The Alraeican Tavern, Part IV
Posted 08 November 2001 - 05:53 PM
"Nice, but what if it jams? Maybe we should have a bypass so the fluid can be diverted..." Wolmark pointed out. "What if the hand pump jams and the compressor fails?" Talm asked.
"Maybe you worry to much." added Katze. They both knew she was right, at least to a point.
flamer n.
[common] One who habitually flames. Said esp. of obnoxious webboard personalities.
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Posted 08 November 2001 - 06:45 PM
Well, this is it! I'll repost this at the start of the story thread, for those that don't read the 'tavern' thread first.
Here goes, and I hope this works out!
Contrary to his custom, Sideline made an unusually noticable entrance to the Alraeican Tavern. Bursting through the doors he suddenly stopped and looked around, as if searching for someone. Those that turned to look could see that he was extremely pale.
Seeing Hector still questioning patrons, Sideline walked quickly over and spoke to him. Hector looked up in surprise, and they both hurried back out of the tavern.
After a few moments Hector re-entered, his face was now just as pale as Sideline's had been. He walked hesitantly over to the table at which the Ronin were seated, and spoke in a low tone. "There's something outside I think you should see."
Puzzled, the six Ronin rose and followed hector out of the tavern; several patrons watched with expressions of curiosity, which waned as the moments crept by.
There came a sudden, almost inhuman shriek from outside. As if moved by a single impulse, everyone in the tavern ran for the door, to see what had happened.
Ouside, Sideline, Hector and the Ronin were standing around a wagon. It was apparently Leandra who'd screamed, and subsequently fainted; she was being supported between Wolmark and Ulf. All the Ronin wore shocked expressions, and Sasha was weeping openly.
On the bed of the wagon lay a body, face down; a dagger lying at its side had apparently been extracted from an ugly wound in its back.
Flynn was unquestionably dead.
Posted 09 November 2001 - 12:56 AM
Yet when the light faded, the woman was gone.
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
Posted 14 November 2001 - 08:47 PM
"Its been ages since I've seen you! I've been looking for Hilken, seen him about recently?" Lemenath asked Theo.
"You just missed him." Theo replied, then added in an undertone "What did he do this time?"
Posted 23 November 2001 - 02:06 PM
Theo was still sitting at his usual table; the Ronin and several others walked over and joined him.
Theo looked up as they sat, noticed Flynn, and blinked. "I see your quest went better than planned!"
Sasha nodded, smiling broadly. "Yes; villains apprehended, and we got Flynn back. An excellent week's work!"
With a sigh of resignation, Flynn once more began his story.
With his active participation over, Sideline was content to resume his old habits. He found a dark corner of the tavern, and sat down to watch everything that happened.
He noticed one patron look up, and see Flynn for the first time. The man blinked - then stood up and hurried from the tavern. Sideline's eyes narrowed in suspicion; standing quietly, he made his way outside.
The man was in a hurry to get somewhere, Sideline observed; he began to trail him.
Talm looked very nervous. "Uh, I have a little adventure of my own in mind..."
*** OoC ***
Right, participants in Bryce's adventure, please adjourn to the thread [url="http://""]'The Air-Castle (TS)'[/url].
*** BiC ***
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 11-23-2001).]
Posted 24 November 2001 - 04:19 AM
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
Posted 24 November 2001 - 11:44 PM
"If I'm right, then that would completely change the rules of the game. Damn Hergat, I should never have gotten caught up in this!" Lemenath muttered to himself, before slipping a hood over his pointy ears and sulking out of the door.
Posted 25 November 2001 - 03:17 AM
"Oh, excuse me!" She looked after the departing figure. He'd barely even looked at her through the whole encounter, let alone acknowledged her apology. She shrugged, and the three entered the tavern.
Scanning the room, they quickly spied Katze in the corner. Sasha smiled and began to walk in her direction, but the dark woman waved them away with an unobtrusive gesture.
Sasha was puzzled, but thought it better to comply with Katze's wishes. She and Ulf sat at a nearby table, while Kwon fetched some drinks - a wine for Sasha, two beers for Ulf, and a glass of water for himself.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 25 November 2001 - 10:32 PM
The last phrase, and one in the middle aroused his interest. Something about 'raising dead' nonsense, but there was that ever-forboding feeling. And it was getting worse...
Posted 26 November 2001 - 03:34 PM
How do men that have beards play the flute?
Posted 26 November 2001 - 03:46 PM
Two wrongs are just the beginning.
Posted 27 November 2001 - 02:01 PM
He sat down at her table, in spite of the scowl she sent in his direction. "Do you mind?" she hissed, "I'm waiting for someone, and you'll scare them off!"
"Doesn't matter, you've got bigger problems," he replied tersely. "The guild is annoyed with you."
"I know that, the person I'm waiting for should help me out with that little problem."
