stat thing is a portal.
The really weird thing is that all the weird places everyone's found never seem to be found again. I've found about 15 of these when constantly trying, restarting, trying again, and 11 of them only took me to ordinary places (LKH, Odemia, Iron Mine, etc.). The rest went to weird places, but none of them were the same as any others. I got Map, but with a different setting and different people there, another Map, but this one was entirely white, Omen Map with the Omen guard and another guard, and one that was entirely blank, all white with no name. The last one actually caused Cythera to quit, so I never saw what Omen's special map showed about it.