The Air-Castle (TS)
Posted 15 December 2001 - 08:07 PM
"Well, Since the castle is going to fall anyway, there's no sense leaving the Air-Shard... I think I know how we could bring it. Let's get everbody back to the balloon, then two of us can come back in the zephlin." Talm said.
"And get the shard?" Asked MoonShadow.
"Right - while one of us pilots the zephlin, another will desend on a rope and remove the shard. I figure it's influence will last just long enough for the person to get up the rope, then the castle will plummet into the sea." Talm continued.
"Any volenteers?" He asked.
Before Anyone could volenteer, Wolmark interupted.
"But how will we Transport it? With it having tremors like it is now, just having it aboard could be dangerious!"
Talm knew it was a good point.
"Well, perhaps we could attach the shard to a rope and harness, and float it behind the airship... that would provide enough insulation, I should think." Talm aswered.
They agreed on this plan, and set things in motion.
Ein weasel hat Sie Gehirn!
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Posted 15 December 2001 - 10:02 PM
When the balloon was in position, Trinias dropped an anchor and signalled Velcarn to stop; Wolmark dropped the anchor for the zeppelin, and Trinias detached the tow ropes.
It took some time, and a great deal of effort, but all the cargo - including Leandra's very heavy bolt of Kefron - had been winched aboard.
The crew met together once more, beneath the balloon, to prepare for the next phase. The tremors had been coming more often, and getting more violent; it was beginning to look as if Wolmark's estimate had been overly optimistic.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 15 December 2001 - 11:23 PM
Suddenly, a tremor hit. It was colossal in magnitude, and shook the castle hard. With a huge crash, one of the observation spires collapsed, and dust rained down on half the castle as the structural intergerity of the wall on that side gave way.
“Quick, Let’s get out of here!” Shouted on of their number.
Wolmark, Talm and Trinias Entered the Zephlin, and the others boarded the balloon.
Flynn, who Talm had appointed temporary ‘Balloon Commander’, stood on the deck. He looked at the Solar Shard, resting in it’s holder. Soon, he knew, they would have to close the air vent atop the balloon and flee this place, putting some altitude between themselves and the beleaguered castle. A shame - such a wonderful place, to be lost so quickly.
Flynn gave the order to take off.
Meanwhile, Wolmark was carefully piloting the Zephlin over the central Spire.
Talm, secured in a crude rope harness, was looking over the edge of the cabin, viewing the gaping hole the tremors had left in the spire’s dome.
“Almost there!” Said Trinias to Wolmark, indicating the proximity of the target.
“Stop!” He announced a moment later, and Wolmark stopped the craft over the dome.
The Ronin lowered Talm into the massive dome.
Talm looked around - through the choking dust, he could see below him a white glow.
“A bit lower!” He instructed.
With a slight lurch, Talm descended squarely on top of the shard.
Talm was very worried about the possible effects on himself should a tremor happen to occur. Thus mindful, Talm hurriedly attached a cradle, similar to the one that held the Solar Shard, onto the Crystal. Quickly, Talm attached a second rope to the Shard, and gave the signal to bring him up.
Talm was safely inside the Zephlin, though the craft was still linked to the Shard by the rope.
“Should we take up the rope yet?” Asked Wolmark.
“No need to prolong things..” Talm said, obviously unhappy about what was happening to the castle.
With a tug, they yanked the rope and pulled the Shard from it’s place in the castle.
The Zephlin rose away, and pulled the hovering Shard behind it.
It was a colossal thing - as nearly everyone aboard both air vessels looked on, the castle began to fall. Some parts lost the effect of the Shard faster than others - first, the central spire, or, more accurately, the structure beneath it - fell. The Tall spire sunk though the center of the castle, and disitergrated into a cloud of marble bricks. In less than a minute, the last bits had fallen. No chunk larger than five feet hit the ocean, and all that remained of the once-fabulous Air-Castle was a memory.
Ec, y'r Bmiih
Any Cryptographers out there?
Posted 16 December 2001 - 09:34 AM
How do men that have beards play the flute?
When I'm bored, my post number goes up.