"No, not that guild; the trade guild," he replied. His eyes shifted rapidly, checking they were unobserved, then he sketched a symbol on the table with his finger.
Katze's eyes widened a little. "Why? What'd I do to offend them?"
Sideline hunched closer, and lowered his voice. "You told them someone killed Flynn, and tried to lay the blame on them. Now they've seen that Flynn's alive; they think you played them for fools!"
Katze sat there in stunned silence.
My signature? You want to see my signature? Now why would I go revealing all my secrets to a total stranger, huh?
Posted 27 November 2001 - 05:29 PM
Sideline shrugged. "Somebody seems to have taken it that way, though."
"Well then..." Katze got up, a determined expression on her face. "I guess we'll have to pay them a visit."
"Right." Sideline nodded, grinning. Whoever was responsible - he was happy he wasn't in that guy's skin. Then something about Katze's wording caught his attention. "Hold on a sec - what do you mean, we?"
"You and I." Katze looked around the tavern. "Or do you see anybody else I could possibly have adressed?"
Sideline gulped, shaking his head.
"See?" Katze smiled brightly, taking his arm. "Don't worry, they won't harm you."
Sideline looked at her doubtfully as he was being dragged out of the tavern.
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
[This message has been edited by Moonshadow (edited 11-27-2001).]
Posted 28 November 2001 - 11:12 PM
The Assassin's Guild was even worse. Following his natural bent towards inquisitiveness and analytical thinking, he'd gained something of a reputation as someone who was good at solving crimes - particularly murder. Several members of the lower orders of the Assassin's Guild, currently domiciled in Cytheran prisons, had cause to regret underestimating his abilities; it was from several of these that he'd learned what he had of the guild, its methods of identification and its structure.
The guild was not pleased.
Nevertheless, Katze was a good friend, and she needed his help; so he found himself allowing her to drag him along into one of the places in Cythera that he was the least welcome - even though there was every chance that he wouldn't come out alive.
My signature? You want to see my signature? Now why would I go revealing all my secrets to a total stranger, huh?
[This message has been edited by Sideline (edited 11-28-2001).]
Posted 29 November 2001 - 10:38 AM
If I'm not new here, and I'm not old here, what am I?
Get on [url="http://""]IRC[/url]! My channels: #ferazel. Join in to #levo and #cythera too!
Posted 29 November 2001 - 05:58 PM
At the mention of "guild", Hergat leaned on his elbows and inconspicuously blotted out all other conversations besides the one that cought his attention, between a male and a female, who thought only the other was hearing, trying to determine what this "guild" in fact was. The two dropped their voice even lower, making it difficult for Hergat to latch onto the conversation. One of them drew a symbol on the table and the other frowned a whispered a reply, something about it being safe.
Hergat sat up and leaned back, considering something. Perhaps it was true what they said, the Brotherhood extended to other places as well... Perhaps...
[This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 11-29-2001).]
Posted 29 November 2001 - 07:49 PM
The woman silently walked towards the table. Ferazel stood up as she approached. "Katerei?" he said in a hushed voice. 'But- how? I thought you died..."
The woman shook her head. "No. I survived somehow. But my parents were not so lucky...oh, they...oh..." She paused to choke back a sob. "He killed them, Ferazel! He killed them! they're dead!" she fell into ferazel's arms, weeping.
Ferazel held her tightly. "Don't worry," he whispered. "You're here now."
Hah! I have a new name, but I'm still insane so you still have to put up with me. >

But make your own path- and your footsteps will be recognized forever.
Posted 29 November 2001 - 08:10 PM
"You know its not polite to listen in on conversations." He said with a smile. Phinral was a well-built male with a clean-shaven white face complemented by bushy eyebrows and brown chestnut hair. He was wearing a shirt with the sleves cut back and a pair of leather trousers, like his two companions.
The other human at the table grinned, showing a neat row of teeth. He had dark brown hair on top of a tanned-skin face and a short black beard and moustache. He, like his fellows, was well-built and had rippling muscles to suppliment his handsome face.
Hergat made a small smile, though it was forced. The part about the "guild" kept bothering him, causing him to ask questions, though he had enough sense to know that to do so would cause trouble. Instead he looked at his companions, Phinral and Xenar, suddenly striking up an inconspicous conversation while he quickly checked his sheathed dagger.
Posted 29 November 2001 - 08:12 PM
Welcome, Kat!
Again, Ferazel said, "You're here now." He walked out of the tavern, leaving Katerei puzzled. He walked back in a few hours later, and tossed her a small key. "I hope you like Catamarca, because I bought you a house there." he said, smiling. He then sat down at a table and ordered another glass of Northshore Red.
If I'm not new here, and I'm not old here, what am I?
Get on [url="http://""]IRC[/url]! My channels: #ferazel. Join in to #levo and #cythera too!
Posted 29 November 2001 - 08:44 PM
Outside the tavern, Katerei opened a portal and clambered inside. When she came out, she was standing in a beautiful seaside town. Following the small map that Ferazel had given her, she came to a small house located on the edge of town.
Katerei unlocked the door and stepped inside. It was chilly in there, as the fireplace was not lit, but she did not notice. she placed her haversack on the table and opened it. Inside was a black travelling cloak, a small bag of food, and a dagger in a small leather sheath. She pulled out the dagger and attached the sheath to a leather band around her upper leg, then pulled on the cloak. Katerei stepped out of the house, locking the door behind her.
The sun rose as Katerei walked to the the other side of the town. Her experiences had made her very wary of all people, so she wanted to find out what kind of a place this was. Luckily, most people were still asleep, so she was not disturbed by anyone.
Satisfied, Katerei returned to the house. She walked around to the back and looked out at the ocean. It was a familiar sight to her, even thought it was in an entirely different land. She sighed, turned around, and opened a portal back to Cademia.
Hah! I have a new name, but I'm still insane so you still have to put up with me. >

But make your own path- and your footsteps will be recognized forever.
Posted 30 November 2001 - 02:12 AM
Sasha shook her head in disbelief. "Don't tell me you sent a simulacrum!"
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 11-30-2001).]
Posted 30 November 2001 - 07:48 AM

If I'm not new here, and I'm not old here, what am I?
Get on [url="http://""]IRC[/url]! My channels: #ferazel. Join in to #levo and #cythera too!
Posted 30 November 2001 - 10:11 AM
Once outside LKH, the stranger stopped dead, looking around in awe. Wind rustled through the leaves, and birds sang cheerfully. It was almost too much to take. She could have stayed there for an eternity, just taking in all the sights and trying to place all the sounds, but the object in her hand reminded her that she had more pressing business to do. "Valva´sa mandra ya´dha fey." She muttered. From afar, she thought she heard the familiar whinny of the cold-immune, magical steeds her race had learned to summon for quicker travel, and only seconds later, a white mare was standing next to her.
Kwon looked up as he heard the whinny of a horse outside. Sure enough, he could see it standing outside the tavern through the window. There was something distinctly odd about it, apart from the fact that it was neither saddled nor bridled, but it took him a few seconds to place just what it was: he had not felt it coming. Now that it was there its life-force was clearly perceptible, yet he could have sworn it had not been there just a few seconds ago. He had not heard the sounds of hooves, either. His thoughts were interrupted, however, as a figure in a white, hooded cloak entered the room. For some reason, he was sure that she was the rider. She tilted her head in a familiar way as she looked around the tavern. Their eyes locked for a second, and Kwon felt as if she looked right into his soul. Then the stranger looked away, over to the other Ronin, then Ferazel, Katerei, Hergat, Xenar and Phinral, then the other patrons. She remained in the doorway for some more moments, insecure and a little afraid, then she headed straight for the Ronin's table. Absent-mindedly, she drew back the hood. Sasha gasped. On first sight, the stranger looked very much like Moonshadow. The same long, silvery-white hair like spun moonlight, the same high cheekbones, the same light-footedness as her feet barely seemed to touch the ground as she walked. She stopped in front of the Ronin's table. It was only then that Kwon noticed how young she was, certainly no more than sixteen years... or at least that's what he would have assumed had the girl been human. The next thing he noticed was that her eyes were icy-blue, unlike Moonshadow's, and though she was undoubtedly younger, her features, at that moment, seemed harder and held more resolution. He could sense a distinct reluctance about her, as if she didn't feel comfortable around them, and something else...
She bowed her head and raised her right hand to her temple. Then she looked up again, and, with a clear, melodic voice, began to speak. "Sanya bha, tuel’bian t’ama. Fey'dha ranari aytann'lyriamalwaar dy fey’sala dy nanda. Man’dalati miri’uûna o fey’salanur madaya lyr’uûna’tâ valha. Fea sanya fey ray’bha. Fey’laha?" The words sounded more sung than spoken, just like Moonshadow's incantations, and the last part had apparently been a question, but that was about all any of them could tell. The girl stood, with raised eyebrows, an expression of impatience showing on her face.
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
Posted 30 November 2001 - 01:17 PM
The girl stared at him, impatience giving way to consternation as she realised that no-one understood her, nor she them - she hadn't expected that.
Sasha clicked her fingers. "Kwon, what was that trick the Seldane used to give us their language?"
"Ah, yes," Kwon replied. He turned and stared at the girl for a moment, making a small gesture with his hand, then spoke again.
"Can you understand me now?"
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 30 November 2001 - 03:58 PM
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
[Edit: I made a translation mistake there

[This message has been edited by Moonshadow (edited 12-02-2001).]