ATTN: A public service announcement
Posted 16 March 2002 - 11:35 AM
Therefore, all positive karma will not be released until further notice.
Thank you, this has been a public service announcement.
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 16 March 2002 - 11:39 AM
I'm AIM4Bryce, IdiotSavant is QuickSilver4289.
This log is unedited.
AIM4Bryce: Ody, I need to talk.
QuickSilver4289: Shoot
AIM4Bryce: How far in the future is you're chron?
QuickSilver4289: um, not sure
AIM4Bryce: is ten year s fine?
AIM4Bryce: Or is it less?
QuickSilver4289: 10 years!
AIM4Bryce: Less is probobly better....
QuickSilver4289: um
QuickSilver4289: I was think it was about between ST and
QuickSilver4289: er, the cron before
QuickSilver4289: *TS
AIM4Bryce: Which one?
QuickSilver4289: um, why do you need to know?
AIM4Bryce: I'm making a timeline.
AIM4Bryce: FOr my upcoming chron,.
AIM4Bryce: so I can keep my chronology straight.
QuickSilver4289: ah
AIM4Bryce: Did you read 'Collusion"?
AIM4Bryce: I don't remember...
QuickSilver4289: Yes, rather short
AIM4Bryce: It's only the intro.
AIM4Bryce: The chron is up to fourteen pages.
QuickSilver4289: I've heard
AIM4Bryce: It's not done yet, though.
AIM4Bryce: I plan to work on it today.
AIM4Bryce: Which is why i'm making the time-line.
QuickSilver4289: I see
QuickSilver4289: well…
AIM4Bryce: Eh, go on...
QuickSilver4289: I'll give you a karma point if you start using IRC ;_)
AIM4Bryce: He said that?
QuickSilver4289: Yup
AIM4Bryce: Tell him thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'll acept.
AIM4Bryce: Sorry.
QuickSilver4289: well…
QuickSilver4289: note that on your karma ratios, people who use IRC are higher up

AIM4Bryce: YEs, true...
AIM4Bryce: But I think it's a conincedence.
QuickSilver4289: Not I.
AIM4Bryce: Oh, so you suggjest moderator foverotism?
QuickSilver4289: no…
AIM4Bryce: Good.
AIM4Bryce: 'Cuz we all know they're ideal mods.3
QuickSilver4289: uhuh
QuickSilver4289: Tyrael says two karma points
AIM4Bryce: Urm...
AIM4Bryce: Sorry, no thanks. THough I must say it's a tempting offer.
QuickSilver4289: It is
QuickSilver4289: anywho, lets talk of other things…
AIM4Bryce: Tell Tyrael that I really aprecate his offer but I must respectively decline. Even if he offers to take my acount to 15 karma, I could not accept. Besides, I'd rather earn it fair and square. Thanks.
AIM4Bryce: And I would rather talk of other things.
QuickSilver4289: fine, fine
AIM4Bryce: So, about that chron...
AIM4Bryce: (yours)
QuickSilver4289: right
AIM4Bryce: Can we please set a date?
AIM4Bryce: It's a rather pivitol
AIM4Bryce: point in history,
AIM4Bryce: 3since it represents the coming together
AIM4Bryce: of two of the great powers
AIM4Bryce: of cythera in trade.
QuickSilver4289: Heh, tYrael has some things to say to you, but we'll leave that to later
QuickSilver4289: okay
QuickSilver4289: I'd like to talk to cache firsr
QuickSilver4289: *first
AIM4Bryce: Kay, e-mail me with the results.
AIM4Bryce: cache should be sleeping right now.
QuickSilver4289: uh*h
AIM4Bryce: It's about 4:13 am in NZ.
QuickSilver4289: He'll be on in a bit
AIM4Bryce: He gets up at 4 somthing?
QuickSilver4289: about 3 hours
AIM4Bryce: Ah.
QuickSilver4289: Yes
AIM4Bryce: NOw, what did Tyrael want to tell me?
QuickSilver4289: hmm
QuickSilver4289: brb
AIM4Bryce: brb?
QuickSilver4289: be right back
AIM4Bryce: Kay.
QuickSilver4289: back
QuickSilver4289: Bryce, do you play Diablo two?
AIM4Bryce: No.
QuickSilver4289: blast…
AIM4Bryce: I play a little avara, but that's it.
QuickSilver4289: ah…
AIM4Bryce: And I do use the avara chat feture.
AIM4Bryce: If that's what you are wondering.