Posted 16 December 2001 - 09:58 AM
Suddenly, Talm walked into the kitchen. He walked straight past her, oblivious to her presence. This of course was normal, corporal beings couldn't see through her cloaking field. Salmaris knew, however, that the battery in it wouldn't last much longer - then she would be visible to the humans. If they'd traveled from a nearby isle, then she had a good chance of getting off before she was visible - but if they came from distant Cythera, then things weren't as hopeful. Oh, Well. Perhaps these humans would be tolerant of a “stowaway”.
*** OoC ***
So, Salmaris is stowed away on the balloon. She's not going to be very hostile towards the 'sword theif', don't worry. However, I'll explain how she got out of the castle, ect, some other time. In case you didn't get it, Salmaris is one of the 'visitors', or the blue being Velcarn saw in the painting.
Progress is not an illusion, it happens, but it is slow and invariably disappointing.
Posted 16 December 2001 - 04:04 PM
"It would have fallen down anyways, you know that." Flynn remarked quietly.
"Yes." She stepped forward, until she was standing on the very brink of the balcony. "All beautiful things are bound to fall down, aren't they?" She asked, lookind back over her shoulder at Flynn.
Flynn looked at her questioningly, confused about her melancholic expression and voice.
Moonshadow smiled sadly. "Never mind..." She walked back to the ladder. "I think I need something warm now. Do you want some tea, too?"
Flynn nodded, perplex.
Moonshadow turned and climbed down the ladder, humming to herself. The breeze caught the melancholic tune and carried it away.
Salmaris watched as another being entered the kitchen. She was different, that much Salmaris knew immediately. The slivery-white hair, the pointed ears, and the eyes... amber eyes, like those of a cat, deep and sad and enigmatic. She heard her singing softly in some strange, melodious language.
"Vaya'winda, sala'baha,
Isiriel, sala'awa,
Mandalya, sala'shir,
Tie'shianna, sala'ten,
Simyala, sala'lar,
Ometheon, sala'fir..."
No matter what she was singing, the words definately didn't fit what she was doing. It smelled like she was preparing some kind of tea. Salmaris shifted, accidentally bumping into a cupboard. It made hardly any sound, yet the woman looked up. She must have good ears. She looked around, frowning, and then her eyes locked right unto the spot where Salmaris was standing. She tilted her head slightly, then went back to what she was doing. She couldn't have seen her now, could she?
Shortly afterwards, the woman left the room. Salmaris sighed with relief, until she saw the woman had left one cup, filled with steaming tea. From somewhere, her voice trailed back to Salmaris. 'Enjoy... it's called peppermint tea.'
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
Posted 16 December 2001 - 06:39 PM
Talm walked into the kitchen, and gasped. Seemingly floating in midair was a teacup. Every few seconds, a little of the liquid would pour out and disappear! Talm stepped back in shock. "Hello?" He stammered, his nervousness painfully evident. "Is there someone there?" He finished, no less petrified.
Salmaris was surprised as Talm. She dropped the teacup, and stared at Talm. Surely he couldn't see her too! Was everyone on the vessel immune to the field’s effect? Then, she realized what had happened. The Teacup - he'd seen that. Not to worry, the cloak was still working. Salmaris beat a hasty retreat into the ladder well before Talm could react further.
Salmaris looked at the cloaking field controller. It's indicator was still green - working. Relived, Salmaris decided to try to find the person who'd given her the tea. Of course, she'd have to find her alone. But what of the man that had seen the 'floating' teacup? Would he suspect that something was amiss?
Okay, if anyone wants to make 'first contact' with Salmaris, go ahead, but remember that she only will intentionaly look for MoonShadow, so it would probobly be best if she did that. - Bryce
Progress is not an illusion, it happens, but it is slow and invariably disappointing.
Posted 16 December 2001 - 10:26 PM
She nudged his arm with a mug. "Hey, it would have fallen down anyway, you know."
Flynn glanced at her, and saw the mischievous grin. He smiled in return, and accepted the tea gratefully.
"That doesn't mean I don't regret it," he said, sadly. "It was a marvellous place; we could have spent months there, and still not learned all its secrets. Who knows the opportunities we missed, simply because we didn't look in the right places."
"Yes, but think of the wonders we did find, and the adventures we had there," Moonshadow consoled. Neither of them thought it strange - or even noticed - that they'd switched roles; the comforter becoming the comforted.
