In vein with my previous Cythera-Hacking topic, the title is a Star Trek Refrence. But that isn't relevent.
Okay, We now have the ability to alter the position of the charicters in Cythera, but has anyone tried decrypting the Data file?
I think it is encrypted with a word, or perhaps a phrase. The word could be nonsense, like "9s3uDSf8" but it could also be an english word.
Has anyone even thought of the concept?
Obviously, if the Data file can be decyphered, then we could change the names of the charicters...
It would also solve the issue of easter eggs, to a degree.
So, in conclusion, has anyone besides me thought about such things? (Well, Slayer has, at least he used the teleportation hack...)
I'll just put a random number at 0008EC and see what happens.
(Famous Last Words #-32767)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today?
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The Final Fronter
Posted 04 January 2002 - 12:46 PM
Hmm, interesting concept. I never thought about that, but trying to decipher it could have some...odd results, so be careful if anybody tries it. 
Need a name??? Need a character??? I GOT LOTS!!!
Email me or visit my site at [url="http://""][/url]

Need a name??? Need a character??? I GOT LOTS!!!
Email me or visit my site at [url="http://""][/url]
Posted 04 January 2002 - 03:28 PM
Yeah, but it would take a long while...
I'll just put a random number at 0008EC and see what happens.
(Famous Last Words #-32767)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today?
I'll just put a random number at 0008EC and see what happens.
(Famous Last Words #-32767)
Where do you want to [url="http://""]teleport[/url] today?
"Programming is an art form that fights back." - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money. - Magnatune: Internet record label. Wide selection of music in MP3, flac, ogg: no DRM. Legal. Artists get 50% of your money.
Posted 04 January 2002 - 03:35 PM
[quote]Originally posted by Toral:
Sounds interesting.
- although your question shows a level of knowledge that makes me wonder if you're not another 'alter ego' from one of the other posters?
Kobayashi Maru!
Sounds interesting.

Kobayashi Maru!
"The e-mail of the specious is deadlier than their mail" - Tom Holt, 'Snow White and the Seven Samurai'
Posted 04 January 2002 - 03:54 PM
Of course, Melia and Velgen are people in the 'Quest for the Shard' Cron series, and at the end, you will see why they desire 'future interaction' with Talm, and thus need TS handels.
Toral is Talm's brother. He also fetures in a story idea I have.
What's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine.
[This message has been edited by Melia (edited 01-04-2002).]
Toral is Talm's brother. He also fetures in a story idea I have.
What's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine.
[This message has been edited by Melia (edited 01-04-2002).]
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