AIM4Bryce: So, that' swhat Tyrael wanted to know?
QuickSilver4289: no…
QuickSilver4289: Thats what I wanted to know
AIM4Bryce: Okay, what's Tyrael want ot know/wants to say
QuickSilver4289: Bryce , *nobody* will get karma ever until you come on IRC
AIM4Bryce: !
AIM4Bryce: That's not very fair,
QuickSilver4289: Bryce, please start ircle
AIM4Bryce: and a blatint attempt to make people hate me.
AIM4Bryce: *blantant
QuickSilver4289: relax
AIM4Bryce: It's a joke?
AIM4Bryce: Whew.
QuickSilver4289: I'm not sure…
QuickSilver4289: I'll just ask him
AIM4Bryce: DO that. *nervious*
QuickSilver4289: Tyrael: actually, I'm serious when I say no karma is going to be given out anytime soon
AIM4Bryce: Oh.
AIM4Bryce: What about slayer?
AIM4Bryce: He's given out Karma recently/
QuickSilver4289: True
AIM4Bryce: So, we still get Karma for chrons, right?
QuickSilver4289: I think so
AIM4Bryce: Good.
AIM4Bryce: So, what was up with this 'karma probation' thing a while ago?
QuickSilver4289: not sure
AIM4Bryce: Well, pleas eask him.
AIM4Bryce: *please ask
QuickSilver4289: Ask him yourself
AIM4Bryce: Ha ha ha.
AIM4Bryce: Tell him to get oon AIM.
QuickSilver4289: Tyrael: if he doesn't come in the next 60 seconds, I'm going to make a "public service announcement"
QuickSilver4289: Its not loaded on his computer
AIM4Bryce: A public sevice what?
QuickSilver4289: Tyrael: there'll be questions popping up, and I want the community to know *why* they aren't getting karma
AIM4Bryce: And I don't have it installed, much less running!
QuickSilver4289: QUickly Bryce, quickly!
QuickSilver4289: I think he'll wait
AIM4Bryce: Ask him what he wants to announce.
QuickSilver4289: I think he already said
AIM4Bryce: Hey, I can see how either cache or me could become a mod...
*Formulates evil plan*
QuickSilver4289: cache, yes
QuickSilver4289: you…
AIM4Bryce: well, I'd be happy for cache, so it would be a win/bigger win sinaario.
QuickSilver4289: Bryce, you coming?
AIM4Bryce: No. Announce away.
QuickSilver4289: alrighty
QuickSilver4289: the war room *drools*
AIM4Bryce: cache will be a good mod.
QuickSilver4289: yup
QuickSilver4289: A very good one
AIM4Bryce: An exelent replacement for Avatara, when he gets demoded like poor OF because of doing this kind of thing. Sad, I rather liked Avatara.
QuickSilver4289: Tyrael will continue to be a mod
QuickSilver4289: Tyrael a great person
QuickSilver4289: *is
AIM4Bryce: Well, I don't see any announcement.
QuickSilver4289: If he gets demoted, I and many others will personally send e-mails to andrew
AIM4Bryce: I like Avatara too, Ody.
AIM4Bryce: Note the later part of my message.
QuickSilver4289: I don't think he'll be replaced for a looong time
AIM4Bryce: Hopefully.
QuickSilver4289: He won't
AIM4Bryce: BUt I still don't see any public service announcement.
QuickSilver4289: Bryce…we're in troube
AIM4Bryce: We?
QuickSilver4289: Take a look
QuickSilver4289: You
AIM4Bryce: I thought just me...
QuickSilver4289: Heh
QuickSilver4289: [url="http://""]http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/001098.html[/url]
AIM4Bryce: Looking... stand by/
QuickSilver4289: This is not good, and I don't see any smillies
[This message has been edited by Bryce (edited 03-16-2002).]
[This message has been edited by Bryce (edited 03-16-2002).] - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 16 March 2002 - 11:44 AM
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 16 March 2002 - 11:46 AM
Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today? - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 16 March 2002 - 11:53 AM
Oh.On any boards, or just here?
Bryce, it was fun matching wits with you, but I might be leaving soon. As a matter of fact, its on all boards, and I believe I told you the reason before. (I was just playing off the gamble that you had a short term memory loss, and I was right)
Anyway, for those that have forgotten, any function involving e-mail is inoperative until andrew fixes the server, so technically there is no signups, changing e-mail, or karma. Sorry for blaming it all on you, but it was worth a shot.

P.S. As stated before, if you did use IRC you would have been warned of this ahead of time. Also, you get advance notice on various things, such as upcoming ideas, TSes, and the chance to add your opinion when we debate about our next course of action. You seem to enjoy lots of time on AIM, why not use IRC instead and talk to the rest of us?