They stood there in silence, drinking their tea and remembering.
Salmaris watched from her vantage point. When she'd reached the top of the ladder to the balcony, she'd been mildly annoyed to find the man that was so often with that perplexing woman there too. She realised that finding one particular person alone on this small balloon was going to be difficult - especially when that person seemed to seek the company of others.
But it had to happen sometime; and patience was one of her strong points.
Something pricked at Flynn's combat-honed senses. He glanced around swiftly, but saw nothing; yet the feeling simply wouldn't be dismissed.
He bent down close to Moonshadow's ear. "I think we're being watched," he murmured.
She looked up at him in surprise. "Yes, we are; how did you know?"
Flynn shrugged. "I'm not sure; but when you've survived as many battles as I have, somehow you start to sense things. I'm nothing like Kwon, though."
Moonshadow glanced behind. "I think someone wants to talk to me; would you mind leaving us alone? I'll be in no danger, I promise. Besides," she continued, holding up her right hand, flicking the silver ring with her thumb and smiling, "you'll know if anything happens."
Salmaris watched the two people talking quietly together. The woman made some strange motion with her hand, then the man nodded and started toward the ladder. Salmaris just squeezed out of the way in time - or rather, almost in time. The man's arm brushed against her; she held her breath.
The man froze. His right hand went to the handle of his dagger, the only weapon he was carrying; then, with a deliberate effort visible even to Salmaris, he withdrew his hand and continued toward the ladder.
She was so relieved, that even the man's parting words, quietly tossed over his shoulder, couldn't dampen her spirits. "If you harm her, I will find you!"
Salmaris turned back toward the railing, to see the woman staring at her expectantly.
The only substitute for good manners, is fast reflexes.
[This message has been edited by Flynn (edited 12-16-2001).]
Posted 16 December 2001 - 11:09 PM
Moonshadow watched with interest as a humanoid from seemed to materialize in front of her. The Person had blue skin, and was clad in a gray tunic. The clothes were embroidered with a strange symbol, which the elf couldn't identity.
“Hello... I am Salmaris” The figure said, in clear Cytherian*.
Moonshadow, not the least bit intimidated by the general oddness of the encounter, replied.
“Welcome to our balloon, Salmaris. Did you enjoy the tea?”
“It was... fine. Tell me, please: how did you see me? I had thought that the shield was perfect, until now.” Salmaris asked, slightly tense.
Before Moonshadow could reply, they heard the door of the ladder well opening. In a burst of quick reflexes, Salmaris pressed the button on the controller, and vanished.
Talm stepped out of the ladder well just in time to see the last wisps of color fade away. Talm shook his head, afraid he was losing his marbles.
“Moonshadow” Talm began “Something strange happened just a little while ago in the kitchen... “ He finished.
“What was that, Talm?” Moonshadow asked.
“I thought I saw a teacup...” Talm said, nervous.
“Why is that unusual?” Moonshadow asked.
“It was... Flying...” Talm replied.
Moonshadow thought for a moment, temporarily unsure how to deal with the situation.
*I don’t no what language our characters speak, I’m taking a guess here.
Progress is not an illusion, it happens, but it is slow and invariably disappointing.
Posted 17 December 2001 - 12:23 AM
Those who know the truth are not up to those who love it; those who love the truth are not up to those who delight in it.
-- Confucius (a.k.a. Kong Fuzi)
[This message has been edited by Slayer (edited 01-01-2002).]
Posted 17 December 2001 - 03:52 PM
He looked at Moonshadow and Leandra, and motioned at Brink. "Can you help him?"
They looked at each other, then back at Trinias, and shook their heads. "He was hit by a confusion spell," Moonshadow explained. "Better to let him sleep it off."
After tucking Brink into his bed in the forge, everyone sat down with a hot drink to calm their nerves. After a while, Trinias noticed Moonshadow moving stealthily toward the ladder to the balcony. She made a surreptitious gesture to Flynn to stay, as he started to rise from his seat; he sat back down with a slightly worried expression.
A few minutes after she disappeared, Talm followed.
