Bugmuncher: at least it isn't Cythera.
HKtheKestrel: hey!
HKtheKestrel: I liked Cythera

HKtheKestrel: it had, and I quote, "More bugs than a dead corpse"
HKtheKestrel: but it was still enjoyable

Bugmuncher: You didn't have to test it for 2 years...
HKtheKestrel: hehe
Bugmuncher: And the corpses were quite buggy before release.
HKtheKestrel: you one of the testers for Cythera, huh?
HKtheKestrel: hehe
Bugmuncher: You could say I was a tester.
Bugmuncher: I'm listed in the credits as "Corpse Abuser"
HKtheKestrel: lol
Bugmuncher: Cuz I found the corpse daisy chain bug
Bugmuncher: and I made NPCs sleep with corpses
Bugmuncher: and I used corpses as purses
Bugmuncher: and I made the corpses carry each other, causing the same infinite loop that occurs in nature when kangaroos jump into each others' pouches.
HKtheKestrel: hehe
Bugmuncher: And I stored them in my sock drawer
Bugmuncher: and I put them on the dinner table
HKtheKestrel: ...that sounds like fun

amusing, huh?

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