Pictures of us
Posted 16 March 2002 - 03:00 PM
Let's see what we all look like, if you want.
Magpie, I think, posted the original topic by this name, but we've had quite an influx of members since then.
I'd post but my webcam seems to be non-op.
The situation may be rectified eventualy...
Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today? - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 16 March 2002 - 06:26 PM
(1) take picture of self.
(2) post link to picture here.
NOt hard, right?
Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today? - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 16 March 2002 - 07:26 PM
Slayer's guide to Cythera:
Posted 16 March 2002 - 08:45 PM

Coder of the Week, eh Slayer? Cool!
Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishmuffin.
Posted 17 March 2002 - 12:44 AM
[BCoder of the Week, eh Slayer?
Today, TopCoder. Tomorrow, the world!

Slayer's guide to Cythera:
Posted 17 March 2002 - 11:04 AM
Katerei, you forgot I have a copy of a JPG of you on my iDisk. Link == [url="http://""]here[/url]. Remember what I told you, I'm no stalker. You were the one who DCC'ed it to me in the first place.

It's all good, good stuffs.
Battle.Net Screen Name: ev3-ferazel The Game: StarCraft
Posted 17 March 2002 - 11:28 AM
"I am so amazingly cool you could keep a side of meat in me for a month. I am so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis."
-Zaphod Beeblebrox
When I'm bored, my post number goes up.
Posted 17 March 2002 - 02:58 PM
You were the one who DCC'ed it to me in the first place.

Yes, yes, I know. I'm not complaining, am I?

Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishmuffin.
Posted 17 March 2002 - 06:56 PM

Actually, they don't exist online and I have no real way of posting them or scanning them.
"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."-Jebadiah Springfield
"The goal is to accelerate the release process incrementally until we actually tear the fabric of space-time. Each final candidate will precede the one that came before it, and eventually EV Nova will be released sometime in 1937."
-mcb 3-10-02 (release of Nova fc3)
-Stephen Colbert
Posted 17 March 2002 - 10:18 PM
Lequis Design
Posted 17 March 2002 - 10:23 PM

Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today? - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 17 March 2002 - 10:33 PM

I can't find any pictures of myself anywhere so here's a discription anyway:
I am 157 cm tall. Im a guy with dark brown hair, short cut. Dark brown eyes. I am not fat or underwieght at all, i am a bit skinny but rather trim (That's what cmes from doing sailing and taekwondo every week). Uhhh, i don't have freckles or glasses, ummm. I think thats all

Well...Well...Uhhhh... Don't you have anything better to do with your time?...No?...That's good. Neither do I.
Posted 17 March 2002 - 10:54 PM
I'm a girl of about 160cm tall. I have shortish dark blonde/brown hair and blue eyes. I'm not underweight or overweight. I wear glasses (they're brown) but I don't need them all the time. Yeah, that's about it.
"Shut up you gook!" -- Old lady to her husband
"One post a day keeps total boredom away."
[This message has been edited by Beatrix (edited 03-17-2002).]
Posted 18 March 2002 - 04:43 AM
I'm the figure on the left...
"...And Alexander wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."
[This message has been edited by Aben Zin (edited 03-18-2002).]
This space to be left blank
Posted 18 March 2002 - 01:40 PM

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 18 March 2002 - 01:49 PM
I am 5 feet, 8 inches tall...about 130lbs, translating to--- I think I'm doing the metric conversions right-- 59.1 kg, 170 cm... I wear contacts, and glasses when I am too lazy to wear contacts (usually this occurs on saturday/sunday mornings)... and, um, I have red/brown-ish hair, and brown/green-ish eyes. (aren't indefinite colors GREAT?) And stuff. I dunno what else I can say..someday I'll have a pic on my computer.
Lequis Design
Posted 19 March 2002 - 09:34 AM
Cache, Ody and I both want to know what you look like.
Actualy, I don't know what Ody looks like...
I'd like to know that, too

Dosen't anyone else have pics of themselves?
Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today? - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 19 March 2002 - 04:39 PM

"I am so amazingly cool you could keep a side of meat in me for a month. I am so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis."
-Zaphod Beeblebrox
When I'm bored, my post number goes up.
[This message has been edited by idiotSavant (edited 03-19-2002).]
Posted 19 March 2002 - 06:21 PM

Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today? - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 19 March 2002 - 06:42 PM

Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today? - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.