Trinias glanced back at Flynn, curiously. He didn't seem much affected by Talm's departure, although he must have noticed; so it wasn't jealousy that was bothering him.
Trinias' curiosity was aroused; he edged closer to Flynn. "What's going on?" he murmured quietly in Flynn's ear.
"It seems we have an unexpected guest - who prefers to remain anonymous, for now."
Trinias' eyes opened wide in surprise. He suddenly noticed that Flynn was now wearing the Ruby Fang on his back, contrary to his custom aboard the balloon; he was sure he hadn't had it with him earlier. He slowly worked his way back to the corner where he'd left his bow standing - just in case he needed it in a hurry.
On the other hand, you have different fingers.
[This message has been edited by Trinias (edited 12-17-2001).]
[This message has been edited by Slayer (edited 01-01-2002).]
Posted 18 December 2001 - 04:43 PM
Moonshadow climbed up the ladder and spotted the flickering field of air where Salmaris was immediately. Whatever she was using, it couldn't be magic, since it did apparently not deceive the different view of an elf.
"Here I am again, Salmaris." She said. The flickering human-shaped field moved, and moments later Salmaris had decloaked, a startled expression on her face. "I did not hear you." She stated in surprise.
"Well, that'S the point of being quiet." Moonshadow twinkled. "Anyways... we were interrupted back then. What did you want to ask again?"
"I was wondering... just how did you see me?"
"Oh, that..." Moonshadow waved her hand roughly in the direction of the instrument around Salmaris' wrist. "This technical stuff... I assume it's something technical, right?" Salmaris nodded. "Anyways... it doesn't quite work on elves... we seem to have a different visible spectrum than you, or humans, for that matter."
"Ah..." Salmaris nodded. "Maybe I can adjust it..." she mused.
Moonshadow laughed. "It wouldn't be any use now." She remarked.
Salmaris looked at her. "Oh, not to hide from you... but I'm not sure whether all who can see me will react in a friendly way."
"Hmm... you've sure got a point there..." Moonshadow nodded, sitting down on the ground at the edge of the balcony, pointing at the ground next to her. Salmaris sat down hesitantly.
"I'm sure you have more questions... go ahead, ask!" Moonshadow flashed Salmaris an encouraging smile.
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
[This message has been edited by Moonshadow (edited 12-18-2001).]
Posted 18 December 2001 - 05:20 PM
"I don't think so." Moonshadow said.
"Where are we headed? I know we are moving west, but how far?" Salmaris inquired.
"Back to Cythera, have you been there?"
"Would that be the largest island? With a large swamp, and two rivers?"
"Yes, that is Cythera."
Salmaris nodded, and stood up/
"Do you think I should make my presense known to the others?" She asked.
MoonShadow thought for a moment, but before she could reply, Talm steped through the open ladder well.
Talm nearly feel over when he saw Moonshadow's company.
"Uh... hello" he stamered, looking like he could almost faint.
Sorry this wasn't longer, I'm a tad busy today.
Progress is not an illusion, it happens, but it is slow and invariably disappointing.
[This message has been edited by Salmaris (edited 12-18-2001).]
Posted 19 December 2001 - 12:10 AM
She decided she needed to keep herself occupied to take her mind off things, so she went to the kitchen to start the evening meal. As she worked, she indulged in some unaccustomed introspection.
All her life she'd had the habit of reaching for the unattainable, whether it was the men she fell in love with, or the goals she strove so hard to fulfil. Even before they'd been brought to Cythera, she'd worked hard to become a skilled healer, to earn her way into the schools of medicine; but she could admit to herself now that in that place, in that time, she would never have been accepted - it had been a man's world.
The only people then who'd ever accepted her for what she was, were her friends. It was no wonder she'd wanted to stay with them. Nor was she fooling herself about that now - she knew her attraction to Flynn had played a major part, but the others had been important to her as well.
Yes, the others. A memory of Wolmark back in the castle, offering to help, fleetingly passed through her mind. She smiled. They were good friends, all of them; she'd be lost without them.
