Basicly, for those of you who are interested, I was hoping that you would check out a little-know game named Robowar. It's a mac programming game that was made almost fifteen years ago, with it's own language "robotalk". I credit this game for nearly all of the programming skills I have today (I started playing around eight years ago). When the guy who originally made it graduated from college, he passed the opperatorship onto another, and so down the line. Recently, the line has vanished, and last April I became the (partially self proclaimed)new opperator. I've tried to live up to it, planning future developement and getting news out there. This is quite possibly a significant factor why I stopped posting here.
Anyway, the address for my new, half-completed website is [url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/theo_robowar"]http://www.geocities.com/theo_robowar[/url] . I loved this game and cythera, so hopefully some others here will too

And no, I haven't wasted my summer to build this crappy website. I mearly began it last week. For those who remember from irc, my Diablo2 pictures website was a precurser to this.
"A loner by nature,
A fighter by need." -Theo
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~