Goethe, the great German novelist, penned the phrase "Human beings, by change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden." The same thing must also be said of the companies in which we daily pour our energy and creativity into, and likewise it's other branches and incarnations, such as it's website. So, as the old year of 2005 has finally closed, we look towards the future 2006 year and the changes it will hold.
One change you can expect to see is the way in which you read the Ambrosia Newsletters. We are moving ahead with a brand new look, we offer our readers the new Ambrosia Weblog System. So, say 'good-bye' to the old look, and 'hello' to a more streamline and elegant view. With this new look also comes a new resolve to offer weekly articles and stories of Ambrosia, it's products, and stories that impact the company and it's customers.
So, without further ado, I offer you the last post to be made in our old format and an invitation to the new Ambrosia Weblog!
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The AT is Dead... Long live the Ambrosia Times!
Posted 09 January 2006 - 05:07 PM
John "Magnus" Champlin / PR and Media Liaison, etc... (And ellipses abuser) / http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/
Follow Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin on Twitter: @MagnusApollo
Never trust a person that doesn't talk too much. You never know what they are thinking.
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