Her new friends too; she'd meant every word she'd said to Moonshadow that night, as they watched over Flynn's unconscious form; and she was truly glad that Moonshadow returned her affections. She recalled the times she'd spent chatting with Katze, either in the zeppelin or in the tavern; Katze was so secretive, but there was something in her spirit that appealed to Leandra. Then there was Talm. In some ways he was so like Wolmark, so intense and creative; but in another, Leandra sensed that he was always somehow alone - even when working hard with someone else to achieve some goal. She was curious what could have happened in his past, to make him that way.
The others on this trip were nice enough in their own ways, but she'd never spent enough time with any of them to really get to know them. She decided she'd have to remedy that.
She went to a cupboard for some flour, then remembered they'd used the last of it for the bread, the other day. She sighed, then climbed downstairs to get some more.
It took her a few moments after entering the storeroom, to realise exactly what it was that was out of place.
Rahl's body was gone.
He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
Posted 19 December 2001 - 11:16 AM
** I'm going to advance the Salmaris thread, I'll leave
** The Rhal's-body up to other posters...
** Oh, these double-astrix things are easier than OoC/BiC
** Can we make them standard? Or does anyone have a better idea?
Salmaris, only slightly startled by Talm’s sudden appearance, greeted him.
“Hello” She said.
Moonshadow, sensing that this was a queue for her to handle this, addressed Talm.
“Talm, meet Salmaris, our... guest.” Moonshadow said, calmly.
The color returned to Talm’s face as he replied.
“Uh... Nice to meet you, Salmaris...” he said, much less nervous.
“It is nice to meet you to!” responded Salmaris.
Talm piped up.
“How did you get here? Did you come from Cythera, or the Castle?” he asked, his curiosity taking over.
Salmaris answered his questions. “I boarded your balloon while it was docked at the castle. That also answers the second question.”
Talm nodded. Then, he asked another question.
“How’d you get on board with no-one noticing?”
Salmaris, rather than responding with her voice, reached to the cloak controller, and pressed it’s largest button. Talm watched as Salmaris disappeared from his view.
“Impressive!” Talm exclaimed. “How does it work?”
Salmaris, still invisible, answered.
“Well, I’m not in inventor, so I can’t give you a full explanation, but basically it works by bending visible light around the user... it’s not nearly as good at bending lower light frequencies*...”
Neither Talm nor Moonshadow was able to make head or tail of the reply, but they didn’t ask further questions.
Salmaris decloaked, and thought for a moment.
“I’m eager to meet your companions, shall we?” She asked, and awaited a reply.
** I hope someone else introduces Salmaris to the group, maybe IdiotSavant?
** It’s up to whoever posts, but I’d like to get her introduced.
*Infa-Red. That is what elves see that humans can’t, right?
Ein weasel hat Sie Gehirn!
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Posted 19 December 2001 - 04:14 PM
(five minutes later, at the table)
"This is Salmaris. As you can tell she is new to us. She came from the castle and will be staying with us." said Talm. "Now I know we all have questions" said Talm noting Wolmark on the edge of his seat and giving him a wink. "But let's not over overwhelm Salmaris" Salmaris smiled too, seeing the pained look on Wolmark’s face. “Hello, its pleasure meeting all of you. I too have some questions, so I’m sure we can trade information”
(400'th post! Yeah! And I've been on the boards a year tomorrow!

How do men that have beards play the flute?
When I'm bored, my post number goes up.
[This message has been edited by idiotSavant (edited 12-19-2001).]
Posted 19 December 2001 - 04:48 PM
Everyone looked at her in surprise. "Well, it's missing!" she continued, looking around at everybody defensively.
Salmaris looked even more shocked than the rest. Judging by the people she'd met so far, she'd begun to think these were all peaceful folk; now they were talking about bodies in the storeroom! What could they possibly want to store bodies for?
Moonshadow, seeing her expression, took pity on her. "One of our party died mysteriously, on the outward trip. We were taking his body back with us, to see if something could be done - or for a proper burial." Salmaris looked relieved by the explanation.
"Are you sure?" Talm queried Leandra, a look of doubt on his face.
"Of course I'm sure. Go see for yourself!"
Everyone crowded down the ladder into the storeroom; those that couldn't fit, looked on through the door. Leandra was obviously correct; there was no body.
Wolmark began to look sheepish. "I think I know what happened..."
Everyone turned to look at him, expectantly.
