*** OoC ***
I think this post will fit best
before Moonshadow continues; so as promised, 'tis moved. Once Moonshadow does what she has to, it'll be time for the messenger, and then everyone can get posting again.

*** BiC ***
About the same time, the three remaining Ronin sat down to breakfast together. Kwon made no mention of his late-night excursion, nor of the strange wolf; he considered that that was up to Katerei.
While Kwon started to clear up, and Ulf was still eating, Sasha went to check the stables. She found that the strange horse had left sometime during the night; even though it wasn't hers, she still felt a little sad. She saddled a horse, and left for an early morning ride.
When she returned, Kwon was part way through his early morning practice routine, and Ulf was sitting on the steps, watching. She returned the horse to the stable, and gave it a good grooming. Kwon was just finishing up when she re-emerged.
"I'm going to the tavern for a while; coming?"
"Yes, I will join you," Kwon replied. Ulf nodded.
"Right," Sasha continued. "I'll just leave a note, in case Ranari returns."
Arriving at the tavern, they were somewhat surprised to see the new barmaid, delivering a tray of drinks to a table. They approached her to introduce themselves.
"Hi, my name's Brianna; pleased to meet you!", she responded, after their introductions. "Find yourselves a table; what can I bring you?"
"A wine, two beers and a glass of water, please," Sasha replied. Brianna began to make her way over to the bar, and the Ronin found a table over against one wall.
Rahl watched them sit down, then turned to the elderly elf and pointed them out. "If you're looking for stories, there's some people you should talk to."
"Thank you," the Scribe replied, and slowly made his way over to the indicated table.
"Greetings," he began, "I'm known as the Scribe. May I sit down?"
Sasha was part way through relating the tale of the Undead War to the Scribe, when she noticed a man rush breathlessly into the tavern.
"That balloon thing - it's back!" he panted, then hurried back out.
"Please excuse us," she said to the Scribe, "some friends of ours have just returned from an expedition." The three Ronin followed the breathless man.
The Scribe sat there for a moment, staring after them, then levered himself to his feet with his cane. When Brianna made as if to come and help him, he waved her away. "I'm not going far, I'll be all right."
He made his way outside, and soon saw what all the fuss was about - the balloon was the tallest landmark in Cademia. He approached as close as the crowd allowed, and settled in to watch.
He soon saw his three new friends, along with four new faces, loading a wagon and preparing to depart; he found it fairly easy to match the faces with names from Sash's story. They spoke to a silver-haired elvan woman, who promptly disappeared in a flash of light, then the seven drove away.
The Scribe turned about, and retraced his steps to the tavern.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that
wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 12-24-2001).]
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.