"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 16 March 2002 - 11:56 AM
Bryce, it was fun matching wits with you, but I might be leaving soon. As a matter of fact, its on all boards, and I believe I told you the reason before. (I was just playing off the gamble that you had a short term memory loss, and I was right)
Oh, I forgot Karma involved e-mail!
And why are you leaving? It's sad, you've been a good mod.
Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today? - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 16 March 2002 - 12:00 PM
And why are you leaving? It's sad, you've been a good mod.
As I just said, you would've known about this...its only been a popular topic of discussion on IRC for the last few weeks. *hint hint*

Actually, I'm not leaving the boards until later this year...but I had my wisdom teeth yesterday and need lots of rest, so I probably should be going to sleep soon.
Do you want me to lock this topic or delete it?
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 16 March 2002 - 12:02 PM
Do you want me to lock this topic or delete it?
Lock... it could be interesting for futuire generations

Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today? - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 16 March 2002 - 12:03 PM - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 16 March 2002 - 12:08 PM
Heh,I wonder what cache will think when he reads this... hey, maybe leave it unlock for a while, it that's okay with you...
If you refuse to put up that AIM transcript you edited out, I'll have to put up the IRC explains lots to those that weren't present during the conflict.

I still think the AIM one would be more interesting, as it has your reaction.
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
[This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 03-16-2002).]
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 16 March 2002 - 12:54 PM
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 17 March 2002 - 01:44 PM (Wed Mar 13 09:45:46 2002)
*** Odysseus (homer@ has joined channel #cythera
Odysseus: Tyrael!
Tyrael: i like being able to use a laptop on the tv couch

Odysseus: heh
Tyrael: hmm
Odysseus: Bryce is on AIM
Tyrael: heh, but I don't have aim here
Tyrael: its only on my normal computer
Tyrael: hmm...I wonder if we could persuade him to use irc
Odysseus: I've tried
Odysseus: Any mod words for him?
Tyrael: yeah, seeing as how its Bryce, and this will be very unlikely:
Tyrael: tell him, I'll give him a karma point if he starts using IRC

Odysseus: I think he'll come on in a rush

Odysseus: okay, I'll tell him
*** Madaya (Moonshadow@ has joined channel #cythera
Tyrael: hi
Madaya: hi
Tyrael: wait a're not Bryce

Tyrael: Ody, you said you'd pull bryce here

Odysseus: Heh
Odysseus: I working on it
Tyrael: (sorry madaya, bad timing with the conversation)
Odysseus: And pulling a Bryce involves karma ratios
Madaya: I see...
Tyrael: then point out people that use IRC frequently have a higher chance at a higher karma ratio

Odysseus: heh
Madaya: heh
Odysseus: He doesn't ****in' except!
Tyrael: lets raise the stakes, bet him two karma points

Odysseus: Your sure?
Tyrael: he won't come
Odysseus If your wrong…
Odysseus gulps
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 17 March 2002 - 01:45 PM

Tyrael: is he coming?
Odysseus: one sec
Odysseus: I'll seee
Odysseus: nope, he still refuses!
Odysseus: But he's tempted
Tyrael: heh, I'll give *you* a karma point in addition if you get him on here
Odysseus: After karma slapping once

Tyrael: no slapping, promise

Tyrael: and I'll even do it as soon as he gets on too, not waiting a year
Odysseus: thers got to a cache
Odysseus: +be
--> madaya little do Ody/bryce know, karma requires e-mail and the server hasn't fully allowed stuff with email yet...
Tyrael: eh?
Odysseus: Tell Tyrael that I really aprecate his offer but I must respectively decline. Even if he offers to take my acount to 15 karma, I could not accept. Besides, I'd rather earn it fair and square. Thanks.
*Madaya* heh
Tyrael: wait a minute...
Tyrael: you said you were talking to Bryce
Madaya: heh
Odysseus: thats what Bryce said!
Tyrael: he said he'd like to earn it "fair and square", are you sure this is Bryce

Odysseus: heh
Odysseus: I'll tell him that

Tyrael: the same Bryce that wants more karma to flow freely?

Tyrael: tell him if he wants to defend himself, I'm on IRC

Odysseus: You'll just get an e-mail
Tyrael: I can't access e-mail until Tuesday

Madaya: heh
Tyrael: hmm...what if you told Bryce that *nobody* would get karma ever until he came on IRC?