"Remember," he continued, "I said I'd never done the time-stasis before - I think I messed up. Let me try something."
He stared at an item on a shelf, which happened to be a spare saltshaker, and half closed his eyes in concentration. He turned pale with the effort, but stopped before he drained too much lifeforce.
"There, now watch that saltshaker."
The group all watched intently. Slowly, the shaker began to fade away, until it was completely gone.
Talm looked at Wolmark in confusion. "What happened to it?"
"I think I messed up the time factor. Instead of a stasis, I sent it back in time - kind of. It went back in time, but the surroundings didn't; it stayed in this time period, but moved back to the place and state it was in at the time it was sent back to. Am I making sense?"
The number of blank stares he received bore testimony that he wasn't. He sighed. "I don't know how to explain it any clearer. But I suspect that when we get back, we'll find Rahl waiting, alive and well, with no memory of what happened to him."
He received a few looks of disbelief, but ignored them as he led the way back up the ladder.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 19 December 2001 - 09:58 PM
The smell of Leandra's excellent soup drifted past him, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. His reverie was interrupted by the clank of dishes being served, and as he opened his eyes he saw a steaming bowl of hot soup presented before him by Talm, who was helping serve the meal.
Within moments, Velcarn had put spoon to soup and was eating hearty. The group ate well, and retired to there respective quarters, refreshed.
Talm sat in his quarters, thinking.
He looked out the windows, watching the last bit of Cytherian sun go over the horizon.
It was stunning, and Talm thought he would never tire of seeing aerial sunsets. The sky, painted in vibrant hues of orange and yellow, with just a touch of red and purple, was wonderful. Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on his door.
“Come in.” Talm said, his mind drifting to alertness.
Salmaris, visibly upset, entered the small room.
“Is something troubling you, Salmaris?” He asked, somewhat weary.
“Yes, there is something wrong...” She said, being rather vague.
“Is it something I can help with?” Talm asked.
“I don’t know, I can’t quite tell what it is... something isn’t right...”
Talm thought for a moment, an expression of confusion evident on his face.
Salmaris, seeing she wasn’t making sense to Talm, stood still for a moment, then spoke.
“Sorry to bother you, Talm.” She said, and turned to leave.
“It’s alight, I don’t mind. You might want to talk to Moonshadow, or Leandra. They’d be better with this kind of thing.” Talm suggested.
Salmaris nodded, and exited the room.
Talm turned to face the sun, but saw that darkness had overtaken the sky.
Talm layed down in his bed, and went to sleep.
** Okay, I hope I get to post a fallow-up tonight, but don’t let that stop ya from posting! ** - Bryce
Ec, y'r Bmiih
Any Cryptographers out there?
Posted 19 December 2001 - 11:35 PM
Those who know the truth are not up to those who love it; those who love the truth are not up to those who delight in it.
-- Confucius (a.k.a. Kong Fuzi)
------------ screen name: ev3-ferazel. I'm in the ev3 clan, 1337est under the StarCraft sun.

[This message has been edited by ferazel_09 (edited 12-19-2001).]
Posted 20 December 2001 - 01:21 PM
Salmaris shoke her head, unsure why Ferazel had caused her so much discomfort.
She decided to get away form him before he awoke, and caused those feelings to resurface again.
Salmaris headed for her quarters, above Moonshadow and Leandra’s.*
She found no rest, her thoughts troubled by her 'attack' on Ferazel. She defended her actions to herself, reasoning that his presence was disturbing to the point of being painful to her...
Yet why? By all accounts he was just another humanoid... and he wasn’t doing it on purpose... was there something about this one she did not know?
Salmaris decided to check on him before he awakened and his ‘aura’ would make it impossible to get near him. She climbed down the ladder, and headed out past the sleeping people in the beds.
Salmaris quietly and slowly approached the Habnabit’s unconscious form, and removed a small device form her belt. She pressed a button, and the device began to hum and beep quietly as it scanned Freazel. In a few seconds, Salmaris had her results - and an answer to why she’d been so disturbed by ferazel.
He wasn’t a humanoid!
With the device in her hand, Salmaris returned to her quarters.
It seemed that he was only a manifestation of psionic and elemental energies, made to appear like a real person to all but the most intensive search. Did the humans know this? Did they know they had a ‘simulacrum’ in there midst?
More worried than ever, she closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless, alien sleep.
* They wouldn’t mind, I hope. I’d hate to see Salmaris killed off so soon.

Progress is not an illusion, it happens, but it is slow and invariably disappointing.
[This message has been edited by Salmaris (edited 12-20-2001).]
Posted 20 December 2001 - 08:54 PM
“Well, I’d say were about here.” Talm said, pointing to a map he had removed from his pack.
“No, I’d say you’ve gotten us lost again!” Velgen said.
“Talm, we’ve been out in this direction for days. Let’s head north, back to the lake. Our best lead came from that guy in the cabin...” Melia chimed in.
“No, I’m sure the crystal is in the south!” Said Talm.
“For once, will you listen to me?” Asked Velgen.
“I know this land, Talm. There is nothing interesting at Land’s-End, I don’t care what that drunk in Kosha Told you!” Velgen exclaimed.
Talm, who was now rather angry, replied.
“I’m the leader of this expedition, you are hired help! You aren’t here to lead, your here to keep up from getting eaten. Now, you do your job and I’ll do mine!”
Velgen, flush with anger, drew his sword and stabbed Talm through the chest.
Talm awoke with a start. He sat up in bed. He was safe, on the balloon. Among friends.
He exhaled deeply, relived that it had been a dream. He stretched his arms, and lay back down, infinitely thankful that those events had not transpired a year ago.
Talm looked out the window - the sun was just starting to peek over the horizon*. What a way to start a new day.
* I assume that the balloon rotates slightly over the course of time, allowing him to view both the sun rise and set this time.
Ein weasel hat Sie Gehirn!
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Posted 20 December 2001 - 09:52 PM
"What are you doing up at this hour?" she mumbled.
Leandra looked up at her, and smiled; she looked very tired, but also very contented. "I had a touch of insomnia, couldn't sleep; so I made this." She held up a shirt, made of a grey material, for Moonshadow to inspect.
Moonshadow sat up, and reached out a hand to touch the material. "Is that kefron? It's not very attractive; what does it do, exactly?"
"Well, it somehow soaks up some of the force of impact, because of its multi-layered weave; should help a bit against arrows. Also, it's very heat resistant. I know it doesn't look like much, but it's supposed to be worn under your other clothes. Would you like me to make you one sometime?"
Moonshadow, who'd grown more interested at the thought of heat resistance, felt the cloth again, and grimaced. "It's too heavy for me; I'd get too hot just from wearing it."
"Oh yes," Leandra nodded. "Fir'dha is a cold world! Anyway, this one's for Talm; it's his expedition, it's only fair he gets the first one."
Moonshadow nodded, jumped down from the bunk, and went to find out who else was awake.
He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
Posted 21 December 2001 - 01:38 AM
Salmaris replied, "I don't believe it was truely you last night."
"Ah yes, you could tell. One of my spells can make duplicates of people, simulacrums."
"Please, don't mention that." They talked for a while, and soon it grew late morning. Ferazel fixed himself a steak for breakfast. Bored, he went back to staring out the window.
Those who know the truth are not up to those who love it; those who love the truth are not up to those who delight in it.
-- Confucius (a.k.a. Kong Fuzi)
Battle.Net Screen Name: ev3-ferazel The Game: StarCraft
Posted 21 December 2001 - 02:25 AM
"Morning." They replied.
"Leandra's still sleeping?" Wolmark asked.
"No... she's already up."
"Ah." Wolmark got up. "If you excuse me, then..."
Trinias nodded, and Moonshadow shrugged. Wolmark walked out of the room.
Trnias looked at Moonshadow; she looked back at him. "Where's Flynn?"
Trinias smiled. "Still up in the library, I guess."
"Ah..." Moonshadow looked in the direction of the kitchen, pondering for a moment. "I was going to say I'd prepare some food -"
"But now you decided to go visit Flynn?"
"Uhm... no..." Moonshadow tilted her head slightly. "But now that you mention it, it's a good idea! You'll excuse me, right?"
