Every time I have battle, I "Lose" Hector. He stands there shouting at the dead target and won't follow me. I have to ask him to wait and then join again, before he will follow me.
Is there a better way to deal w/ this situation? It's very annoying.
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Losing Hector
Posted 05 June 2002 - 02:06 PM
If you look at the popup menu for your character portrait, there should be a command like 'rally', or something like that, that calls all the members of your party back to you.
Kobayashi Maru!
Kobayashi Maru!
"The e-mail of the specious is deadlier than their mail" - Tom Holt, 'Snow White and the Seven Samurai'
Posted 05 June 2002 - 07:24 PM
You'll find that hector has a very limited AI so he won't be much help in battle. Same goes for Aethron and Timon. My advice is to use a handy little program called pandora's box… 
Life is not but a chatroom

Life is not but a chatroom
I am not your rolling wheels / I am the highway / I am not your carpet ride / I am the sky / I am not your blowing wind / I am the lightning / I am not your autumn moon / I am the night
Posted 10 June 2002 - 07:05 PM
Aethron is so messed up you can't get him to leave your party, you can make him wait but now truly leave your party like you can make Hector or Timon.
How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
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