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 17 March 2002 - 01:48 PM
Tyrael: its kinda true at that I must say...
--> Madaya yes I can be cruel, but its all sacrifices for Bryce

*Madaya* heh
Odysseus: Bryce asks if its a joke

Odysseus: Tyrael?
Tyrael: actually, I'm serious when I say no karma is going to be given out anytime soon
Odysseus: I think everyones okay with that
Tyrael: what is Bryce's answer?
Odysseus: AIM4Bryce: Oh.
Odysseus: ;D
Tyrael: he coming?
Odysseus: I'm trying
Tyrael: ok, it works still
Tyrael: if he doesn't come in the next 60 seconds, I'm going to make a "public service announcement"
Odysseus: okay doki
Tyrael: there'll be questions popping up, and I want the community to know *why* they aren't getting karma

Odysseus: heh
Odysseus: I'll tell him
Odysseus: okay, I have him running

Tyrael: 30 seconds...(I gave you an extra minute to tell him)

Tyrael: is he coming?

Odysseus: I think so
Tyrael: hmm...I'll give him a few more minutes
Odysseus: I think he's coming!
Tyrael: because I am really generous, and do have a few cards hidden

Tyrael: whoa! really?
Tyrael: too bad cache isn't here to see this

Tyrael has to log this
Madaya: heh
Odysseus: Yeah!
Odysseus: Pic time!
Lequis_mx: What's happening?
Odysseus: Bryce is coming on IRC, maybe
Tyrael: a once-in-a-lifetime event
Lequis_mx: AAAAHH
Odysseus: QuickSilver4289: Bryce, you coming?
Odysseus: AIM4Bryce: No. Announce away.
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 17 March 2002 - 01:50 PM
Tyrael: ok, I'm clicking "start a new topic"

Odysseus: heh
Tyrael: the title is ready, I'm about to start writing the body

Odysseus: Heheh
Tyrael: to word my post
Odysseus: Bryce, if you don't ****in' come on IRC I'll ban you to ****in' hell!
Tyrael: how about we'll start with: "Due to various complaints and issues, I've decided to comply with the wishes of our dedicated member, Bryce."
Odysseus: Sounds very good
Tyrael: "He has pointed out time and time again, that karma flows too freely on our board, and should be restricted."
Madaya: heh
Tyrael: heh heh, refresh your forum lists

Odysseus: refreshing
Madaya: done
Odysseus: I'll give the URL to Bryce
Tyrael: heh
Madaya: heh
Tyrael: I bet he thought I was bluffing

Odysseus gulps
Odysseus: gave him the URL
Odysseus: Lets see how he reacts
Tyrael: wow, look at that view counter go!
Odysseus: Tyrael, you won't get in troube for this, right?
Odysseus: Bryce replied
Odysseus: hmm…
Odysseus: I've been dragged into the cat fight…
Tyrael: if I do get in trouble, I guess I might have to hasten that "if then" condition when I lose my position
Tyrael: little does Bryce know he's blind
Tyrael: I'm thinking of how to reply...
Tyrael: to continue this and stay in legal bounds
Odysseus: Tyrael, carefull
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 17 March 2002 - 01:52 PM
Odysseus: fine by me
Tyrael: I'll post a simple reply, there's not much to be said
Tyrael: aww...the fun is draining away, I'll probably end this in a bit
Tyrael: is he replying?
Odysseus: not sure
Odysseus: Did andrew really say that?
Tyrael: if you paid any attention to what I've been saying for the last week, and what I posted in his multiple account topic...yes
Odysseus: oooh!
Odysseus: I get it
Tyrael: you do?
*Odysseus* Anything to do with e-mail is down!
--> Odysseus precisely, that's why i gambled on two points of karma

Tyrael: ok...I'll end this
Odysseus: aaah
Tyrael: Ody, tell him to reload the topic
Odysseus: okay
Odysseus: I have
Odysseus: He seems to be speechless

Tyrael: he does?
Odysseus: yup, hasn't said a thing
Odysseus: that or his a rather slow reader…
Tyrael: so, how was my IRC add at the bottom?

Odysseus shakes Tyrael warmly by the hand
Odysseus: You pulled an Ody1

Odysseus: Now he wants to know why your leaving
Odysseus: I think he took it the wrong way…
Tyrael: leaving, well tell him to come on IRC, I've only had to tell three people already today

Tyrael: I'm recovering, I need rest

*** Tyrael has set the topic on channel #cythera to A fascinating moment in #cythera history: Bryce *considered* coming on IRC
That's all. The moral of this story is: if you don't use IRC, expect the worst.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel