1) Has anyone else noticed that more sea monsters spawn (as far as I can guess), in that place near LKH, the more you kill. Right now, I have a character that gets 800 exp from casting one fireball into the midst of sixteen or so sea monsters. The wierd thing is, I have another character who (I think...) has killed far more sea monsters, yet only two spawn at a time. Does anyone know what the number spawned is based on? And do other re-created monsters do this (for example: bandits in Cademia, undead in the strongholds)?
1.1) While still slightly on the subject of exp, I would like to point out that exp is gained when hitting monsters as is posted in another thread, but only if afterward it says "[monster] is ______" afterward, the ______ being wounded, criticaly wounded, or killed.
2) You can wield a candlestick as a weapon. I'm guessing this is for light, but I couldn't figure out how to put candles in...and does it do any damage?
3) As I've mentioned before, in combat AI, I can't get the "Equip_____" instructions to work at all. Rather annoying, so if anyone knows how...
4) Also in combat AI, I tell Timon to "DoAttack" when he is low on mana, and he sometimes casts a magic arrow. Is there any way to stop this?
I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of it right now...
And while I have the spotlight, I would like to comend everyone with thier huge posting efforts *applause* *applause* I had quite an effort coming back and reading the last three pages of Requiem, in addition to all the others

I am no one, and I am everyone. But most importantly, I am
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~