Trinias sighed. "Of course." Not that Moonshadow had bothered to wait for a reply. Her question had been rethorical. He looked over at the door to the women's quarter. Leandra would probably not prepare any food. "Seems like I need to do it myself."
As he walked into the kitchen he saw Salmaris and Ferazel there, chatting. They turned around when they heard him.
"Morning." Trinias greeted. "Eaten yet?"
"No... and my drink just went out there." Ferazel pointed at the window.
"Oh." Trinias said. Salmaris looked a little guilty.
"Will you help me preparing some breakfast, then?" Trinias asked.
Moonshadow peeked through the ladder opening into the library. Nobody in sight. She climbed back down, and noticed Trinias had left. On his chair, there now sat the wolflizard. As she entered the room, it looked up at her and began to squeak pleadingly.
"Oh my... are you hungry?" Moonshadow questioned. "Then I suggest you pay the kitchen a visit. Somebody will surely be there." She wondered whether the animal would understand that, then shooed it into the general direction of the kitchen precautiously. After having made sure the animal got the hint, she set out to search for Flynn again.
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
[This message has been edited by Moonshadow (edited 12-21-2001).]
Posted 21 December 2001 - 05:15 AM
Wolmark smiled, and stood there watching for a few moments; then he turned and left for the laboratory.
Flynn was leaning against the railing of the balcony, watching the island of Cythera growing slowly, but steadily, closer. It had been a marvellous morning; the early sun had glowed a spectacular deep red-gold on some morning cloud, but the sky had soon cleared to a cloudless blue. It was the kind of morning that always made him feel he was at his best, at harmony with everything.
This morning was a slight exception. He'd felt all the usual feelings, and he had an incredibe sense of peace and well-being; but there was a nagging sense that there was still something missing, that would have made the morning perfect. Try as he might, he couldn't quite pin it down.
"Good morning!" came a voice from behind him, wafting all speculations out of his mind. He turned to see Moonshadow stepping quietly over toward him.
"Good morning," he replied. "Marvellous day, isn't it?"
"Yes," she replied, as she joined him at the railing. "I seldom saw such a day on Fir'dha; even when the sun did shine, it only shone on snow. The colours in this world never cease to amaze me!"
He looked back out toward the distant island. "Looks like we'll be back in Cythera, soon; probably by early afternoon. I'm getting anxious to retrieve my weapons; would tomorrow morning be too soon to leave on that trip?"
"No, that will be fine," Moonshadow replied. "I'm rather curious about that cave myself; it's past time I took a good look around in there."
"Hmm. There'll be no need to rush; we can start your training on the way."
"My training?" she queried, tilting her head to one side, and frowning.
"Yes, with the quarterstaff," Flynn answered.
"Oh, yes please!"
They lapsed into a contented silence, watching the land draw closer.
Trinias began opening cupboards, checking to see what supplies were available. He placed a few ingredients on the bench, and set a skillet with some butter to heat on the stove.
"What are you doing?" Ferazel asked.
"Making breakfast; what does it look like?" Trinias replied.
"You cook?" Ferazel exclaimed in disbelief.
"Of course I cook. I'm a woodsman; what do you think we live on out there in the forest, nuts and berries?"
Ferazel lapsed into silence, as he and Salmaris watched Trinias work. "Well," Ferazel thought to himself, he certainly looks like he knows what he's doing; it might even be safe to eat..."
As they drew close enough to begin to make out the city of Cademia ahead, a delicious smell wafted up the ladder and out onto the balcony.
"Oh," Moonshadow exclaimed. "Leandra must be making breakfast after all." Flynn shook his head; Moonshadow looked at him questioningly.
"Trinias," he corrected.
"How can you tell?" she asked, tilting her head to one side again.
Flynn grinned. "It's trail cooking. It has a completely different aroma."
"And I suppose you can tell exactly what it is, too!" Moonshadow teased.
"Pancakes," he replied, without hesitation.
And pancakes it was. They all gathered in the main room to eat, even a sleepily blinking Leandra. Trinias had made more than enough for everyone, and had even managed to find a selection of sauces and toppings. Few of them could remember when they'd last eaten a more satisfying breakfast.
Salmaris wasn't sure how this kind of food would agree with her system - but after one mouthful, she didn't care. It tasted good!
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.